

This is applicable when input type for the parameter is Dropdown or Option. Values that should appear on Dropdown / Option can be pre-defined or fetched dynamically from database using an SQL.

To set pre-defined values

You need to follow the below steps to set pre-defined values for a parameter:

  1. Under Source, select Pre Defined

  2. In Display Name entry box, specify the value that should be displayed on Input Parameter Form (IPF).

  3. In Value entry box, specify the value that should be used (passed as filter).

  4. Click  button to add multiple values in the list.

  5. Click  button to upload a list of parameter values from any existing file for predefined values of a parameter. You can also specify the Enclosed By, Separator, etc. while specifying the list of parameter values.

Figure 14: Pre Defined values for a Dropdown Parameter

You can further perform the following actions on the parameter list:

  • Select the item you wish to edit and specify a new value. Click  button to update the values of the selected item in the list.

  • To delete an item from list, select the value and click  button. Click  button to delete all items from list.

  • To move a value up in the list, select the value and click  button.

  • To move a value down in the list, select the value and click  button.

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