This property enables the administrator to set a custom date format for the logger of all Kyvos components, which are: Web Portal, BI Server Query Engine, and Kyvos jobs.
Values and behavior:
Any valid date format
Default value:
EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,SSS z
Application: This property can be set in global.properties from Kyvos Manager and will be applicable for the logger of all Kyvos components.
Comes into effect:
The property comes into effect on restarting the appropriate Kyvos components. Ideally, you should restart all the Kyvos components so that the format is in sync across all the components.
Related Property:
Impact Area:
This impacts the pattern of logs written by Kyvos Logger for all three Kyvos components - BI Server, Query Engines, and Web Portal.
Applicable to all Kyvos environments.
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