Managing Services Mapping
Applies to: Kyvos Enterprise Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) Kyvos AWS Marketplace
Kyvos Azure Marketplace Kyvos GCP Marketplace Kyvos Single Node Installation (Kyvos SNI)
Services Mapping
Kyvos Manager lets you configure services for the BI Server, Web Portal, Postgres Server, and Standby Postgres Server on the cluster nodes.
You can configure services for nodes at the time of adding new nodes or migrate roles later at any time.
You can only configure one service either BI Server or Query Engine on a node. No other service can be configured on a BI Server or Query Engine node. Ensure that this applies to all Cloud Deployments.
You can see the last performed node and service mapping operation details, including progress status and start time, by clicking the i icon located next to the Revert button. To view more comprehensive details, simply click the View Details link, which will take you to the Operations page, where you can view the operation information in detail.
On Azure Marketplace, the license information for the Query Engine and BI Server will not be available for Kyvos Managed Application and Kyvos Single Node Standard installation.
Migrate Services
To migrate services from one node to another, perform the following steps.
On the navigation pane, click Kyvos and Ecosystem > Node and Services.
On the Node and Services page, you will see a list of all the nodes configured in the cluster.
On the right, you will see the number of instances configured in the system for each service and the number allowed in your license.
Use the Services drop-down lists to select the role that you want to assign to the node.
The service assignment must comply with the number of instances allowed by your licenses. For example, if your license allows two BI Servers, you cannot assign the BI Server service to more than two nodes. Ensure that this is not applicable to Kyvos Marketplace.
When enabling Kyvos Manager HA, if the node being removed has a Kyvos Manager instance, it must be removed before removing the Kyvos Web Portal node.
Once done, click the Save button.
Enter your Kyvos Manager Password to continue and then click Save.
NOTE: From Kyvos 2023.3 onwards, if you want to start Kyvos services, select the Start Kyvos Services checkbox.The Operations page displays the details of role migration. Once the operation completes, you will see the new services on the Dashboard and Node and Service Mapping page.
Managing Nodes
Kyvos allows you to add as many nodes to your cluster as you want. However, the roles that you can assign to the nodes are governed by your Kyvos License.
In this section, you will learn the following:
Adding a Kyvos Core Service Node
Applicable in all environments except Kyvos Single Node Standard (SNS), Kyvos Single Node Installation (SNI), and environments that do not support node scaling.
The options for displaying, adding, or deleting a node may vary depending on the type of environment you are using. For example, the Launch Node and Terminate Node options will be displayed in all Marketplace environments. See the Managing nodes and services for more details.
To add a Kyvos Core Service Node to your Kyvos cluster, perform the following steps.
On the title bar, click the Menu button (hamburger icon).
The Kyvos Manager menu appears.On the navigation pane, click Kyvos and Ecosystem > Node and Services.
The Node and Service Mapping page shows the current instances configuration and the configuration allowed in your Kyvos license.On the Node and Services page, select the Add >Kyvos Core Service Node option from the three-dots menu.
On the Add Nodes to Cluster dialog, enter space-separated hostnames or IP addresses for the nodes that you want to add.
Click the Fetch Details button.
Once the node list is retrieved, you will see a tabular view of nodes along with options to configure the Services and the number of Instances for the service on the node.
You will also see the status in the corresponding column.The Node Details and Prerequisite Checks on the right show detailed information for the node, as shown in the following figure.
At the time of adding nodes, you can also configure high availability for the Kyvos Web Portal and Postgres Server nodes.
Select the Web Portal option from the Services list, and then click Next.
The Web Portal HA Configuration dialog is displayed.To configure high availability for the Web portal, select the Enable Web Portal High Availability option and provide details as:
Parameter | Description |
Virtual IP/Hostname | Enter the virtual IP/Hostname in the protocol://host:port format to access the Kyvos Web Portal when the Web Portal is configured with high availability mode. It is the single IP/Hostname that will be used to access the Kyvos Web Portal, regardless of the IP/Hostname on which the Web Portal is actually running. |
Enable Session Management | Select to enable Tomcat-based session management. Do not select this for cloud clusters with a load balancer configured for Web Portal HA. |
Multicast Address | Specify the multicast IP address that will be used for multi-casting messages to all web portal IP/Hostname. It is a logical identifier for a group of hosts in a computer network that is available for processing. Read more |
Multicast Port | Enter the multicast port to be used for sending multicast messages. |
Receiver Port | Enter the port that will be used as the receiver port |
Once done, click the Next button. The system validates the node information and shows the Validation Logs.
You can Filter the logs to view Info, Warnings, or Error.
In case of any errors or warnings, click the Back button and make the requisite changes. Click the Revalidate button to recheck the configuration.Provide your Kyvos Manager Password at the bottom left of the page.
Click the Add button. You will be redirected to the Add node Operation page.
Once the operation completes, you can refresh the Node and Service Mapping page to view the new node added to the list. It will also show up on the Dashboard.
Deleting a Kyvos Core Service Node
Nodes once deleted, cannot be retrieved.
Applicable in all environments except Kyvos Single Node Standard (SNS) and Kyvos Single Node Installation (SNI).
To delete a node from your Kyvos cluster, perform the following steps.
On the navigation pane, click the click Kyvos and Ecosystem > Node and Services option.
On the Node and Services page, select the Delete Nodes option from the three-dots menu.
On the Delete Nodes dialog box, select the nodes that you want to delete.
Enter your credentials in the Password box, and click the Delete button.
When you delete a BI Server node from a multiple BI Server nodes cluster, and that has Zookeeper configured on it, in this case, you need to remove Zookeeper and redeploy it using the Zookeeper configuration page.
You cannot delete a node if it is the ONLY BI Server node in the cluster.
You cannot delete the Postgres Server node from the cluster.
You cannot delete Web Portal node till the Kyvos Manager Service is configured on it.
Adding Kyvos Reporting Service
Before adding a Kyvos Reporting Service, you must complete the prerequisites mentioned in the Kyvos Reporting Service section.
To add Kyvos Reporting Service, perform the following steps.
On the title bar, click the Menu button (hamburger icon).
The Kyvos Manager menu appears.On the navigation pane, click Kyvos and Ecosystem > Node and Services.
The Node and Service Mapping page shows the current instances configuration and the configuration allowed in your Kyvos license.On the Node and Services page, select the Add > Kyvos Reporting Service Node option from the three-dots menu. The Add Kyvos Reporting Service Node dialog is displayed.
On the dialog box, select a Kyvos Reporting Bundle file. You can also change the bundle file using the Change bundle link.
Change bundle: Use this link to change the existing bundle file. The Select Kyvos Reporting Bundle dialog is displayed. Select the required bundle file from the list and then click Select.
Upload new bundle: Use this link to upload a new bundle file.
Upload the Kyvos Reporting Service license file. You can also change the license file using Change License link.
Click Next. The Kyvos Reporting Service Node is added and displayed on the Kyvos Manager dashboard.
Click the Kyvos Reporting Portal link. This will redirect you to the Kyvos Reporting Sign in page.
When adding Kyvos Reporting Service, no other service (BI Server, Query Engine, and Web Portal) on the same or any other node.
The option to add Kyvos Reporting Service Node will appear only if it is not deployed.
Removing Kyvos Reporting Service
To remove Kyvos Reporting Service, perform the following steps.
On the title bar, click the Menu button (hamburger icon).
The Kyvos Manager menu appears.On the navigation pane, click Kyvos and Ecosystem > Node and Services.
The Node and Service Mapping page shows the current instances configuration and the configuration allowed in your Kyvos license.On the Node and Services page, select the Delete > Kyvos Reporting Service Node option from the three-dots menu. The Delete Kyvos Reporting Service Node dialog is displayed.
On the dialog box, select the Kyvos Reporting Service portal that to be deleted.
Click Delete. The Kyvos Reporting Service Node is deleted. After deleting the node, the Kyvos Reporting Service Node will not display on the Kyvos Manager Dashboard.
When removing Kyvos Reporting Service, you can remove other service (BI Server, Query Engine, and Web Portal).
Adding Kyvos Manager Service
Before adding a Kyvos Manager Service, you must complete the Prerequisites mentioned in the Kyvos Manager High Availability section.
To manually add Kyvos Manager services if UI is unavailable, download a script file named kyvosmanager-instance-setup-script from the DFS at path <engine_work>/setup/scripts/ and execute that script. This will set up the Kyvos Manager service on the current node.
To add a Kyvos Manager Service, perform the following steps.
On the title bar, click the Menu button (hamburger icon).
The Kyvos Manager menu appears.On the navigation pane, click Kyvos and Ecosystem > Node and Services.
The Node and Service Mapping page shows the current instances configuration and the configuration allowed in your Kyvos license.On the Node and Services page, select the Add Kyvos Manager Service option from the three-dots menu.
On the Add Kyvos Manager to Cluster dialog, select hostnames or IP addresses for the nodes that you want to add.
The drop-down list for selecting hostnames or IP addresses includes only:
The nodes that have the Web Portal configured on them.
The nodes that do not have the Kyvos Manager services on them.
Click the Fetch Details button.
Once the node list is retrieved, you will see a tabular view of nodes along with options to configure the Services and the number of Instances for the service on the node.
You will also see the status in the corresponding column.Click the Add button. The Kyvos Manager Service is added and displayed on the Kyvos Manager Dashboard and Node and Service Mapping page in the Kyvos Manager Nodes section.
For cloud environments where Load Balancer is used, after adding Kyvos Manager Service, you need to perform manual steps to add newly added entry of Kyvos Manager nodes in the target group of Load Balancer. See the Manual Steps for Load Balancer Entry section.
Validating Kyvos Manager Service Node
If you have migrated from an earlier release (where Web Portal scaling was not implemented) and the newly added Web Portal node does not have AzCopy, address the issue first and then validate the Kyvos Manager Service Node.
Login to Azure Portal.
Search for Virtual Machine.
Go to Kyvos Manager instance.
In the Settings section appears in the left pane, click Extensions + application.
Open the existing lap extension and click Uninstall. Uninstalling it will remove the lapextension.
Search for Deploy a Custom template.
Upload the Azure_LapExtension.json template file.
On the Custom Deployment page, in the Instance Details section, provide the Kyvos Manager instance Virtual Machine name for the VM name parameter.
Click Next and fill in on-screen details.
Click Review+Create. Once the template is deployed, verify whether the new lapextension is created.
After validating the extension, you can use the functionality of adding Kyvos Manager Service Node from Kyvos Manager.
Removing Kyvos Manager Service
Kyvos Manager Service cannot be removed from the Active Kyvos Manager instance.
To remove a Kyvos Manager Service, perform the following steps.
On the title bar, click the Menu button (hamburger icon).
The Kyvos Manager menu appears.On the navigation pane, click Kyvos and Ecosystem > Node and Services.
The Node and Service Mapping page shows the current instances configuration and the configuration allowed in your Kyvos license.On the right side of the Node and Services page, click Delete from the three-dots menu, and then click the Remove Kyvos Manager Service option. The Remove Kyvos Manager Service dialog is displayed.
Select the check box to remove the required node, and then click Remove.
For cloud environments where Load Balancer is used, after removing Kyvos Manager Service, you need to perform manual steps for removing entry of Kyvos Manager nodes in the target group of Load Balancer. See the Manual Steps for Load Balancer Entry section.
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