HTML Viewer

HTML Viewer

Reports are displayed in HTML Viewer when you run ad hoc/ smart reports. Select View > HTML option on Report Delivery Options page when running a standard report.

Figure 1: View > HTML on Report Delivery Options page

In addition to viewing a report, you can carry out following activities on HTML Viewer:

  • Navigate

  • Refresh the report

  • Collaborate

  • Email

  • Print

  • Publish

  • Export

  • Upload

  • View Alerts

You can initiate any of these activities by clicking respective tool button from the toolbar.

HTML Viewer page

Depending on the report being viewed and the steps taken as post-view operations, it may have multiple components on it:

Figure 2: HTML Viewer

HTML Viewer has mainly three components.  On the top, it has toolbar having buttons for all the operations that can be done on the Viewer.

The Explore pane appears on the left side of the window.  This is the part of window where Table Of Contents pane as well as Alert pane appears.  The right side of window is page area.

When a report is viewed in Viewer, the explore pane is off.

Loading long Reports

If the report has multiple pages, the first page appears as soon as it is generated. However, it may take some time for the remaining pages to become available.  In this case, to indicate that the report is being generated, the text box in toolbar will display currently available pages followed by a + sign.  Also, a stop button appears next (on right side) to the navigation buttons.

Figure 3: HTML Viewer: A long report is being generated

Once the last page of the report is available, then the + sign disappears.

Canceling report generation

Click   button available on the Viewer toolbar to stop the report generation.

When report generation is cancelled using   button, any of the operations related to print or export would not be available.  This is because the complete report was not generated.


You can initiate any of the post-view operations by clicking respective button available on the toolbar.

Figure 4: The HTML Viewer Toolbar


Use scroll-bar to bring any part of the page on screen.  This is similar to viewing a web-page on browser.

Click navigation buttons to bring respective page on-screen:

: To bring the first page on screen.  This will not be available when the 1st page is being viewed.

: To bring previous page on screen.

: To bring the next page on screen.

: To bring the last page on screen. If a long report is being generated, this button takes to the last page available.  This will not be available when the last page is being viewed.

Going directly to a specific page number

The two numbers in the text box between the arrow buttons indicate the present page on screen and total number of pages that the report has.  To reach a specific page, you can type in the page number in the text box, followed by pressing the Enter key.

If the requested page is available in Viewer, then it navigates to that page.  If the report does not have that page, the viewer will ignore the action.

Drilldown and hyperlink navigation

When you click hyperlink on a hyperlinked report, Report Navigation Panel opens up.  Use this panel when you need to drill down to multiple reports and return to parent report or re-open drilled-down reports.

Figure 5: Report Navigation Panel

Report Navigation Panel opens up when you click a hyperlink on a report.

Note: Report Navigation Panel will not open when hyperlinked report opens in a new window.

Go to: To open any of the previously opened (parent or child) report.  Select the report from Go to drop-down box.

: To navigate to the report, which was opened before opening this report.

: To navigate to the report, which was opened after opening this report.

: To open the parent of this report.

: To close this report.  If you are removing a report that is parent, all of its children will also be removed from navigation panel.

Table of Contents

When the information on the report is grouped, (for example, by countries, or products, or departments, etc) you can use Table of Contents (TOC) to navigate by groups.

Figure 6: HTML Viewer: The TOC pane

To switch on the TOC pane, click the   button.  This button works as a toggle.

To navigate to a specific group,

If TOC is not on, click   button to get the TOC pane.

The groups and sub-groups are shown in a tree.

Click any of the entry on tree to navigate to that group – Viewer navigates to respective page and highlights the item.

Click the plus icon to open a branch and so on.

Refresh the report

Click  to refresh the same report with latest data.


Use    ,   and   to achieve collaboration on report being viewed on HTML Viewer. For detailed information on collaboration, refer chapter Report Collaboration.


A report can be mailed as a link or as attachment.

To email a report,Click  button from the HTML Viewer toolbar.

Figure 7: Mailing a reportIn Send Report As, select Link to send link of the report.  Select Attachment to send report as email attachment.Report Format: Select report format in which report output will be generated for upload.Specify Save In folder where you want to save the report output file.

Specify Email Options.

Specify Ids for To and if required, for CC.

Specify Subject.

In Message, you may prefer to continue with pre-set message or specify a new message.

Click Email to send the report.

Include Comments: This will appear when a report already published is being e-mailed as a post-view operation from HTML Viewer.  A report once viewed may have comments attached to it.  Select this checkbox to include comments (if at all there are any) as tail pages with the report.


A report can be uploaded to an FTP server or a shared location.

Figure 8: Uploading a report as post-view operationClick  option to get Upload Report dialog.Provide information as per following details on the dialog.

Click Upload Report button.

Details on Upload dialog

Report Format: Select report format in which report output will be generated for upload.

Upload Options: Specify Upload Options.

Upload Type: Select FTP to upload to an FTP server.  Select Shared Folder to upload it to a shared folder on the network.

Secure (only for FTP): check this checkbox to upload report on a secure FTP server.  When you do this, Use PAS mode checkbox will be unchecked and disabled.

Use PASV mode: (only for FTP): Check this checkbox to upload in passive mode.

Server Name (only for FTP): The server where the report should be uploaded.

Port  (only for FTP): The port at which should be used during upload.

User Name (only for FTP): Specify the user name by which application to login into server.

Password (only for FTP): Specify the password to be used at the time of login.

Folder Name: In case of FTP upload, specify the folder where the report should be placed. Specify backslash / if you want to place the report at root.  In case of Shared Folder upload, specify the network path in UNC format(computernamefolder) where the report should be placed.

File name: Specify name by which the report will be stored on server.

Print Report

You may access this option when you want to print report using any of the printers installed on your system.  When you click   button on the toolbar, Print you can choose to either download or print the report.

Figure 9: HTML Viewer: Print dialog

Click Print button to start printing.  Clicking Cancel button will not initiate printing process and close the dialog box.


A report being viewed in Intellicus Viewer can be published as a private report (a report that only the user who published will be able to view) or a public report (everyone can view the report).

Note: A published report will be available to users only if Approval Process is set as Direct (at the time of deploying the report).  If it has to undergo an approval process, then the report will be available only after approval.

To publish a report,

Figure 10: Publishing a reportClick  button from the Viewer toolbar.In Report Name, specify the name of report.Specify Save In folder where you want to save the report output file.

Use Expires on if you want the report to be published only for a specific period.  Click button to get the Select Date dialog and specify date.

Select Report Format and provide Publish Options for the selected format.

Select the appropriate option between Public and Private.  A public report is made available to all the users.  Private report is made available only to you.

Click Publish to go ahead with publishing the report.

To select a date, select month and year from the drop down and click the date from the calendar.

Note: Click Add Comment button to add comments.  If this report has to undergo approval process, you can work with approval at the time of publish itself.


Using Intellicus Viewer, you get the following formats to export reports to:

  • MS Excel

  • Acrobat PDF

  • Comma Separated

  • Text

  • MS Word

  • MS Powerpoint

To export a report, click the respective export button from Viewer toolbar.  The following table shows the button to be used:

: To export the report as MS Excel file.

: To export the report as PDF file.

: To export the report as CSV file.

: To export the report as Text file.

: To export the report as MS Word file. : To export the report as MS Powerpoint file.

When you click an export button, viewer will pop up Export Options dialog.   Options appearing in the dialog will depend on export format.  Select the options and click Export to start export.  Click Cancel to abandon export process.

You may also click  button from Viewer toolbar to select an export format on Export Options dialog box and click Export to go ahead with the export operation.

View Alerts

A report might have alerts set in it.  These are conditions set by report designers.  When you run a report having alert set, Intellicus goes on checking that alert-condition and creates an alert message every time the condition is satisfied.  When a report has alert messages, a blinking  icon appears on HTML Viewer’s toolbar.

Figure 11: Alert pane in HTML Viewer

Getting Alerts Pane

Alerts are listed in Alerts pane.  It appears on the left of HTML Viewer.  Click  icon appearing on the HTML Viewer toolbar to open Alerts pane.

Alert pane displays Alert title and short message.  Click View Detail link of respective Alert to open the alert in a new window.

Alert Window

Alert window displays selected (clicked) alert in detail.

Use following buttons to carry out respective tasks on Alert window:

: Opens window to mail the alert to recipients.

: Brings previous alert on the window.  Also on the HTML Viewer, brings row with that alert on top.

: Brings next alert on the window.  Also on the HTML Viewer, brings row with that alert on top.

The window has functionality of minimize, maximize, restore and close.

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