Validating Parameters

Validating Parameters

Applying range validations to parameter makes sure user does not key in an invalid value.  Validations can be set if Input Type of the parameter is EditText.  To enable the validation tab, check Validation checkbox on the tab header.

You can provide:

  • Valid values (Characters, numbers or dates)

  • Invalid values (Characters, numbers or dates)

  • Script to be executed at run time to validate the entered value. We will look at how to add scripts later in this document

Specifying validation for Number type parameter

To specify Range of numbers, mention starting number in From box and ending number in To box (of the same row).

If valid value is a number onwards, mention the starting number in From box, leave To box blank.

If a valid value is up to a number, leave From box blank and mention the ending number in To box.

You can specify positive numbers and negative numbers too.  A number may or may not have decimal point.

Click  button to insert a row below.  Click  button to delete the row.

Specifying validation for Character type parameter

To mention Allowed Characters, you may type in the characters or select the characters from Character set dialog.

Selecting characters from Character Set dialog

Click  button to open Character Set dialog.  Click a character to select it. Selected characters appear depressed.  To unselect a character, click it once more.  After making the selection, click OK to close the dialog and return to Parameter Detail dialog.Range(s) of valid charactersEach character has a unicode ‘number’.  Unicode of the character will be considered for range validation.

To specify Range of characters, mention unicode of starting character in From box and that of ending character in To box (of the same row).

If valid value is a character onwards, mention unicode of starting character in From box, leave To box blank.

If valid value is up to a character, leave From box blank and mention unicode of ending character in To box.

Click  button to insert a row below.  Click  button to delete the row.

How to specify Date values

You can specify a date or from dropdown, select any one among

  • CURRENT_DATE (The date on which the report would be generated).

  • MONTH_START_DATE (First day of the month in which the report would be generated).

  • YEAR_START_DATE (First day of the year in which the report would be generated).

Range(s) of valid dates
To specify range of dates, mention date in From box and To box (of the same row).

If valid value is a date onwards, mention date in From box, leave To box blank.

If valid value is up to a date, leave From box blank and mention date in To box.

Click  button to insert a row below.  Click  button to delete the row.

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