CentOS to Ubuntu migration on GCP
Before you migrate CentOS to Ubuntu on GCP, you must ensure the following:
Kyvos and Kyvos Manager must not be installed on the root drive
Before performing this activity, ensure to capture the path from the Kyvos manager while it is running. Execute the following command to get this information.
ps -ef | grep 8080
To migrate CentOS to Ubuntu on GCP, perform the following steps.
From the GCP console, click Activate Cloud Shell.
After opening the Cloud Shell, execute the below commands:
gcloud config set compute/region {REGION}gcloud config set compute/zone {ZONE}
gcloud compute disks create ubuntu-boot-disk --image projects/dev-enterprises-273509/global/images/kyvos-ubuntu20-image-2023-11-07
gcloud compute snapshots create ubuntu-boot-disk-snap --source-disk-zone={ZONE} --source-disk=ubuntu-boot-disk --snapshot-type=STANDARD
Replace {ZONE} and {REGION} as needed.
Stop BI Server and Query Engine machine from Google console.
Follow steps 3 to 8 for the BI Server and Query Engine.
Once machines are stopped, click the machine. It will open a new screen. Click the Edit button.
Now, scroll down and remove the boot disk by clicking the Detach Boot Disk option. Once the boot disk is detached from the machine. You will get the option to configure the boot disk.
Upon clicking the Configure Boot Disk option, it will open a new side screen. Here, select Snapshots and choose the snapshot that we created in step 2 and provide any name of your choice; use the device name as boot, and other details will be auto filled.
Now, scroll down to the Startup script section and update the startup script content with new startup script (bi_qe.sh). Add a key name Rerun and value as true. If the Rerun key is already present, then just update the value to true.
Click Save.
Ensure that startup script content is updated correctly. Do not move forward without verifying the startup script.
Start BI Server and Query Engine machines.
Verify BI Server and Query Engines must be up and running on Kyvos Manager Dashboard.
Now, stop the Kyvos Manager machine from Google Console.
Detach old boot drive and attach new drive with same size (using similar steps performed on BI and Query Engine machine, from step 4 through 6.
Update metadata value for Rerun from false to true.
Remove old startup script and add content from new script (km.sh).
Click Save.
Ensure that startup script content is updated correctly. Do not move forward without verifying the startup script.
Start Kyvos manager machine.
Start the Kyvos Manager from the path you captured at the start of this activity, verify all machines and services should be up and running.
Finally, replace the pgconnect.sh script present inside postgres/bin with pgconnect.sh.
To check if OS is successfully migrated from centos to ubuntu20, execute lsb_release -a command on the Kyvos component.
Following is the sample output
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
Release: 20.04
Codename: focal
After completing the OS upgrade on all the Instances make sure you delete the disk and snapshot created in Step 2.
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