Audit Logs

Audit Logs

Applies to: Kyvos Enterprise  Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) Kyvos AWS Marketplace

Kyvos Azure Marketplace   Kyvos GCP Marketplace Kyvos Single Node Installation (Kyvos SNI)

The audit logging feature is designed to track changes made by users and the system, allowing you to view specific actions. By accessing the Audit Logs page, you can see a consolidated list of all activities, including operations and configuration changes. This enables configuration changes, enabling easy tracking of action sequences without navigating to different pages. All activities are recorded in chronological order, regardless of category.

The Audit Logging page displays a comprehensive log of user and system actions, such as logins, logouts, password changes, downloaded logs. It also indicates user activity status and logs exported snapshots and mail notifications. Additionally, it records operations, and Kyvos configuration changes, even when the cluster is inactive. This includes changes to Kyvos Manager properties, upgrades, SMTP configurations, hostname changes, and Kyvos Manager LDAP configurations. By default, the page supports downloading archived audit logs that are 30 days old. You can modify the length of time that audit logs are kept in the archive by modifying the AUDIT_LOG_RETENTION_PERIOD Kyvos Manager property.

To view Audit logs, perform the following steps.

  1. To view audit trails, click Monitor and High Availability> Monitor on the navigation pane.
    The Monitor Page is displayed. 

  2. On the page, click the Audit Logs Tabs. 

  3. On the page, you can do the following:

    • View details: To view log details. The Operations page is displayed.

    • Filter: To view required configuration parameters, you can apply filters.


      NOTE: The user displayed as (System) cannot be filtered using the 'User' filter option. To obtain the filter list, use the 'Action Origin' filter and then select the System and/or Operations filters.
      From Kyvos 2024.2 onwards, you can apply filters ‘is in the list’ or ‘is not the list’ to get the user list. By default, 500 users are loaded. To load more users, click the Load More button. Additionally, you can search for users using the ‘Search' bar.

    • Click here to download archived audit data: Click the link to download archived audit data.

    • Click here to view configuration file changes: To access the Configuration Changes Logs page, click the link. The page will open in a new window, where you can view changes that have been logged for each file and property. You can also see the actions that were performed on the property, node details, the updated and previously defined values, and the name of the user who made the changes.

    • Audit Details: To view audit details, double-click the required column. The Audit Details dialog is displayed.


      To exit the dialog, click Close.

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