Filtering data in worksheets

Filtering data in worksheets

Applies to: Kyvos Enterprise  Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) Kyvos AWS Marketplace

Kyvos Azure Marketplace   Kyvos GCP Marketplace Kyvos Single Node Installation (Kyvos SNI)

The filter panel has a menu that allows you to hide or collapse it. You can specify how to display filters in the panel by clicking the menu and choosing Display As. Try the available options to see which you prefer. You can also specify which filter types are shown in the filters pane and whether the filters are updated automatically or manually.

Additionally, you can select values to filter on or enter a comma-separated list of values. A custom list of comma-separated values can be used only for what is in the list or is not in the list criteria.

You can apply the following types of filters:

  • Dimensions

  • Measures

  • Contextual TopN

Contextual TopN allows you to filter for the top or bottom N number of values. It's applied after other filters and can only be applied on dimensions in the view. See Filtering using TopN or BottomN. You can also click the i symbol to learn more. 

To apply a dimension filter to a worksheet, perform the following steps: 

  1. From the Toolbox, select Workbooks, and select a workbook and worksheet.

  2. In the Filter pane, under Dimensions, click Field, and navigate the dimensions to select an item.
    The criteria are populated based on the field you select. Click it to select different criteria.

  3. Click Value.

  4. Select one or more specific values to filter criteria:

Applying measure filter to a worksheet

To apply a Measure filter to a worksheet, perform the following steps.

  1. From the Toolbox, select Workbooks, and select a workbook and worksheet.

  2. In the Filter pane, under Measures, click Field and navigate the measures to select an item.
    The criteria are populated based on the number field type.

  3. Click Value.

  4. Enter a value or click Field and search for, then select a field.

  5. Click the Plus icon to add additional filters or the Minus icon to remove a filter.

Applying Contextual TopN filter to a worksheet

To apply a Contextual TopN filter to a worksheet, perform the following steps. 

  1. From the Toolbox, select Workbooks, and then select a workbook and worksheet.

  2. In the Filter pane, under Contextual TopN, click Field and navigate the dimensions to select an item.
    The criteria is in top or is in bottom. Click the criteria to select the other option.

  3. Click Value.

  4. Edit the number to specify the value you want to view. For example, the top or bottom 10 items. 

  5. Click the When ordered by list to select a value to order them by. 

  6. Click the Plus icon to add additional filters or the Minus icon to remove a filter.

Display As

You can display the filters as statements or simple filters.
Click the Actions menu (  ⋮ ) next to Filter, and then select Display As. You can select any one of the following filter options:

  • Simple: This filter shows the field, criteria, and value in a drop box.
    Check the checkbox next to the filter to disable or enable it.
    Click the Minus button on the right to remove it or the Plus button to add another filter.
    When you have more than one filter, the default value is AND. 

  • Statement: This filter displays the information in a single line and takes up less space if you have a lot of filters.

Additionally, measures allow you to use parentheses to create more complex statements by using Advanced settings. Click the Action menu (  ) menu next to Measures, and you will see either Simple or Advanced. Choose Advanced to display the parentheses and the default AND operator. You can click the AND operator to change it to an OR. 

Too much data to display

Visual prompts inform you when there is too much data to be displayed and show you that you are viewing only part of the data. You can apply a filter or, in some cases, increase the number of columns or rows. See Filtering and show all to learn more.

Click the indicators shown in the worksheet to see the description.

Shared Filter Card 

When Kyvos is integrated with a host application, you can create a Shared Filter Card with a unique identifier that can be applied across multiple dashboards or sheets. The host application will share the filters using the Shared Filter Card, and then Kyvos will populate the filter set in the respective filter card with the same unique identifier and apply it to the linked data cards. 


  • You can create a Shared Filter Card only from Kyvos. 

  • The Shared Filter Card option is enabled only when the value of the  allowEmbedding  parameter is set to  true  in the Portal properties file located at  /kyvos/jakarta/webapps/kyvos/client/config

  • Filters shared by the host application will not be stored in the Kyvos repository. However, the formatting applied to the Shared Filter Card will be saved.

  • Multiple shared filter cards can be created for the Dashboard. However, you can create only one shared filter card for the sheet.

  • When a filter value is changed to the shared filter card, the host application is notified through a JavaScript event, and the updated values are sent back to the host application. 

  • In the case of Action filters, the filters of the shared filter card will be ignored except the Selective Dimension filter. See the Adding actions to worksheets section for more details. 

To create a Shared Filter Card in the Dashboard, perform the following steps. 

  1. From the Toolbox, select  Workbooks, then select a workbook and a Dashboard.

  2. Click  Add Card  at the top of the panel and choose Filter Card

  3. Click the Actions menu (  ⋮  ) in the upper right corner of the card, and select the Edit option from the list.

  4. In the View Options section, select the Use as Shared Filter Card checkbox, and then type a Unique Identifier for that filter card.

  5. Click Save
    The Shared Filter card for a Dashboard is created. 


You cannot create a Shared Filter Card from the Integrated application; if one has already been created, you cannot disable that shared filter card option. 

Creating Shared Filter card in a worksheet

To create a Shared Filter Card in a worksheet, perform the following steps. 

  1. From the Toolbox, select Workbooks, then choose a workbook and a worksheet.

  2. In the  Design  view, click Options > Workspace Settings.
    The Workspace Settings dialog is displayed. 

  3. In the View column, click the  Shared Filters  checkbox and click  Apply. Similarly, t o hide the Shared Filter Card, clear the checkbox. 

  4. Click Apply. The Shared Filters option is displayed in the Properties pane. 

  5. Click the Actions menu (  ⋮  ) and select the Set Identifier option from the list.

    The Set Identifier dialog is displayed. 

  6. Enter a Unique Identifier for the Shared Filter Card and click Set. The Shared Filter Card for a worksheet is created. 

Applying custom date filter to a worksheet

You can apply date filter to a worksheet using the calendar date or calculated date. This is applicable to worksheet and Dashboard.

In the Calculated date, you can provide a custom date to apply a filter.

To apply a custom filter, perform the following steps.

  1. From the Toolbox, select Workbooks, and then select a workbook and worksheet.

  2. In the Filter pane, under Dimensions, click the date filter. The Date filter dialog is displayed.

  3. In the calculated date, you can set the first date, last date or set the custom date to apply filter to a worksheet.

    • First date: The initial or start date present in the data.

    • Last date: The end date present in the data.

    • Custom date: Enter number of days after or before the selected date criteria.

  4. Click Ok. The date filter is applied to a worksheet.


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