Analyzing Costs

Analyzing Costs

You can generate reports that overview the cost consumption of created clusters and their respective subscriptions. Additionally, you can drill down into individual subscriptions and clusters as needed.


While analyzing costs, you can obtain accurate and up-to-date cluster cost details within 15 minutes.

Available Operations

To perform various operations on a view, click the Actions menu () in the upper right of the page:

  • Drill Up Level: To navigate up through the hierarchies of a dimension.

  • Drill Down Level: To navigate down through the hierarchies of a dimension.

  • Download As: To download the current view of the charts as PNG, JPG, or SVG files.

  • Export: To export the report in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or PDF formats.

  • Export as CSV: To export the report in CSV format, either as a summary or a detailed view.


Advanced Filtering

Use the Advance Filters option on the right side of the page to apply filtering criteria to the dimensions. A filter is a condition you can apply to your report data. Multiple conditions can be applied by joining them with AND/OR operators.

To use Advanced Filters, click the Advanced Filters option in the upper right of the page.


The Advanced Filters dialog will be displayed.


Viewing Options

  • Full View or collapse view: To view the data for an analysis section in full view, click the maximize button (image-20240701-122227.png ). To exit the full view mode, click the minimize button (image-20240701-122426.png).

Cost Analysis Sections

  • Actual Cost: Displays the overall cost for the cluster for a specific month, week, day, or hour.

  • Total Forecasted Cost: Displays the future costs for the cluster based on its current consumption, projected for the remaining days of the month.

  • Subscription Balance: Displays the total balance of an individual subscription or the overall subscription.

  • Trend Forecasted: Displays the trend of monthly cluster usage.

  • Trend Accumulated: Displays the accumulated usage to date.

  • Service-wise Cost: Displays the actual compute and storage costs.

  • Cluster-wise Cost: Displays the costs incurred by each subscription for the cluster.

  • Date Period: Displays the overall cost for the selected period.




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