Adding actions to worksheets

Adding actions to worksheets

Applies to: Kyvos Enterprise  Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) Kyvos AWS Marketplace

Kyvos Azure Marketplace   Kyvos GCP Marketplace Kyvos Single Node Installation (Kyvos SNI)

You can add an action to a worksheet or to elements used in a worksheet, such as dimensions or measures in a chart, table, or crosstab. Actions include navigating to a different worksheet or to an external URL. Kyvos also enables you to perform an additional action known as a JavaScript event. When this action is triggered, it sends events to an external web application. This feature enables the external web application to carry out the required actions without navigating to another sheet or external URL. 

To add an action to an element in multiple semantic models, those semantic models must have the same dimension, measure, or attribute name.

Color, dimensions, and highlights are among the elements that support actions.

When you add an action, you can select which filters you want to use:

  • Selected data point dimension value: To see values for the selected dimension or measure.

  • All dimensions in data point context: To see values for all dimensions, including highlight, color, or slider.

  • All dimensions in data point context and filters: To see values for all dimensions, including highlight, color, or slider, with all filters applied in the worksheet.

  • All filters: To send all the applied filters in the worksheet to the target worksheet as a filter.

  • Selective Dimensions: To select the dimensions from the drop-down list or click the Search icon and type to quickly find the dimension you seek.

  • None: To send the event without any context filter.


  • From Kyvos 2024.10 onwards, Kyvos now supports updating the common filters and parameters on the target dashboard or worksheet with the same values selected on the source dashboard or worksheet when an action is triggered. The destination filter can only be updated by the source filter if both filters are based on the same field and criteria. Additionally, to enable this feature, you must set the value of the overrideWorksheetFilterWithURLFilter property (in the portal.properties file) to True.

  • You can also create Actions on the blank area on any chart, KPI, or crosstab on the Kyvos worksheets and dashboards. When an action is triggered from the blank area, the filters will be sent without corresponding data points.

To add an action to elements used in a worksheet, perform the following steps: 

  1. From the Toolbox, click Workbooks, and then click a workbook and a worksheet.

  2. In the Design view, click Options at the top of the page, and then click Action > Add Action.
    The Add Action page is displayed. 

  3. Enter a Name for your action.

  4. You can add a Description of up to 200 characters to the specified action.

  5. In the Attach To list, select the dimensions or measures to attach the action.

    • Navigate through the list or click the Search icon and type to quickly find the item you seek.

    • The list will show how many items you selected for the worksheet. For example, “2 selected”.

  6. In the Navigate to list, select any one of the following: 

    1. Worksheet: Select the worksheet from the list.

      1. Select which filters you want to use.

      2. Specify whether the worksheet should open in a new window.

    2. URL: Enter the external URL and select the HTTP Method (Get or Post) from the list.
      If the URL has a dynamic part other than parameters, enclose it in <% %>.  This will be replaced with the corresponding dimension value.

      1. Enter a name and select which filters you want to use.

      2.  Enter a name and select the parameters and enter values.
        The parameters can be static or selective dimensions. 

        • If they are static, enter the value.

        • If they are selective, then select the value from the list.

      3. Click the plus icon to add additional parameters and the minus icon to remove them.

    3. JavaScript Event: This option is available only when Kyvos is integrated with a third-party application. Select this option to send an event to the host application.
      NOTE: The JavaScript event is enabled only when the value of the allowEmbedding parameter is set to true in the Portal properties file located at /kyvos/jakarta/webapps/kyvos/client/config.

      1. Select which filters you want to use.

      2. Enter a name and select the parameters and enter values.
        The parameters can be static or selective dimensions. 

    4. If they are static, enter the value.

    5. If they are selective, then select the value from the list.

  7. Click the plus icon to add additional parameters and the minus icon to remove them.

  8. Select any one of the following filters:

    1. Selected data point dimension value - Only the dimension values of the selected data points will be sent to the target worksheet as a filter.
      NOTE: When running the Action filter, you can select multiple data points from a row or measure cell value as filters in a single action.

    2. All dimensions in data point context - Values of all the dimensions present in the visualization context will be sent to the target worksheet as a filter.

    3. All dimensions in data point context and filters - Values of all the dimensions present in the visualization context and all the applied filters will be sent to the target worksheet as a filter.

    4. None - Filters and data points will not be sent. 

    5. All filters - All the applied filters in the worksheet will be sent to the target worksheet as a filter.

    6. Selective dimensions - Select dimension(s) whose values will be sent to the target worksheet as a filter. The dimension should be present in either visualization or filters.

  9. Select any one of the following to open your worksheet in: 

    • New Window: To open the worksheet in a new browser window. 

    • Same Window: To open the worksheet in the same browser window. 

  10. To add additional triggers, select On Click from the list.

  11. Click Apply.

You can also do one of the following to add an action:

  • If you are working in a crosstab, right-click a data item and then click Action > Add Action.

  • If you are viewing a chart, right-click a data item, and then click Action > Add Action.

  • If you are viewing the table view in a chart, right-click a data item and then click Action > Add Action.

  • If you are working in a KPI, right-click and then click Action > Add Action.

  • If you are working in a chart, KPI, or crosstab, right-click in a blank area, and then click Action > Add Action.
    NOTEWhen you trigger an action from the blank area, in this case, the filters will be sent without their corresponding data points. You can also trigger an action from Dashboard Widget as well. 

  • If you are viewing dimensions or measures that are being used in the workspace, for example, a measure placed in the Color box, right-click an item and then click Action > Add Action.

  • While applying an action, you can select a single data point or multiple data points as needed.

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