Kyvos Web accessibility

Kyvos Web accessibility

Applies to: Kyvos Enterprise  Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) Kyvos AWS Marketplace

Kyvos Azure Marketplace   Kyvos GCP Marketplace Kyvos Single Node Installation (Kyvos SNI)

Kyvos is fully committed to the inclusion of its customers and users with disabilities. Accordingly, we are taking steps to help ensure user experience on the Kyvos Web portal adheres to WCAG 2.1 Level AA standards.

Kyvos undertakes continuous internal reviews and audits of our applications for accessibility. We use accessibility testing tools to verify our compliance with WCAG 2.1 Level AA rules.

Status Summary

The WACG 2.1 Level AA has a set of 50 rules. Here's a summary of the Kyvos' compliance to them.


Number of rules

Fully supported


Mostly supported


Partially supported


Not applicable


Not supported


Grand Total


Status Details

Accessibility Guidelines for Level A and AA as per WCAG 2.1

Kyvos Current Status

Kyvos Viz. Current Status

Accessibility Guidelines for Level A and AA as per WCAG 2.1

Kyvos Current Status

Kyvos Viz. Current Status

1.1.1 Non-text Content Level A

Mostly supported

Fully supported

1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded) Level A

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded) Level A

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded) Level A

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

1.2.4 Captions (Live) Level AA

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

1.2.5 Audio Description (Prerecorded) Level AA

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

1.3.1 Info and Relationships Level A

Mostly supported

Fully supported

1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence Level A

Fully supported

Fully supported

1.3.3 Sensory Characteristics Level A

Fully supported

Fully supported

1.3.4 Orientation Level AA (Added in 2.1)

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose Level AA (Added in 2.1)

Mostly supported

Fully supported

1.4.1 Use of Color Level A

Fully supported

Fully supported

1.4.2 Audio Control Level A

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) Level AA

Fully supported

Fully supported

1.4.4 Resize text Level AA

Not supported

Not supported

1.4.5 Images of Text Level AA

Fully supported

Fully supported

1.4.10 Reflow Level AA (Added in 2.1)

Mostly supported

Not supported

1.4.11 Non-text Contrast Level AA (Added in 2.1)

Fully supported

Fully supported

1.4.12 Text Spacing Level AA (Added in 2.1)

Mostly supported

Mostly supported

1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus Level AA (Added in 2.1)

Fully supported

Fully supported

2.1.1 Keyboard Level A

Mostly supported

Mostly supported

2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap Level A

Fully supported

Fully supported

2.1.4 Character Key Shortcuts Level A (Added in 2.1)

Partially supported

Fully supported

2.2.1 Timing Adjustable Level A

Not supported

Not Applicable

2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide Level A

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

2.3.1 Three Flashes or Below Threshold Level A

Fully supported

Fully supported

2.4.1 Bypass Blocks Level A

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

2.4.2 Page Titled Level A

Fully supported

Fully supported

2.4.3 Focus Order Level A

Fully supported

Fully supported

2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context) Level A

Fully supported

Fully supported

2.4.5 Multiple Ways Level AA

Fully supported

Fully supported

2.4.6 Headings and Labels Level AA

Fully supported

Fully supported

2.4.7 Focus Visible Level AA

Fully supported

Fully supported

2.5.1 Pointer Gestures Level A (Added in 2.1)

Fully supported

Fully supported

2.5.2 Pointer Cancellation Level A (Added in 2.1)

Fully supported

Fully supported

2.5.3 Label in Name Level A (Added in 2.1)

Not supported

Fully supported

2.5.4 Motion Actuation Level A (Added in 2.1)

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

3.1.1 Language of Page Level A

Fully supported

Fully supported

3.1.2 Language of Parts Level AA

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

3.2.1 On Focus Level A

Fully supported

Fully supported

3.2.2 On Input Level A

Fully supported

Fully supported

3.2.3 Consistent Navigation Level AA

Fully supported

Fully supported

3.2.4 Consistent Identification Level AA

Fully supported

Fully supported

3.3.1 Error Identification Level A

Partially supported

Mostly supported

3.3.2 Labels or Instructions Level A

Partially supported

Fully supported

3.3.3 Error Suggestion Level AA

Partially supported

Fully supported

3.3.4 Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data) Level AA

Not supported

Not Applicable

4.1.1 Parsing Level A

Fully supported

Fully supported

4.1.2 Name, Role, Value Level A

Partially supported

Fully supported

4.1.3 Status Messages Level AA (Added in 2.1)

Not supported

Fully supported

Recent Accessibility Improvements

Consistent with our commitment to accessibility, the following accessibility improvements and functionalities have been released recently:

Kyvos 2024.1

The Kyvos Viewer module now adheres to WCAG 2.1 Level A and AA guidelines.

  • Accessibility in Kyvos Viz. charts

    • Supported the following in Kyvos Viz. for table

      • Keyboard Navigation:  

        • Users can navigate across table elements using the tab key and arrow keys.

        • Users can use the context menu shortcut (ctrl + shift + M) on focused table elements if the context menu is available. 

      • Aria Label and Role (Name, Role, Value A 4.1.2) :  

        • Table elements have role and aria-label attributes. These are used by assistive technologies to enhance accessibility.  

    • Supported the following in Kyvos Viz. for crosstab

      • Keyboard Navigation:  

        • Users can navigate across crosstab elements using the tab key and arrow keys.

        • Users can use the context menu shortcut (ctrl + shift + M) on focused crosstab elements if the context menu is available. 

    • Supported the following in Kyvos Viz. for KPI

      • Keyboard Navigation:  

        • Users can navigate to KPI using the tab key.

        • Users can use the context menu shortcut (ctrl + shift + M) on focused KPI if the context menu is available. 

      • Aria Label and Role (Name, Role, Value A 4.1.2) :  

        • KPIs have role and aria-label attributes. These are used by assistive technologies to enhance accessibility. 

    • Usability improvements as per rule: 3.3.1 Error Identification (Level A) in Kyvos Viewer. 

Kyvos 2023.5

The Kyvos Viewer module now adheres to WCAG 2.1 Level A and AA guidelines.

  • Non-text Content (1.1.1):
    All non-text content that includes active images (image links), area maps, informative images, complex charts and graphs, CSS images, decorative images, input image controls, CAPTCHA, audio, and video content must have text alternatives. This Success Criterion helps people who have difficulty perceiving visual content. Assistive technology can read text aloud, present it visually, or convert it to braille. 

    • All the icon action buttons and legend icons have alternate text as a tooltip. 

    • All the charts have textual information about the chart on the tooltip. 

    • The quick start video has a text description of the video. 

    • The Kyvos/Kyvos Lite logo has alternate text as a tooltip. 

    • All image tags have alt attributes. 

    • If an image or icon is used as a button or link, the image has a text alternative sufficient to describe the purpose of the button or link. 

  • Labels or Instructions Level A (3.3.2): 
    Labels or instructions are provided when content requires user input. 

    • Descriptive labels for inputs. Visually position labels consistently, making associating labels with form controls easy.

    •  Set fields that describe the necessary input. 

    • Indicate required fields. 

  • Name, Role, Value A 4.1.2: 
    For all user interface components (including but not limited to form elements, links, and components generated by scripts), the name and role can be programmatically determined; states, properties, and values that the user can set can be programmatically set; and notification of changes to these items is available to user agents, including assistive technologies. 

    • ARIA labels, descriptions, roles, states, and properties to expose information about the component. 

    • ARIA enhances accessibility only when HTML is not sufficient. 

    • Role attribute on HTML elements wherever needed. 

    • All form controls and other interactive elements have an accessible name. 

  • Identify Input Purpose Level AA (1.3.5):
    All the input form controls are defined with the type attribute. 

  • Label in name Level A (2.5.3): 

    • The accessible name for a User Interface element contains any visual label for the element.

    • Accessible names for UI elements match visual labels. 

  • Info and Relationships Level A (1.3.1): 

    • Semantic markup to designate headings, lists, figures, emphasized text, etc. 

    • Page organization using nested HTML headings. 

    • Indicate required fields. 

    • The text indicates the required fields that have been left blank or missed.

  • Error Identification Level A (3.3.1):

    • All the input elements have an error style when an error comes. 

    • Error information is shown in the form of text. 

    • Programmatically indicate required fields using the required or aria-required attributes. Also, visually indicate required fields in the form's instructions or form labels. 

    • Identify errors using aria-invalid. 

  • Character key shortcuts Level A 2.1.4 : 

    • No global shortcuts have only letters. 

    • If a keyboard shortcut is implemented in content using only letters (including upper- and lower-case letters), punctuation, numbers, or symbol characters

  • Accessibility in Kyvos Viz. charts

    • Supported Kyvos Viz. Chart types are Bar Chart, Column Chart, Dot Chart, Curve Chart, Area Chart, Pie Chart, Scatter Chart, Line Chart and Gantt Chart.

    • The following rules have been implemented for the supported Kyvos Viz. charts, as mentioned above:  

      • Keyboard Navigation:  

        • Users can navigate across chart elements using the tab key. 

        • Users can use the context menu shortcut (ctrl + shift + M) on focused chart elements if the context menu is available. 

      • Aria Label and Role (Name, Role, Value A 4.1.2) :  

        • Chart elements have role and aria-label attributes. These are used by assistive technologies to enhance accessibility. 

      • Tooltip: 

        • All the charts have textual information about the chart on the tooltip. 

        • Tooltips will be visible to users when the chart element is focused using the tab key. 

Kyvos 2022.3

Non-text Content:
All non-text content that includes active images (image links), area maps, informative images, complex charts and graphs, CSS images, decorative images, input image controls, CAPTCHA, audio, and video content now have text alternatives.

  1. All the icon action buttons and legend icons have alternate text as a tooltip. 

  2. All the charts have textual information about the chart on the tooltip. 

  3. The quick start video has a text description of the video. 

  4. Kyvos/Kyvos Lite logo has an alternate text as a tooltip. 

Meaningful Sequences: 
This aims to ensure that the order of the information and content on the web page is clear for all users. Elements appear in logical reading order in code so that they are presented in a meaningful order to screen reader users.  

  1. HTML code order and visual appearance reading order in the same logical order.

  2. Focus on each interactive element by tab key in logical order. 

Sensory Characteristics: 
Instructions provided for understanding and operating content should not rely solely on sensory characteristics of components such as shape, color, size, visual location, orientation, or sound.  Legend icons now come with more than one characteristic, like shape, color, and text, to provide a clear understanding. 

Identify Input Purpose: 
Users can understand all the input type meanings by assistive devices. All users, but particularly those with cognitive impairments, benefit from programmatically determinable input fields. These allow assistive technologies to understand the purpose of fields and present them in a preferred format to the user. 

  1. All the input form controls are defined with the type attribute. 

Text Spacing: 

  1. Line height (line spacing) is set to at least 1.5 times the font size. 

  2. Spacing between the following paragraphs is set at 2 times the font size.  

  3. Letter spacing (tracking) is set at 0.12 times the font size. 

  4. Word spacing is set at 0.16 times the font size. 

Content on Hover or Focus: 

  1. Users can now interact with Tooltip. 

  2. The tooltip does not disappear automatically if a pointer or focus exists within. 

  3. The tooltip is dismissible using the Esc key. 

  4. The tooltip disappears automatically if the mouse pointer or focus moves out from the element. 

Error Identification: 
If an input error is automatically detected, the item that has an error is identified, and the error is described to the user in the form of text.   

  1. All the input elements have a consistent error style for showing errors. 

  2. Error information is shown in the form of text. 

Color Contrast Accessibility as per WCAG guidelines:
The Dark Gary theme in the Kyvos portal is color accessible. 

  1. The color contrast ratio is maintained at least 7:1 for normal text. 

  2. The color contrast ratio is maintained at least 3:1 for graphics and user interface components (such as form input borders and icons). 


Workbook Section

Users can interact and perform different operations on the workbook header using the keyboard. All context menus and dialogs related to them are also accessible using the keyboard. These include: 

  • Shortcut 

  • Parameters 

  • Workbook settings 

  • Add Worksheet 

  • Share menu dialogs (link, email, grant access, view email history) 

 Worksheet Section 

  • Worksheet Header: All the elements, context menus, and dialogs of the worksheet header are accessible using the keyboard. These include: 

    • Action 

    • Share menu 

    • Rename fields 

    • Export 

    • Show data menu 

    • Add note 

    • Workspace settings 

  • Dimensions and Measure Panel
    Users can interact and perform different operations on the dimensions and measures panel in the worksheet using the keyboard. Drag-drop functionality like adding dimension and measure on different shelves is also accessible by keyboard. Users can achieve results of drag-drop by using the keyboard only through the context menu option. 

  • Change Viz Panel:
    Users can change the visualization using the keyboard.

  • Shelves:
    Users can move dimensions and measures present on one shelf to another shelf using a keyboard and can sort dimensions or measure within the same shelf using the keyboard. Users can perform different operations on context menu for shelves using the keyboard.
    Users can also perform different operations on the highlight dialog using the keyboard. 

  • Filters:   
    Users can perform different operations on the filter panel, including adding, updating, or removing the existing filter,s and also can interact with dimension, measure, and contextual topN filters operations through a keyboard. This also covers the list by condition filters (cohort filter). 

  • Properties Panel:  
    Users can change or interact with different properties of all the visualization through a keyboard. 

Dashboard Section 

  • Dashboard Header:  
    All elements, context menus, and dialogs of the dashboard header are accessible to users using a keyboard. These include: 

    • Link cards 

    • Delete cards 

    • Share menu 

    • Export 

    • Properties panel 

    • Add card dialogs:  Filter card, HTML card, URL-based card, Group card, Data card. 

  • Dashboard Widget Title
    Users can interact with and perform different operations on widget headers and their context menu using a keyboard.

Section Navigation:

The worksheet designer screen has section navigation to jump quickly from one area to another using a keyboard. 

  • Sections in the worksheet: Change cube panel, shelves, visualization rendering area, filter panel, and properties panel. 

Kyvos 2022.2

Home Page

Users can now navigate throughout the home page using a keyboard.

  • Application Header: Users can use the elements on the Application header using a keyboard.

  • New and Quick Data Modeling buttons: Users can use these buttons using a keyboard. The New button shows a menu with the option to jump on a use-case directly with new entity creation. Users can also use these menu options using a keyboard.

  • Recent: Users can use recent items using a keyboard. Both Grid and Tile views support keyboard navigation.

  • Quick Links: Users can use Quick Links using a keyboard. Focusing on links and access to corresponding help links is also supported using a keyboard.

  • Users can navigate from the Recent items Tile view to the Quick Links panel if there are too many items in it to be accessed through the tab button.

Activity Monitor

  • Users can navigate through the Activity Monitor using a keyboard.

  • Users can navigate to the grid using the tab button, and navigate within the grid using arrow keys.

  • Users can work with all the context menus, and dialogs associated with the activity monitor’s use cases using a keyboard.

  • Users can apply filters on completed jobs and audit logs using a keyboard. All popovers (criteria and value popovers) of the filters also support navigation through keyboard. 

Export Objects

  • Users can select and export entities using a keyboard.

  • Users can work with the context menu and other dialogs associated with this use case using a keyboard.

Import Objects

  • Users can upload a cab file using a keyboard.

  • Users can choose entities using a keyboard.

  • Users can perform all available operations using a keyboard.

Quick Data Modeler

  • Register Data: Users can perform all operations while registering data through quick data modeler.

  • Define Relationships: Users can perform all operations while defining relationship through quick data modeler. Keyboard behavior would be same as Relationship use case.

  • Design Cube: Users can perform all operations while designing cube through quick data modeler. Keyboard behavior would be same as Cube Designer use case.

  • Build: Users can perform all operations while building cube through quick data modeler.

Register Files

  • User can use the Preview section of registered file workspace using keyboard.
    Note: Other areas in registered file workspace are already accessible through keyboard as part of 2022.1.

Relationships Designer

Relationships Designer or DRD has two types of view for the designer area i.e. Graphical View and Tabular View. The tabular view is accessible by keyboard and users can work on all the functionalities in the tabular view using a keyboard.

  • Section Navigation: The relationships designer screen supports section navigation to jump quickly from one area to another by keyboard.

  • Components

    • Field List: Field list for files and datasets is accessible by keyboard and user can perform operations on them. Drag drop functionality is also accessible by keyboard through context menu options.

    • DRD Designer: All the elements of designer area are accessible through keyboard and uses can perform actions on them using key combinations such as tab, shift tab, and enter.

    • DRD Nodes: DRD Nodes are accessible by keyboard. Context menu operations and node/edge properties selections also support navigation using a keyboard.

    • Properties Panel: All the operations are accessible and can be performed using keyboard such as switching between nodes, opening the source entity for node, and so on.

Cube Designer

  • Section Navigation: The cube designer screen allows section navigation to jump quickly from one area to another using a keyboard.
    Sections in cube:

    • Design tab: Candidate panel, main design tab content, property panel, filter panel.

    • Refine tab: Physical view, property panel, filter panel.

    • Build tab: Build history Grid area and filter area.

  • Components

    • Drag-Drop: Users can use keyboard navigation to drag-drop field to dimension or measure panel which automatically creates measure/attribute/level.

    • Sorting: Cube elements in designer screen can be rearranged to alter design anytime, which is possible by sorting feature. As part of keyboard accessibility, users can sort cube elements using the keyboard.

      • Sorting is supported for single and multiple elements.

      • All current restrictions of sorting remain same while sorting by keyboard.

      • If active element is in focus then it should consider all other active elements for multiple elements sorting otherwise it should be single element sorting.

      • Users can remove sorting at any point using the Esc key.

      • After placing element to its desired place user can press enter to apply sorting.

  • Cube Build

    • Build history grid should be keyboard accessible. Context menu operations and summary/edit operation should be operable by keyboard.

  • Build tab: All the functionality is accessible via keyboard, including the following dialogs:

    • Full, incremental, Test, Update aggregates, Cache build, Drop partition, Data profile.

    • Job summary/data profile result

    • Manage build instances

    • Clear Test build data

  • Refine tab: All the functionality is accessible via keyboard

    • Physical view: Sorting and property panel operations are keyboard accessible.

    • Partition Strategy options are keyboard accessible.

    • Aggregation Strategy options are keyboard accessible.

    • Cache Strategy options are keyboard accessible.

    • Advanced Properties are keyboard accessible including child dialogs and other UI functionalities.

  • All other context menu dialogs are also be accessible by keyboard.

    • SQL Metadata

    • Data Security

    • Cube Metadata Export (TDS)

    • Data Field Lineage

    • Workspace settings

    • Expand collapse

    • Refresh

    • Validate

    • Share Menu

    • Add Note

    • Set Query patterns

    • Get Recommendations


Users can see tooltip when focus is moved using keyboard.

Note: Disabled elements will not get focused, so no tooltip will be shown for such elements.

Kyvos 2022.1

  • All the modules of the Setup are now accessible through keyboard navigation, including:

    • List and tree components

    • All the buttons, such as text buttons, links, primary and secondary buttons

    • All the form controls and custom controls

    • Context menu and popover menu

    • Disabled items are handled through a disabled cursor

  • The default theme of the Kyvos web portal is now web-accessible.

  • Some of the Kyvos chart color palettes are now web-accessible.

Kyvos 2021.3

  • All non-text content presented to the users comes with text alternatives that serve the equivalent purpose.

  • Information, structure, and relationship updated for “screen reader” readiness.

  • Content is distinguishable by color contrast.

  • New button style for all action buttons to make them simple, understandable, consistent, and distinguishable.

  • Kyvos web application navigation panel is accessible using Keyboard, where:

    • Tab key can be used to traverse and focus across the use-case mini variant menu, search, action icon, and entity lists.

    • The up and down key can be used to focus on list items within a panel.

    • Enter key can be used to select the focused item (selected item).

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