

Applies to: Kyvos Enterprise  Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) Kyvos AWS Marketplace

Kyvos Azure Marketplace   Kyvos GCP Marketplace Kyvos Single Node Installation (Kyvos SNI)

Single-click Upgrade for Kyvos Manager and Kyvos

You can easily upgrade both Kyvos and Kyvos Manager applications to a newer version by simply selecting the required version from the Kyvos Manager portal.

This is applicable to all environments.

In the table below:

MP = Marketplace | MS = Managed Services | SNS = Single Node Standard | Ent = Enterprise





Azure MP

Azure MP SNS




Azure Ent



Single Click Upgrade







Single Click Rollback









Independent Kyvos Patch

(Version Dropdown / text input based)





Independent Kyvos Patch

Independent Kyvos Upgrade (upload / list)

Independent Kyvos Rollback

Independent KM Upgrade (upload / list)

Independent KM Rollback

  1. On the navigation pane, click Application Update > Upgrade.

  2. On the Upgrade page, provide the information as:

  1. To see upgrade history, click the Actions menu (...) and select the View History option.

Upgrade Kyvos

You can also upgrade individual components such as Kyvos or Kyvos Manager.

To upgrade only Kyvos, select the Kyvos option from the Upgrade list. For the next on-screen options, refer to Single-click Kyvos Manager and Kyvos section.


Upgrade Kyvos Manager

You can also upgrade individual components such as Kyvos or Kyvos Manager.

To upgrade only Kyvos, select the Kyvos Manager option from the Upgrade list. For the next on-screen options, refer to Single-click Kyvos Manager and Kyvos section.


Manually upgrading Kyvos Manager

To upgrade Kyvos to a new version, perform the following steps.

  1. If not stopped already, stop Kyvos Manager from the terminal using the following command.


  2. Copy the new Kyvos Manager setup on the machine parallel to the older version of Kyvos Manager is installed.
    For this: 

    1. Log in to the machine using the credentials of the user, which were used for installing the previous version.

    2. Download the setup from the FTP site to the location where you need to install it. For example, /data/kyvosXXXX.YY/

    3. For the older version of Kyvos Manager, we assume:

      1. Installation directory is located at /data/kyvos

      2. Kyvos Manager home directory is located at /data/kyvos/kyvosmanager

      3. Data directory is located at /data/kyvos/kyvosmanagerdata

  3. Extract the Kyvos Manager bundle using the following command:
    tar -xvf KyvosManager<version>_ux64.tar.gz
    You will get a folder named kyvosmanager_war.

  4. Make the following configurations in the setenv.sh file located at $KM_HOME/kyvosmanager_war/kyvosmanager/bin/

    1. Set absolute paths for the following variables, as shown in the examples.

      1. KM_BASE_DIR: Should point to the kyvosmanager_war folder.

      2. KM_DATA_DIR: Should point to kyvosmanagerdata folder of the older installation.
        Example: KM_DATA_DIR=/data/kyvosmanager_war/kyvosmanagerdata/

      3. JRE_HOME: Should point to the JRE folder in the kayvosmanager_war folder.
        Example: /data/kyvosmanager_war/jre/

  5. Copy all the contents of the kyvosmanager_war/kyvosmanagerdata/server/repo/ folder to the KM_DATA_DIR/server/ location.

  6. Merge the contents of your existing conf/kyvosanager.properties file to the conf/kyvosanager.properties of the new version.

  7. Copy the contents of the kyvosmanager_war/kyvosmanagerdata/server/repo/ folder to the KM_DATA_DIR/server/ location.

  8. Start Kyvos Manager from the terminal using the command:

    cd       kyvosmanager_war/kyvosmanager/bin ./start-km.sh
  9. Login to Kyvos Manager and check the version from the About page to verify a successful upgrade.

  10. The Kyvos Manager cluster dashboard displays a warning message, prompting you to upgrade your Kyvos version. Click Upgrade. Now you can upgrade Kyvos .

Kyvos Manager Tomcat Server logs 

From Kyvos 2023.3 onwards, logs of Kyvos Manager Tomcat Server will be located in the kyvosmanagerdata/server/tomcatLogs path. 


Kyvos Manager Tomcat Server logs will be generated in the kyvosmanagerdata/server/tomcatLogs location even after upgrading the Kyvos Manager version.

Upgrade Kyvos Manager in Azure


  • Using the same external repository instance is not recommended/certified for Kyvos Manager & Kyvos both. Cluster scheduling with non-shared repo will cause the DB instance to go down; thus, the Kyvos Manager will not work properly.

  • If the same repository instance is used, then the database for Kyvos Manager and Kyvos must be different. 
    The default database name for:  

    • Kyvos is delverepo

    • Kyvos Manager is kmrepo

  • If any time the same external repository instance gets configured in Kyvos Manager and Kyvos. In that case, ensure that on the Switch Repository page of Kyvos Manager, the Shared repository is checked and configuration is saved.

Performing skip upgrade of Kyvos Manager

From Kyvos 2024.1 onwards, there are manual steps required when performing skip upgrade of Kyvos Manager. This is only necessary when upgrading Kyvos Manager from a release earlier than 2023.1 (i.e. when the Kyvos Manager build uses Derby as the repository) to any release 2024.1 or later.

To perform skip upgrade of Kyvos Manager for the previous releases, perform the following steps.

  1. After the Kyvos Manager upgrade (from release earlier to 2023.1) to any release 2024.1 or onwards, a new version of Kyvos Manager will not start.


  • The login page will not appear and the following error message will be displayed.

  1. Stop the new version of Kyvos Manager from its current home path using bin/stop-km.sh.

  2. Copy the existing Derby jar from the earlier running version of Kyvos Manager from path kyvosmanager/webapps/kyvosmanager/WEB-INF/lib/ to the latest running version of Kyvos Manager at the same path.

  3. Start the latest Kyvos Manager using the start-km.sh command.

  4. After logging in, you will be redirected to the Kyvos Manager repository database migration to perform the Kyvos Manager database migration from Derby to Postgres.

  5. Once the database migration is completed, ensure that Kyvos Manager is restarted.

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