Creating Maps for Studio Reports

Creating Maps for Studio Reports

To create an AmMap, click Map  icon or go to Insert > Map

Figure 1: Inserting Map

Select the area on the canvas to design your AmMap.

Figure 2: Selecting Region

Once you have selected the area on which you want to create an AmMap, you can edit the associated properties to design the map.
You can view the properties in Detail view as well as Sort view.
Detail view distributes various properties under various categories. Below is an example of detail view.

Figure 3: Detail View

Sort view sorts the properties in alphabetical order irrespective to their category.

Below we have discussed the properties based on Detail view.



Figure 4: Adding Data




Connection Name

Select from the Dropdown

Select a connection name

Connection Type

Select from the Dropdown

Select a name for the type of connection

Data Source

Source QO



Specify SQL

Select an already created query object from the dropdown


Create a specific SQL for the map. Click on SQL designer to create a query

Runtime Connection Name

Select from the Dropdown



Select a name to identify the connection at runtime


Figure 5: General Settings




Area Attributes

Specify in the popup window

Area attributes dialog helps you design the content of the balloon that opens when an area on the map is clicked.


For eg – if you want to show the count of games for specific areas, set field as game and function as count.

You can add prefix, suffix, and set this as title. You can provide multiple attributes.

Area Field

Select from the dropdown

Select appropriate field for grouping of data.


For example: the field that contains state name, country name etc.

If you select Country, the respective attributes will be visible on hovering over the country you have selected

Map Type

Select the Map Data

Select the type of map you want to use based on your geographic data


For eg – if your data consists of regions related to the United States, you can select Map – USA countries


Figure 6: Map Settings




End Color

Select from the color palette

Choose the color for maximum value. This defines the color intensity which denotes the highest value.

Start Color

Select from the color palette

Choose the color for the minimum value. The minimum value would be denoted using this color. The color intensity will change as the values ascend.

Summary Function

Select from the list

Select the function based on which the values of the Value Field must be calculated

Value Field

Select from the dropdown

Select the field on which you want to create the map. Based on the field you select here the map will be plotted


Figure 7: Other Settings





Type yourself

Provide a name to uniquely identify this map


Type yourself

Provide the height at which you want to place the map in the report


Type yourself

Provide the position value (in pixel) from the left margin


Type yourself

Provide tags to associate the control with another control(s)


Type yourself

Provide the position value (in pixel) from the top margin





Select true if you want the map to be visible on the report


Select false if you do not want the map to be visible on the report


Type yourself

Provide the width value (from left to right) for the map

Once you have set the desired properties, you can preview the map to take a quick look.


Click on the preview tab. The report preview will appear.

Figure 8: Map Preview

Save the report. Upload the report on the Webstudio using the Upload Report icon.

Below image is an example of how the report would appear on the Webstudio.

Figure 9: Map

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