This property is used to provide the number of records that are sent per chunk in response in case of browsing Kyvos crosstab.
Possible Values:
Any number greater than 100
If the chunk size/number of columns to be rendered in crosstab is less than 25, then the default value is set as 25. If the result is greater than 25, then that number of records will be sent per chunk in crosstab response.
Default value:
Application: If the property is set at the connection level, then the number of records in the crosstab response, sent per chunk is governed by that value. If the property value is less than 100 or if the property is not present, then by default, the BI Server assumes its value as 10,000.
Semantic Model: If the property is set on a semantic model, then the value will override the connection level value.
Comes into effect:
This is a hot deployed property. The administrator can change its value, and it will be applicable from the next login attempt. No BI Server restart is required.
Applicable to all environments.
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