Adding Barcodes to Studio Reports

Adding Barcodes to Studio Reports

A report may have one or more sections. Intellicus Report Server considers report components depending on the section where they are placed. Before inserting a barcode, determine the section where the barcode is to be placed.

To insert a barcode on the report, do the following:

  1. Click Insert > Barcode or select  icon on Intellicus Studio home screen.

    • Click on the place where control is to be placed. A crosshair is formed.

    • Drag the mouse towards right and downwards.

    • Release the mouse click when the height and width is adjusted.

Figure 2: Barcode control in Detail section

  1. Barcode is placed in the section. When you upload and run the report it appears in the report as shown below.

NOTE: You can change the height and width of the barcode from Property menu also.

Properties of Barcode

The properties associated with barcode control are as follows:

NameYou can utilize this option only through the Script Editor. It sets or returns the name of the control.




This property sets the alignment of the caption of the barcode. For example, Left, Right, and Center



This property sets the background color of the Barcode.


It determines the width of the barcode bars. It accepts decimal values, and the valid range can be between 1-2.


Caption Position

It determines the positioning of the numeric value/caption within the barcode. It can either be placed above (‘Above’) the barcode or at the Bottom (‘Below’) of the barcode. If you select another value ‘Blank’ which is not visible in the drop-down, the caption will not be visible. For example, Sales Barcode is the caption. If you do not select the values ‘Above’ and ‘Below’ and just select blank, the caption will not be visible.



This will set the fore color of the bars in the barcode. You can choose this option from color palette which is available in ForeColor property.



This is the text that is displayed along with barcode. The caption needs to be used if barcode is not bound with any DataField.



It sets or returns a user defined value associated with the field object.


This property sets the font of the caption on the barcode.  The ‘Font’ property allows you to set font name, size, styles, and effects. When you select this option from the Properties list, Font dialog box will be displayed for you to select from various options.


You can also change the font settings for a control at runtime, depending on conditions applied on the same.


It determines the value for which barcode is to be generated. If the value in Datafield is blank or is not mapped, then the caption used in ‘Caption’ field is displayed.



It determines the style of the barcode. CODE128 is the default value.


The styles that Intellicus supports are

·         3Of9

·         3Of9X

·         Codabar

·         CODE128

·         CODE128_UCC

·         Datamatrix

·         EAN8

·         EAN13

·         Interleaved2Of5

·         PDF417

·         Planet

·         PostnetZIP

·         PostnetZIP4

·         PostnetZIP4DP

·         SUPP5

·         UPCA

·         UPCE

NOTE: There are certain requirements with some of the styles.  It is suggested that report designers should know the styles that they are using in the report.


The EAN13 style requires a minimum of 13 characters in data field.

The EAN8 style requires a minimum of 8 characters in data field.

The EAN13 style requires numeric value in data field.  It won’t work if barcode is set on String value.

EnableCheckSum in Intellicus can be set as True or False for, Codabar, 3Of9, 3OF9X and Interleaved2Of5 styles.

EnableCheckSum in Intellicus will be True for, EAN13, EAN8, UPCE, UPCA, PostnetZIP, PostnetZIP4, PostnetZIP4DP, and Planet styles.

EnableCheckSum in Intellicus will be unavailable for CODE128 , CODE128_RAW , CODE128_UCC, PDF417 , Datamatrix , SUPP5 styles.


This property defines if the barcode would appear at run time or not. If the value is set as ‘True’, the control appears at run time. If the value is set as ‘False’, the control does not appear at run time.



You can set the height of the barcode. The height is the complete height of the barcode control. It defines the section’s height in twips



This property will be available in property pane when a field control is selected.  It sets the distance of left boundary of the control from the left edge of the report page.  The unit of measure is pixels.



This property is available for a field control.  This sets the distance of the control from the top edge of the report page.  The unit of measure is pixels.



This property is available for a field control.  This sets the width (left to right) of the control.  The unit of measure is pixels.


More about Styles

The styles that Intellicus supports are:

  • CODE128 (Default): It can encode the complete ASCII-character set. It is calculated according to Modulo 103.

  • CODE128_UCC: It is calculated according to Modulo 103. It is generally used more for goods and palettes in commerce and industry. The valid characters are 01234567890.

  • EAN13: The standard product code has 13 digits. When the code is of 12 digits then Intellicus will generate the checksum, else Intellicus will validate the checksum & if checksum in the code is invalid then the control will not be rendered. If length is less than 12 or more than 13 then, the control will not be rendered. It is calculated according to Modulo 10.

  • EAN8: In EAN8, when length is less than 7 or more than 8 then the control will not be rendered. If code is of 7 digits then Intellicus will generate the checksum, else Intellicus will validate the checksum & if checksum in the code is invalid then the control will not be rendered.

  • UPCA: In UPCA, if length is less than 11 or more than 12 then the control will not be rendered. If code is of 11 digits then Intellicus will generate the checksum, else Intellicus will validate the checksum & if checksum in the code is invalid then the control will not be rendered. The valid characters are 01234567890.

  • UPCE: In UPCE, when length is less than 6 or more than 8 then the control will not be rendered. If code is of 6 digits, then Intellicus will prefix “0”, & generate checksum, else Intellicus will validate whether code starts with 0, if not then control will not be rendered. If code is of 7 digits then Intellicus will generate the checksum, else Intellicus will validate the checksum & if checksum in the code is invalid then the control will not be rendered.

  • Interleaved2Of5: In Interleaved2Of5, when enable check sum is true & code length is even then engine will validate the checksum & if code length is odd then engine will generate the checksum. If checksum disabled & code length is odd then control will not be rendered.

  • Planet: In PLANET, when length is other 11 or 13, then the control will not be rendered.

  • PostnetZIP: (Postal Numeric Encoding Technique) When the code is Postnetzip, then its length should be 5 else control will not be rendered. (Postal Numeric Encoding Technique). Valid values are 01234567890.

  • PostnetZIP4: When the code is POSTNETZIP4, then its length should be 9 else control will not be rendered. Valid values are 01234567890.

  • PostnetZIP4DP: Its length should be 11 else control will not be rendered. Valid values are 01234567890.

  • 3Of9: It is an alphanumeric code. Valid values are 0123456789[Space]ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-.$/+%.

  • 3Of9X: It is an extended version of 3Of9 that supports the ASCII character set.

  • Codabar: Codabar is a numeric code with some additional special characters (0..9 and – $ : / . +). There are four different start and stop signs defined. It is calculated according to Modulo 16.

  • PDF417: It is a 2D barcode. It is based on stacked barcodes. A code word consists of 17 modules, which consist respectively of 4 strokes and 4 spaces.

  • Datamatrix: It can encode up to 3116 numbers or up to 2335 characters. Different symbol sizes are used depending on the amount of data to be encoded. It is calculated according to Reed-Solomon-Error correction.

  • SUPP5: When the length is not 5 then the control will not be rendered.

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