Semantic model designer related properties

Semantic model designer related properties

The properties listed here allow you to configure the appearance settings for the semantic model designer pages on the Kyvos Web portal.



Current Value

Possible values



Current Value

Possible values


In the Semantic Model use case, there are options to create a geography-based hierarchy in dimensions, This property controls name, value, and display value for predefined geo roles that are used to display on UI

[{"name": "Continent", "displayValue": "Continent", "value": "CONTINENT", "level": 1},

 {"name": "Country", "displayValue": "Country", "value": "COUNTRY", "level": 2},{"name": "Province", "displayValue": "Province", "value": "PROVINCE", "level": 3}{"name": "State", "displayValue": "State", "value": "STATE", "level": 3},{"name": "County", "displayValue": "County", "value": "COUNTY", "level": 4},{"name": "City", "displayValue": "City", "value": "CITY", "level": 5},{"name": "PostalCode", "displayValue": "PostalCode", "value": "POSTAL_CODE", "level": 6}]

Custom user-defined


In the semantic model use case, there are options to create a time type hierarchy in dimensions; this property controls the name, value, and display value for a predefined time type hierarchy that is used on the property panel of semantic model on UI


                {"name": "Year-Month-Day", "value": "Y-M-D", "displayValue":"Year-Month-Day"},

                {"name": "Year-Quarter-Month-Day", "value": "Y-Q-M-D", "displayValue":"Year-Quarter-Month-Day"},

                {"name": "Year-Quarter-Week-Day", "value": "Y-Q-W-D", "displayValue":"Year-Quarter-Week-Day"},

                {"name": "Year-Quarter-Month", "value": "Y-Q-M", "displayValue":"Year-Quarter-Month"},

                {"name": "Year-Quarter-Month-Week-Day", "value": "Y-Q-M-W-D", "displayValue":"Year-Quarter-Month-Week-Day"}


Custom user-defined


In the semantic model use case, there are options to create a location-based hierarchy in dimensions. This property controls name, value, and display value for a predefined location type hierarchy that is used to display on the semantic model on UI

[ {"name": "Country-State", "value": "C-S", "displayValue":"Country-State"}, {"name": "Country-State-City", "value": "C-S-C", "displayValue":"Country-State-City"},    {"name": "Country-State-County", "value": "C-S-Co", "displayValue":"Country-State-County"},      {"name": "Country-State-County-City", "value": "C-S-Co-C", "displayValue":"Country-State-County-City"},  {"name": "Country-State-City-PostalCode", "value": "C-S-C-Z", "displayValue":"Country-State-City-PostalCode"},{"name": "Country-State-County-PostalCode", "value": "C-S-Co-Z","displayValue":"Country-State-County-PostalCode"} ]

Custom user-defined


In quick analysis workflow, we auto-create semantic model; this property controls the threshold for auto creation of semantic model elements like dimension, attributes, and level combined and attributes in quick analysis.

maxDimensions - max count up to which dimension will be created

maxAttributeLevels - max count up to which levels and attributes will be created

attributeThreshold - max count up to which attributes will be created

"cube": {

"maxDimensions": 15,

"maxAttriuteLevels": 100,

"attributeThreshold": 8


Custom user-defined

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