Java API for Building Cube

Java API for Building Cube

Applies to: Kyvos Enterprise  Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) Kyvos AWS Marketplace

Kyvos Azure Marketplace   Kyvos GCP Marketplace Kyvos Single Node Installation (Kyvos SNI)


process a semantic model object

  1. Process semantic model with NOW option

  2. Process semantic model with ONCE option

  3. Cancel semantic model process if currently running

  4. Resume semantic model process

  5. Replace partitions

  6. Data profile for Semantic model with ONCE option

  7. Data profile for Semantic model with NOW option


  1. Process semantic model with NOW option

    /** * method to process semantic model Object * @param cubeName: name of the semantic model * @param folderName: name of the folder containing semantic model * @param buildType: type of the process , FULL or INCREMENTAL * @param additionalParams: JSONObject containing fields: userParams, replacePartition, consolidationType, buildSourceDatasets, * recommendationParamsJson, minimalAggregation, minimalAggregation, factDataPartitionSize, * factDataPartitionCount, incrementalJobProcessType * factDataPartitionCount, incrementalJobProcessType, buildConnectionName */ public void buildCubeNow(String cubeName, String folderName, String buildType, UserInfo userInfo, JSONObject additionalParams);
  2. Process semantic model with ONCE option

    /** * method to process semantic model Object * @param cubeName: name of the semantic model * @param folderName: name of the folder containing semantic model * @param buildType: type of the process , FULL or INCREMENTAL * @param additionalParams: JSONObject containing fields: userParams, onceDateTime, replacePartition, consolidationType, buildSourceDatasets, * recommendationParamsJson, minimalAggregation, minimalAggregation, factDataPartitionSize, * factDataPartitionCount, incrementalJobProcessType, buildConnectionName */ public void buildCubeOnce(String cubeName, String folderName, String buildType, UserInfo userInfo, JSONObject additionalParams);
  3. Cancel semantic model process if currently running.

    /** * Method to add ONCE process schedule for semantic model object * @param cubeName: name of the semantic model * @param folderName: name of the folder containing semantic model * @param buildType: type of the process, FULL or INCREMENTAL * @param onceDateTime: date time in format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm * @param userInfo: Object of type UserInfo containing information about logged in user * @param incrementalJobProcessType: type of process: FACT_ADJUSTMENTS */ public void buildCubeOnce(String cubeName, String folderName, String buildType, String onceDateTime, UserInfo userInfo, String incrementalJobProcessType);
  4. Resume semantic model process

    /** * method to resume semantic model process for semantic model object in ReportObjectManager.  * @param historyId: history id of last resumable semantic model process. * @param userInfo: Object of type UserInfo containing information about logged in user. */ public void resumeBuild(String historyId, UserInfo userInfo);
  5. Replace partitions.

    /** * method to launch Replace Partition process and incremental process with Replace partition: * @param CubeObject:  Object of type CubeObject. * @param PartitionInfo: Object of type PartitionInfo. * @param userInfo: Object of type UserInfo containing information about logged in user. */ public void launchReplacePartitionBuild(CubeObject co, PartitionInfo replacePartitionInfoObj, UserInfo userInfo); public void launchReplacePartitionWithIncrementalBuild(CubeObject co, PartitionInfo replacePartitionInfoObj, UserInfo userInfo);
  6. Data profile for a semantic model with ONCE option

    /** * method to add ONCE Data Profile schedule for semantic model object * @param co: CubeObject to be profiled * @param onceDateTime: date time in format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm * @param profile: Object of type DataProfile containing field information * @param userInfo: Object of type UserInfo containing information about logged in user * @param buildConnectionName: name of process connection */ public void profileCubeOnce(CubeObject co, String onceDateTime, DataProfile profile, UserInfo userInfo, String buildConnectionName);
  7. Data profile for a semantic model with NOW option.

    /** * method to add NOW Data Profile schedule for semantic model object * @param co: CubeObject to be profiled * @param profile: Object of type DataProfile containing field information * @param userInfo: Object of type UserInfo containing information about logged in user * @param buildConnectionName: name of process connection */ public void profileCubeNow(CubeObject co, DataProfile profile, UserInfo userInfo, String buildConnectionName;
  8. Parse connectionXML and set internal properties of DBConnection. 

    /** * Constructor accepting connectionXML as input. Connection properties will be set by parsing this XML. * @param connectoinXML */ public DBConnection(String connectoinXML)
  9. Set a property in a DBConnection object.

    /** * Method to set connection property. * @param propertyName * @param propertyValue */ public void setProperty(String propertyName, String propertyValue)
  10. Set a property in a DBConnection. It is useful when a value is encrypted.

    /** * Method to set connection property. * @param propertyName * @param propertyValue * @param isEncrypted * @param cryptographicAlgorythm */ public void setProperty(String propertyName, String propertyValue, String isEncrypted, String cryptographicAlgorythm)

Sample code

/*Method to trigger semantic model Build *BuildType Can be FULL, INCREMENTAL */ public static void buildCubeNow(SchedulerManager schedulerManager, UserInfo userInfo) { schedulerManager.buildCubeNow("CubeName", "CubeFolderName", "BuildType", userInfo); } /*Method to Cancel semantic model Build *BuildType Can be FULL, INCREMENTAL */ public static void cancelCubeBuild(SchedulerManager schedulerManager, UserInfo userInfo){ schedulerManager.cancelCubeBuild("CubeName", "CubeFolderName", "BuildType", userInfo); } /*Method to Resume semantic model Build*/ public static void resumeBuild(ReportObjectManager repObjManager, UserInfo userInfo){ try { repObjManager.resumeBuild("CubeBuildHistoryID", userInfo); } catch (ReportObjectException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /*Method to trigger Data Profile on Cube*/ public static void profileCubeNow(SchedulerManager schedulerManager, RepositoryManager repManager, UserInfo userInfo) { try { /*Cube and Cube Folder should be present on Kyvos*/ CubeObject cubeObject = repManager.getCubeByName("CubeName", "CubeFolderName", userInfo); DataProfile profile = new DataProfile(); schedulerManager.profileCubeNow(cubeObject, profile, userInfo); } catch (ReportObjectException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }

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