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Connection Property: kyvos.connection.sql.addcomment


This property includes the username in the Snowflake query as a comment in the SQL statement.


Currently, this is applicable to the Snowflake connection.



  • true: If the value of the property is set to ‘true’, a comment will be included in the SQL statement during dataset operations (refresh, preview, and validation), semantic model process, and when querying raw data in Snowflake.
    NOTE: The comment format will follow/* Query executed by user Admin */.

  • false: If the value of the property is set to ‘false’, a comment will not be included in the SQL statement during dataset operations (refresh, preview, and validation), semantic model process, and when querying raw data in Snowflake.

Default Value: false


  • Connection: If the property is set at the snowflake connection.

Impact areas:


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