Kyvos connection for Excelerate Kyvos (Excel add-in)

Kyvos connection for Excelerate Kyvos (Excel add-in)

Applies to: Kyvos Enterprise  Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) Kyvos AWS Marketplace

Kyvos Azure Marketplace   Kyvos GCP Marketplace Kyvos Single Node Installation (Kyvos SNI)

This section provides information about how to create Kyvos connected for Excelerate Kyvos (Excel add-in) Desktop and Web.

Creating Kyvos connection for Excelerate Kyvos (Excel add-in) Desktop

User name/password Authentication type

  1. On the Excelerate ribbon, click the Kyvos option and then choose Connections. The Manage Connections dialog box is displayed.

  2. Click Add. The Connections dialog box is displayed showing a list of all the recent connections.

  3. To establish a new connection, click the New Connection tab.

  4. In the Server field, provide the server URL in http://<ServerName>:<port>/<kyvos>/xmlaKyvos format.
    <ServerName> is the IP address or DSN name of your Kyvos Server.
    <Port> is the port number on which Kyvos listens.
    <kyvos> is the web app name.

  5. Select the Requires Logon checkbox and choose authentication type as Username/Password.

  6. Provide the User credentials and click OK.

  7. Choose the required Database and Semantic Models and click OK.

  8. The connection established above is listed in the Recent Connections tab.

  9. Now you can browse the semantic model. For example, to view a grid, click Grid and Tables > Grid. The Manage Connections dialog is displayed. 

  10. Select the connection that you created, and click OK

    You will see the Kyvos semantic model dimensions and measures in the Design Grid.

Browser-based login/SSO


The public OIDC configuration is required to use this authentication type. See the section OIDC Settings for Public Client at the OIDC based external authentication for Kyvos Web Portal page.

Before performing the following steps, you need to add the https://localhost/SSOToken.html URL in the Sign-in redirect URIs of IDP such as Okta and Azure

  1. On the Excelerate ribbon, click the Kyvos option and then choose Connections. The Manage Connections dialog box is displayed.

  2. Click Add. The Connections dialog box is displayed showing a list of all the recent connections.

  3. To establish a new connection, click the New Connection tab.

  4. In the Server field, provide the server URL in http://<ServerName>:<port>/<kyvos>/xmlaKyvos format.
    <ServerName> is the IP address or DSN name of your Kyvos Server.
    <Port> is the port number on which Kyvos listens.
    <kyvos> is the web app name.
    Select the Requires Logon checkbox and choose authentication type as Browser-based login.

  5. Click Connect, and you will redirect to OIDC provider login page (Okta in this case). You must provide credentials and click Sign in.

  6. Now, you will connect to Kyvos if authenticate successfully through OIDC. Now, Select database and semantic models.

    You will see the Kyvos semantic model dimensions and measures in the Design Grid.

Windows SSO connection

To connect Excelerate Desktop with Kyvos via SSO connection, perform the following steps.

  1. On Excelerate Desktop, click Connections > Add.

  2. In the Server field, provide the server URL in http://<ServerName>:<port>/<kyvos>/xmlaKyvosSSO format.
    <ServerName> is the IP address or DSN name of your Kyvos Server.
    <Port> is the port number on which Kyvos listens.
    <kyvos> is the web app name.

  3. Ensure that the Requires Login checkbox is NOT selected, and click Connect.

Working with Kyvos connection for Excelerate Kyvos (Excel add-in) Web

Publishing a connection to Excelerate Kyvos (Excel add-in) Web

  1. Navigate to the Kyvos tab on Excelerate Kyvos (Excel add-in) Web and click Publish to Web > Publish connection.

  2. Provide the Web site where the connection needs to be published.

  3. Provide a connection Name and select the folder where the connection needs to be published.

  4. Click OK.

Using Published connection from Excelerate Web 

  1. Go to Excelerate Web.

  2. Select Adhoc Grid and go to the New Connection area.

  3. From the Connect to list, select the Published Connection option.

  4. Choose the connection on which the grid is to be designed and click Select.

  5. The Grid designer is displayed on the chosen connection. Here you can design the grid as you like and then click OK to load the grid.

Publishing a workbook to Excelerate Web

  1. Navigate to the Kyvos tab on Excelerate Web and click Publish to Web > Publish Workbook to web.

  2. On the publisher dialog box, select the Web site name from the drop-down and provide the Workbook Name.

  3. From the Folder to Publish to list, select the folder where the workbook needs to be published and click Publish.

  4. To see the published workbook, go to Excelerate Kyvos (Excel add-in) Web and navigate to the folder specified earlier in the Publisher window.

  5. Select the workbook name. The grid loads on the UI as shown below.

Configure Windows SSO for Excelerate Kyvos (Excel add-in) Web


  • Open Internet Information Services Manager and expand connection >Click Sites >Default Web Site >XLcubed Web > click Authentication.

  • Enable ASP.NET Impersonation and enable Windows Authentication and close IIS Manager.

To configure Windows SSO for Windows Excelerate Web, perform the following steps.

  1. Open web.config file from path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\XLCubedWeb

  2. Put the below properties in the web.xml file as needed. If you want to use Windows SSO then insert property <add key="ForceAnalysisServicesUser" value="true" /> in the web.xml file.

  3. Open Excelerate Management Console, choose Windows and then click Apply and close.

Configure OIDC for Excelerate Kyvos (Excel add-in) Web

Prerequisites to configure OIDC.

  • Enterprise FluenceXLWeb (Kyvos-Excel add-in)

  • A SQL-based Repository in Role mode. Refer to FluenceXL documentation for more details.

  • An identity provider service that supports OIDC (for example, Okta and Azure).

  • License with SSO support.

To configure OIDC, perform the following steps.

  1. Open web.config file from path

  2. Put the below properties in the web.xml file as per the requirement. If the user wants to use OIDC then he should insert the below 2 properties
    <add key="KyvosClientSecret" value="[Client_Secrete]" />
    <add key="KyvosAlwaysPromptUserNameAndPassword" value="true" />

  3. Now, open Excelerate Kyvos (Excel add-in) Management Console, and choose Custom Provider >click Configure.

  4. Provide required details as:

    1. Provider type: Choose the OIDC option.

    2. Openid-configuration: Provide the base URL of IDP
      For OKTA- https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default
      For Azure-https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}/v2.0 /.well-known/openid-configuration

    3. Client ID: Provide the Client ID provided by the authorization server upon registration of the application. This ID is used for identifying the client.

    4. In the Setup area, provide details per the required configuration.

    5. Provide a comma-separated list of scopes as per given at Kyvos Manager > Security > web based SSO > OIDC configuration page.
      In Kyvos

      In Fluence XL web

  5. Provide group claims as per header Name given at Kyvos Manager>Security> web based SSO>OIDC configuration.
    In Kyvos

    In Fluence XL Web

  6. Click Apply and close.


You can use Windows SSO or OIDC in Excelerate Kyvos (Excel add-in) Web. Both configurations are not allowed to be used at the same time. This is a known behavior of Excelerate.


To learn more about the Kyvos Excelerate Kyvos (Excel add-in) functional capabilities, refer to the video tutorials.

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