Optimizing LOD queries with single fact

Optimizing LOD queries with single fact


Optimization is applicable only to specific LOD queries.

Step 1: Add a kyvos.cuboid.balance.type property with the value SEMANTIC_MODEL in the Advanced Semantic Level Property.

  1. Open the semantic model.

  2. Go to the Refine Model tab and then click Advanced Properties.

  3. Click Add Property.


The property will be added to the Miscellaneous.


Step 2: Trigger the REPLICATE_SEMANTIC_MODEL_ON_NODE REST API on the BI Server to ensure that all the cuboids of the semantic model point to a single Query Engine.

Find out the Query Engine node name and replace the semantic model (CUBE_ID) and Query Engine name (QE_NODE_NAME) in the following URL:

http://<CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS>>:<PORT>/kyvos/rest/custom/performServerAction?hostName=<BI server hostname>&port=<BI server port>&instanceName=BI%20Server&component=olapengine&metadata=service&data=%7B"SERVICE_NAME":"REPLICATE_SEMANTIC_MODEL_ON_NODE","CubeID":"<%CUBE_ID%>", "QE_NODE_NAME":"<%QE_NODE_NAME%>"%7D

Step 3: To replicate the cuboids on Query Engine, restart Query Engine.




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