Customizing Portal Menu

Customizing Portal Menu

Customizing Kyvos Reporting

As an administrator, you can customize portal menu according to organizational needs. You can customize the appearance of the Kyvos Reporting user interface by showing/hiding menu items, sub items, and features for a selected User, Role and Organization. To open the tab for configuring Portal Menu, go to Navigate > Administration > Configure > Portal Menu.

Using the Portal Menu Configuration Page

You can customize (configure) the Portal Menu for the following:

  • Default: Applied when no configuration is set or the system configuration is lost/deleted.

  • System: Applied to all users/roles of all organizations for whom a custom configuration is not set up.

  • Organization: Applied to all users/roles of an organization for whom a custom configuration is not set up.

  • Users/Roles: Applied to the user/role for which it is created.


To learn more about organizations, users, and roles, please refer to Managing Users guide.

When you open the configuration page, the System configuration is displayed. A configuration can be:

  • Opened, so that it can be edited.

  • Saved, and thus applied to one or multiple organizations and users.

  • Deleted, for one or multiple organizations

Buttons on the Configuration Page

  • Save: Saves configuration changes for the System, selected organization, or user (the one that is open).

  • Save For: Opens the Save Configuration dialog, allowing you to select entities and save changes for all selected entities. Click the down arrow on the Save button to access the Save For option.

  • Open: Opens the Open Configuration dialog, enabling you to select an entity to view its configuration information.

  • Delete: Deletes the currently open configuration information (default or selected entity).

  • Delete For: Opens the Delete Configuration dialog, allowing you to select entities to delete. Click the down arrow on the Delete button to access the Delete For option.

  • Cancel: Cancels the configuration changes and reverts to the last opened or saved status.

Customizing Portal Menu

Click Navigate > Administration > Configure > Portal Menu. Portal menu customization activities are carried out on the Portal tab.

You can perform the following tasks during portal menu customization:

  • Customize the portal's UI-related properties.

  • Modify the menu structure (add or remove menu options).

  • Edit the text of the menu pad and options.

Use this page to customize the menu and its options for the portal. You can create up to three levels of menu structure:

  1. Top-level menu (menu pad)

  2. Second-level menu (menu options)

  3. Third-level menu (tabs)


Accessing the Portal Menu

If Kyvos Reporting is running with security disabled, use the following URL in the browser’s address bar to access this page:

  • If you are using the computer that serves as the web server: http://localhost/kyvosreporting/pattern/conf and then click the Portal Menu tab.

  • In other cases: <http://<IP> of the server>/kyvosreporting/pattern/conf and then click the Portal Menu tab.

When you open the page, the configuration for “System” is displayed by default. Before proceeding, ensure you have opened the correct configuration (e.g., for “System,” organization, or user/role).

Once the configuration changes are complete, click the Save (or Save For) button to save the configuration.

Portal Properties

To set these properties, click the Portal entry in the tree-view.

  • Help Style: Choose how the help page should open.

    • Select Popup to open the help page in a separate window.

    • Select Inline to open the help page within the browser window.

  • Calendar Style: Choose how the calendar should open.

    • Select Popup to open the calendar in a separate window.

    • Select Inline to open the calendar within the browser window.

  • Multi-Select Parameter List Size: Specify the number of parameter values to display at a time on the runtime parameter page.

  • Email Option: Configure how the report is sent when the email delivery option is selected in the Report Delivery Options:

    • Select Both to provide an option for users to choose between Link and Attachment.

    • Select Link to make only the link available.

    • Select Attachment to make only the attachment available.

  • DB Metadata List Size: Specify the number of entries to display per page. This affects views such as the SQL Editor and Secure Data > Schema View. Changes here take effect after restarting the report server or updating the respective data connection (to refresh cached metadata).

  • Page Size: Specify the number of entries/records to display per page (e.g., in the Task List or Job List). Set this to 0 to display all entries on a single page.

  • Report Viewer Target: For reports with user parameters, select how the report is displayed:

    • Same Frame: Use the collapsible parameter input form.

    • Child Frame: Users must return to the report listing to re-run the report.

  • Multi-Select Param List "All" Check: Specify the values to send when the "All" checkbox is selected on the Input Parameter Form:

    • Select Send Values to send all parameter values.

    • Select All to send the string "All."

  • Allow Session-Level Database Connection: Select this box to enable the Connection To icon (the first icon after the last menu). If not selected, users cannot set session-level database connections.

  • Allow Refresh Data: Select this box to enable the Refresh Report button on the Report Delivery Options page and on the HTML toolbar when a report is run in the HTML output format.

Managing Errors

In case the requested operation is not completed, Kyvos Reporting displays an error page.

This page is designed to display the entire sequence of errors that led to the final error. Each error may have an error number.

You can set up a URL that will open when a user clicks the respective error number.

Error Support URL

Provide a URL that should open when the user clicks an error number. If this field is left blank, the error number will not appear as a hyperlink. In case the requested operation is not completed, Kyvos Reporting displays an error page.


You can customize how the menu appears throughout the portal. Below are the options to customize menu styles:

  • Style: The default is Slide, where the menu slides out from the left of the page. Select Tabbed to place menu options side by side. Select Drop Down to display menu options one below the other.

  • Width: In the case of Drop Down style, specify the width of the menu options.

  • Height: In the case of Drop Down style, specify the height of the menu options.

  • List Menu Style: Select Toolbar to display the list menu as a toolbar. Select List Toolbar to display the list menu as a List Toolbar.

Parameter Form

You can customize the appearance of the buttons on the Parameter Form when executing a parameterized report.

  • Run Button Position: The Run Now button in the Input Parameter Form can be placed at either the Bottom or the Top. It can also be placed at both the Bottom and the Top.

  • Run Button Alignment: The Run Now button in the Input Parameter Form can be aligned to the Right, Left, or Center of the page.

Menu Item Properties

You can customize the way various menu items, such as Analytics, Design, Schedule, etc., should appear throughout the portal. The various properties under menu items of the Portal Menu are discussed below:

  • Name: A name to uniquely identify this menu item. This cannot be left empty.

  • Caption: The caption that should appear on the menu/tab option.

  • Shortcut for Security Mode Off: The shortcut to be used when the application runs with security disabled. In this case, the specified pattern will be used to launch the portal as <http://<IP> of the server>/kyvosreporting/pattern.

  • Tooltip: The tooltip for the menu tab.

  • Security Mode: Set this to ON to display the use case when Kyvos Reporting runs with security enabled (ON), i.e., when the user needs to be authenticated. Set it to OFF to display it when security is disabled (OFF). Set it Both to show the use case in both modes.
    This property is visible on the portal when SMCONFIGURABLE="TRUE" is set under:
    <Kyvos Reporting Installation Location>\Kyvos Reporting\Jakarta\webapps\kyvos reporting\client\config\Porta\lUseCases.xml.

Link To

  • Use Case: Select the functionality with which the menu/tab option is to be associated.

  • Visible in Security Mode: This is the default value for making this use case visible.

    • ON: Visible when security is enabled (On).

    • OFF: Visible when security is disabled (OFF).

    • Both: Show the use case in both modes.
      This property can be set from:
      <Kyvos Reporting Installation Location>Kyvos Reporting\Jakarta\webapps\Kyvos Reporting\client\config\Portal\UseCases.xml.

  • Security Mode Configurable: Indicates if the security mode is configurable or not.

    • True: Can be configured.

    • False: Cannot be configured.
      This property can be set from:
      <Kyvos Reporting Installation Location>Kyvos Reporting\Jakarta\webapps\Kyvos Reporting\client\config\Portal\UseCases.xml.

  • Accessible to: Access privileges the user/role needs to have to be able to access this use case.

  • System Privilege: The system privilege, the user/role needs to have to access this use case.

  • Option(s): Specify properties like Refresh Dashboard as True or False to enable automatic refreshing of the dashboard after the specified interval.

  • Auto Refresh Interval: Specify the time interval to refresh the Performance Monitor page on the portal.

Reports Option(s)

  • Show Report Type:
    Select the type of reports that should appear on the report list:

    • All: To list Ad hoc reports, Standard reports, and OLAP reports.

    • Select a specific report type to view only that type of report.

  • Show New Ad hoc Option:
    Select TRUE to display the New Report button on the Report List page.

You can also choose the report operation(s) and column(s) that you wish to display on the Report Listing page.

Performance Monitor Option(s)

Option specific to Performance Monitor is as below:

  • Auto refresh interval: Specify the number of seconds after which the Performance Monitor page should be refreshed.

Adding a top-level menu item

To add a top-level menu item in the Portal Menu, follow these steps:

  1. In the tree view, click Portal, the top-level item.

  2. Click the Add button. The Menu Item Properties page will appear (as shown in the figure).

  3. In Name, specify a name to uniquely identify the item.

  4. In Caption, specify the text that should appear on the menu item.

  5. In Tooltip, specify the text that should appear as the tooltip for this item.

  6. In Use Case under Link To, select the use case (functionality) with which the menu/tab option should be associated.

  7. In Shortcut for Security Mode Off, specify the text that should be appended to access this page in security mode off (Users will prefix /pattern/ to this string).

  8. Specify Alternate Captions if needed. You can set different captions and tooltips for various entities based on user privileges.

  9. Click the Save (or Save For) button to save the configuration.


Keep the Use Case dropdown box empty, if you want to create options under the selected item.

Adding a second-level menu item

To add a second-level menu item in the Portal Menu, follow these steps:

  1. In the tree view, click the top-level item under which you want to create the option.

  2. Click the Add button. The Menu Item Properties page will appear (as shown in the figure).

  3. In Name, specify a name to uniquely identify the item.

  4. In Caption, specify the text that should appear on the menu item.

  5. In Tooltip, specify the text that should appear as the tooltip for this item.

  6. In Use Case under Link To, select the use case (functionality) with which the menu/tab option should be associated.

  7. In Shortcut for Security Mode Off, specify the text that should be appended to access this page in security mode off.

  8. Specify Alternate Captions if required.

  9. Click the Save (or Save For) button to save the configuration.

Adding a third-level menu item

To add a third-level menu item in the Portal Menu, follow these steps:

  1. In the tree view, click the second-level item under which you want to create the option.

  2. Click the Add button. The Menu Item Properties page will appear (as shown in the figure).

  3. In Name, specify a name to uniquely identify the item.

  4. In Caption, specify the text that should appear on the menu item.

  5. In Tooltip, specify the text that should appear as the tooltip for this item.

  6. In Use Case under Link To, select the use case (functionality) with which the menu/tab option should be associated.

  7. In Shortcut for Security Mode Off, specify the text that should be appended to access this page in security mode off.

  8. Specify Alternate Captions if required.

  9. Click the Save (or Save For) button to save the configuration.

Deleting an Item

  1. In the tree view on the left of the page, click the item to be deleted.

  2. Click the Delete button to remove the selected item along with its child nodes.

  3. Click the Save button to save the changes.

Creating an Item Like an Existing Item

  1. Click the item that you want to use as the basis for creating another item.

  2. Click the Clone (or Copy) button.

  3. Make any necessary changes to the new item.

  4. Click the Save button to save the changes.

Promoting an Item

  1. Click the item that needs to be promoted.

  2. Click the Promote button.

  3. The item will be moved just after and parallel to its existing parent node.

  4. Click the Save button to save the changes.

Demoting an Item

  1. Click the item that needs to be demoted.

  2. Click the Demote button.

  3. The item, along with its child nodes, will be placed as the last child item under the node directly below it.

    • If a second-level item is demoted and needs to be placed under a leaf node, that node will lose its attached use case.

  4. Click the Save button to save the changes.

Changing the Location of an Item

To move an item within the menu:

  1. Select the item you want to move.

  2. Click one of the following buttons to move the item to a new location:

    • Move to upper menu of current parent: Moves the item to the upper menu of its current parent.

    • Move up: Moves the item one position up.

    • Move down: Moves the item one position down.

    • Move to lower menu of current parent: Moves the item to the lower menu of its current parent.

  3. After making changes, click the Save button (or Save For depending on the requirement) to apply the changes.

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