Introduction to Kyvos
Applies to: Kyvos Enterprise Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) Kyvos AWS Marketplace
Kyvos Azure Marketplace Kyvos GCP Marketplace Kyvos Single Node Installation (Kyvos SNI)
Kyvos is a revolutionary platform that enables instant BI on trillions of rows of data on the cloud and on-premise data lakes. Using its patented Smart OLAPTM technology, Kyvos processes a BI acceleration layer on modern data platforms that enables users across the enterprise to conduct self-service, interactive analysis on extremely large datasets using any BI tool of their choice.
It is essential to understand the technology behind the Kyvos solution to get a better understanding of its architecture. Providing optimal performance on data at a massive scale is one of the biggest challenges of modern-day analytics, whether on-premise or on the cloud. It requires real optimizations in multiple ways so that you can get consistent performance regardless of the number of dimensions, attributes, or the size of data. Kyvos uses its Smart OLAP technology to deliver sub-second response times for trillions of rows of data with high concurrency and unlimited scalability.
Kyvos technology is unique as it enables OLAP at a massive scale, transforming the way data is accessed and visualized. Its innovative technology breaks the barriers of OLAP performance capabilities, offering the best of both worlds—the speed and interactivity of OLAP combined with the scalability and flexibility of a modern data platform.
Though achieving OLAP at this scale is challenging, our advanced technology manages to contain the combinatorial explosion that can happen. Intuitive semantic model designs and optimized algorithms allow the creation of distributed, multi-dimensional semantic models, allowing aggregations on huge cardinality. ML-powered Smart Recommendation Engine brings in the intelligence required to process smarter aggregates on modern data platforms. Aggregations can be done on cardinality up to 2 billion without any trade-off on performance. As the Kyvos semantic models are fully materialized, they deliver sub-second response times even for the most complex queries. In addition to this, query engines can be added to increase querying capacity, reducing response times even further.
These topics introduce the Kyvos architecture and basic features.
Key Concepts and Architecture
Overview of Kyvos architecture and basic concepts.
Supported Platforms
Overview of Kyvos-supported data platforms.
Kyvos' AI Copilot
Overview of Kyvos' AI Copilot.
Overview of Key Features
Introduction to the powerful and unique features that Kyvos provides for ensuring your data is protected, secure, and available for speed-of-thought analytics.
Release Notes
These topics describe the new features, enhancements, and fixes introduced in recent and previous releases of Kyvos.
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