Semantic Model:
The property specifies the container memory for indexing jobs that are launched during full and/or incremental semantic model processing.
Values and behavior:
Any positive number represents the number of megabytes of container memory.
Default value:
Value configured in
Connection: If the property is applied at the connection, then the containers of Mapper jobs will be launched with the same memory for all the semantic models (if not applied to the semantic model).
Semantic model: If the property is applied at the semantic model and connection both, then the value set at the semantic model will be respected for that particular semantic model.
Comes into effect:
The value of the property can be changed at any time and will come into effect after the next semantic model process instance.
Dependencies and related properties:
The value of the property should be 55-65% of the memory specified in this property.
The default value takes the value specified in the property.
The property value should be configured considering the highest expected cardinality in the semantic model for any dimension or distinct count measure.
Kyvos lab tested optimal settings: For a dimension/distinct count measure with a cardinality of 1 Billion, the property should be set to 25600 (25 GB).
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