Intellicus provides a mechanism to perform lookup for geographical coordinates (i.e. latitude and longitude) and geospatial information (i.e. Country, State, City, Zip Code, IP Address).
To enable this step on Query Object screen, you need to create a GIS Lookup connection (viz. MaxMind). The REST URI, access key, username, password etc. is to be provided if lookup provider is a REST web service.
In Provider, choose Lookup.
Figure 6: Lookup connection
Provide the following properties to create a Lookup connection
Property | Values | Comments |
Connection Name | Type Yourself | Name the Lookup connection |
Provider | Lookup | Select this option to create a lookup connection |
Look Up Type | Select GEO-LOCATION from the list | Type of lookup operations (like geo coding, reverse geocoding, currency conversion etc.) |
Platform | Select MaxMind from the list | External platform/lookup service provider for the selected Lookup Type |
Authentication Mode | None Basic Authentication | No authentication is required The application directly uses the username and password to authenticate the lookup service |
REST_URI | Type Yourself | The URI path of your REST web service |
Max Rows | Type Yourself | Specify the maximum number of rows to be fetched from dataset |
Username | Type Yourself | Username used to open the connection |
Password | Type Yourself | Password for the connection Blank= If username and password is not required to connect to the platform Runtime= To provide username and password when user tries to access platform |
Connection String | Auto generated | Connection String to connect to platform |
Mask Connection String | Check/Uncheck | If checked connection string is masked |
Charset Encoding | Select from list | Select UTF-8 if the database is created or started with UTF-8 encoding. Otherwise, it is blank |