

On the SQL Designer screen, follow these steps to work with stored procedures:

  1. Accessing Procedures:

    • Select the Procedure tab to view a list of stored procedures available in your database connection.

    • Drag and drop the required procedure onto the Procedure tab.

    • Select and configure the necessary parameters for the procedure.

  2. Setting Procedure and Parameters:

    • Click the Procedure tab to bring it to the foreground.

    • Select Procedure from the list of database object types. The procedures are listed under Entities.

    • Double-click the desired procedure. The procedure name appears in the Procedure Name field, and its parameters are listed in the Parameter List.

    • For each parameter, specify a constant value or parameter name.

  3. Executing a Procedure via the Edit Tab:

    • Open the Edit tab and call the stored procedure, passing the required parameters.

Screenshot 2024-12-25 181642.png

Dynamic SQL Queries

Using Parameters

To include a parameter in an SQL query, enclose it within <% and %>.

Example: Dynamically define a WHERE clause:

SELECT * FROM EmpTbl WHERE prmManufacturer = '<%PrmWhrCls%>';

Using JavaScript Code Blocks

Create dynamic SQL queries using a JavaScript code block enclosed within <@% and %@>. After execution, the block returns a string to be replaced in the SQL query.

Code Block Syntax:

<@% [Executable block that returns a string] %@>

Access Parameter Attributes:

params("parameterName").getAttribute("Value"); // To get parameter value params("parameterName").getAttribute("DataType"); // To get parameter data type


Example 1: Conditionally Include a Parameter
Check if prmEmpNo exists and is not blank.

SELECT * FROM emp WHERE 1=1 <@% if (params("prmEmpNo") != null && params("prmEmpNo").getValue() != "") { return " AND empno in <%prmEmpNo%>"; } else { return ""; } %@>

Example 2: Dynamically Set Table Name
Use a default table name (emp) if prmSelectTable does not exist.

SELECT * FROM <@% if (params("prmSelectTable") == null) { return "emp"; } else { return params("prmSelectTable").getValue(); } %@>

Example 3: Construct a WHERE Clause Dynamically
Build WHERE conditions for LOCATIONTYPEID and REGNID.

SELECT LOCATIONID, LOCATIONNAME, LOCTYPEID, REGNID FROM LOCATIONMASTER WHERE 1=1 <@% var v_Str = ""; var v_Str1 = ""; var v_Str2 = ""; if (params("prmloctype") != null && params("prmloctype").getValue() != "") { v_Str1 = " AND LOCATIONTYPEID in (<%prmloctype%>)"; } if (params("prmRegion") != null && params("prmRegion").getValue() != "") { v_Str2 = " AND REGNID = <%prmRegion%>"; } v_Str = v_Str1 + v_Str2; return v_Str; %@>

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