Exec Threads
These threads handles report execution requests. Specify number of report execution requests that should be served simultaneously. This is a license specific property.
Default: 5
Service ThreadsThis thread handles all the requests (except report execution). Specify number of service requests that should be served simultaneously. This is a license specific property.Default: 5Example: SERVICE_THREADS=5
Cancel Threads
This thread handles report-cancelling task (stopping execution of a report). Specify number of cancel request that should be served simultaneously. This is a license specific property.
Default: 5
Note: Report Server will limit the number of threads to the licensed number of users even if a higher number of threads are set in property file. Report server will not give any error in such case.
Scheduler Job Dispatch Threads
This property is to set the maximum number of schedules that can be executed concurrently.
New value set for this property will come into effect after server re-start.
Default: 10
Important: Effective threads will be governed by license.
Dashboard Threads
This property is to set the number of threads for dashboard reports. Intellicus maintains separate thread-pool for reports running via dashboards. Number of threads allocated for dashboard will be the minimum value of this property and DashboardThreads property under the License tab.
Default: 2
Important: Effective threads will be governed by license.
Helper Exec Threads
Helper Exec Threads property specifies the number of report exec requests that can be handled. When all the report exec threads are busy and one more report exec request is received; while the report exec thread is waiting for say database operation to get completed, the new report exec request is passed on to Helper Exec threads. Specify number of helper requests that should be served simultaneously. For example, when this property is set to 3, three of such report exec requests can be handled this way.
This is a license specific property.
Syntax: HELPER_EXEC_THREADS= [no. of Threads](int)
Default: 5
OLAP Exec Threads
This property sets the maximum number of OLAP reports that can be executed concurrently (parallel to one another). Specify a positive integer.
This is a license specific property.
Syntax: OLAP_EXEC_THREADS= [5] (int)
Default: 5
PermaLink Threads
Permalinks can be generated for a published report to be shared with external users. This property sets the maximum number of Permalinks that can be executed concurrently (parallel to one another). Specify a positive integer.
This is a license specific property.
Syntax: PERMALINK_THREADS= [5] (int)
Default: 5