Setting up LDAP for Kyvos Manager

Setting up LDAP for Kyvos Manager

Applies to: Kyvos Enterprise Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) Kyvos AWS Marketplace

Kyvos Azure Marketplace Kyvos GCP Marketplace Kyvos Single Node Installation (Kyvos SNI)

  1. Bring the AD server up in the AWS console.

  2. Login to the Kyvos Manager node and run the command:

    curl ipinfo.io/ip[kyvos@ip-172-30-0-38 ~]$ curl ipinfo.io/ip18.188.111.212You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/Kyvos[kyvos@ip-172-30-0-38 ~]$
  3. In the AD Server Security Group, add this IP ( address from port 389

  4. Log onto the Kyvos Manager and navigate to the Settings page.

  5. Get the IP address of NAT (Network Address Translation) and allow it in the inbound of the AD server security group.

Execute commands to get NAT IP address:

$ curl ipinfo.io/ip $ curl api.ipify.org $ curl checkip.dyndns.org $ telnet adipaddress 839

Details for LDAP configuration, to be filled in Kyvos Manager:

  • Hostname:

  • User DN: CN=authuser,CN=Users,DC=kyvosldap,DC=com

  • Password: Impetus@123

  • Base DN: CN=Users,DC=kyvosldap,DC=com    

  • User Name Attribute:  sAMAccountName
    User Filter:  (memberOf=CN=KyvosSupport,CN=Users,DC=kyvosldap,DC=com)

LDAP Access Credentials:

  • IP:

  • Username: Administrator

  • Password: MyAd1Kyvos@452001

Restart the BI Server from the Kyvos Manager dashboard.

Validate by logging in using the Kyvos Support members' credentials.


LDAP configuration for Kyvos Manager

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