Upgrade Zookeeper Version

Upgrade Zookeeper Version

Redeploying Zookeeper with the newer version

You must redeploy the Zookeeper using the Zookeeper configuration page in Kyvos Manager to switch to the latest version of Zookeeper. This is necessary for cloud deployments (AWS, GCP, and Azure) and on-prem deployments to remove the previous version of Zookeeper.

To upgrade to the latest version, switching to managed Zookeeper is mandatory.

If you are upgrading both Kyvos Manager and Kyvos using either the single click upgrade or the All components upgrade, you must redeploy Zookeeper after upgrading Kyvos.


  • You must restart Kyvos services once Zookeeper has been redeployed.

  • If you're currently using the default Zookeeper on the Kyvos Manager node, you'll need to redeploy the ZooKeeper. This applies to any cluster deployed before the managed Zookeeper implementation and still uses the default Zookeeper on the Kyvos Manager node.

When upgrading to a release where the supported version of Managed Zookeeper is changing, an undeploy/deploy activity for Managed Zookeeper will be required post-upgrade.

From Kyvos Release

To Any Kyvos Release Up To

Supported Managed Zookeeper Version

Zookeeper Bundle Name














Till Date



Upgrading Zookeeper with the latest supported version


If you want to roll back to the earlier-used version, copy the currently in-use Zookeeper version bundle from Kyvos Manager repository at kyvosmanagerdata/server/repo/ to a different safe location to create a backup.

  1. Navigate to Kyvos and Ecosystem > Zookeeper.

  2. Here, select the External option and click Save. It will undeploy the Zookeeper. The in-use Zookeeper version tar bundle will be deleted from Kyvos Manager Repository.

  3. Once Zookeeper undeployment is complete, select the Managed by Kyvos option and click Save This will deploy the Zookeeper with the latest supported version.  

  4. Once Zookeeper deployment is complete, restart all Kyvos services from the Dashboard.

Switching to the earlier-used version of Zookeeper

To access the earlier-used version of the Zookeeper, perform the following steps. 

  1. Add the earlier-used Zookeeper version bundle to the Kyvos Manager repository at kyvosmanagerdata/server/repo/.

  2. Take a backup of the new supported version bundle of Zookeeper at a different location outside the Kyvos Manager repo. This bundle will be necessary for switching to the new supported Zookeeper version.

  3. Update the previous version bundle name in the supportedBundles present in the kyvosmanagerdata/server/repo/metadata.Kyvos/zookeeper.json file by deleting the new zookeeper version bundle name and then redeploy the Zookeeper to restore managed Zookeeper to earlier-used version.
    For example, to switch to Zookeeper version 3.6.1, before uninstalling the Zookeeper, a key having a value like ”supportedBundles”: [“zookeeper-3.7.1.tar.gz”] must be updated with “supportedBundles”: [“zookeeper-3.6.1.tar.gz”]
    Sample zookeeper.json file


Switching to the default non-managed version of Zookeeper

To restore the default non-managed version of Zookeeper on the Kyvos Manager node, which was removed during the uninstallation of Managed Zookeeper, you will need to manually install Zookeeper on the Kyvos Manager node.

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