Connecting to Kyvos semantic models in Looker
Applies to: Kyvos Enterprise Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) Kyvos AWS Marketplace
Kyvos Azure Marketplace  Kyvos GCP Marketplace Kyvos Single Node Installation (Kyvos SNI)
The Looker business user can connect and browse Kyvos data semantic models for superfast analytics of vast volumes of data.
Creating a connection between Kyvos and Looker
To connect Kyvos and Looker, perform the following steps:
From the Admin menu select Connections.
To add a new Connection, click on Add Connection > Database connection.
The Connection Settings page is displayed, as shown in the following figure.Enter details as:
Name: Provide a name that you will use to refer to this connection in models.
Dialect: Select the Apache Spark2.0 option.
Remote Host:Port: Enter your Kyvos URL with the port. For example, 8081
Database - Select the Default option.
Username - Provide your username.
Password - Provide your password.
Additional Parameters: Enter the parameter as kyvos/sql
Click Test These Settings.
Click Add Connection.
Once you have created a connection, it will be visible on the Connections screen.
To modify a connection, use the Edit button corresponding to the connection on the Connections page.
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