Logging in to Kyvos SaaS Portal

Logging in to Kyvos SaaS Portal

This section provides information on the following:

Log in to Kyvos SaaS Portal

To log in to the Kyvos SaaS Portal, perform the steps.

  1. Go to Kyvos SaaS Portal.
    The Login page is displayed.

  2. Enter your registered email ID. Click Continue.

  3. Enter the OTP that you receive on your registered email ID.

  4. Click Log in. The Kyvos SaaS Dashboard is displayed.

Switching Accounts

The account switch feature adds a new level of integration between two account users, allowing them to interact with each other's accounts as account administrators. To use the account switch feature, an account owner needs to invite another user, enabling the switching between accounts. Once the invited user accepts the invitation and logs into the portal, they will be able to view and access both accounts under their login.


The user can now switch to the first account by selecting it under the account login.

The user will have account administrator authorization, allowing them to perform all the operations that an account admin can perform.

Resending OTP

An OTP (One-Time Password) will be sent to your registered email ID.

When the OTP expires, the Resend button appears. Click the Resend button to send a new OTP to your registered email ID.



The Resend button appears after one minute, enabling you to request a new OTP sent to your registered email ID. This new OTP will also expire after one minute. Requesting another OTP will invalidate the previous one.

Unlocking user’s account

Your Kyvos SaaS account will be locked for a 24-hour period (a calendar day) if:

  • Three consecutive invalid OTPs are entered within an hour.

Note that your account will be automatically unlocked after a calendar day.

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