Adding and deleting cards

Adding and deleting cards

Applies to: Kyvos Enterprise  Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) Kyvos AWS Marketplace

Kyvos Azure Marketplace   Kyvos GCP Marketplace Kyvos Single Node Installation (Kyvos SNI)

Dashboard cards are like widgets that you can add to your Kyvos Viz dashboard.

On Kyvos Viz, you can use cards to add content to your dashboard. Cards allow you to add a URL or HTML code to your dashboard, display your logo, provide a link to your website, or present text that describes key points about the other cards in the dashboard. You can also use a card to filter the dashboard contents or organize cards into groups.

Card types available in Kyvos are:

  1. Data Cards: Use these to add content to your dashboard.

  2. URL-based cards: Use these to add a clickable URL to your dashboard.

  3. HTML Cards: Use these to add an HTML code to your dashboard.

  4. Filter Cards: Use these to filter out data in the dashboard.

  5. Group Cards: Use these cards to group other cards together.

From Kyvos 2024.2 onwards, when you edit a data card, you can assign a title to their data cards. The assigned title will appear, and you can also see the titles of all existing data cards along with their corresponding worksheets. This feature assists in identifying the details of a specific card created for a particular worksheet.

Adding a card

To add a card to a dashboard, perform the following steps.

  1. From the Toolbox, select Workbooks, then select a workbook and dashboard.

  2. In Design mode, click Add Card at the top of the panel and choose one of the card types.

  3. If you choose Data cards, do the following:

    1. Select the checkbox next to the worksheets you want to use, or choose Select All.
      You can also click Search and type to quickly find a worksheet. In the Already Added section, you can also view name of the added worksheet and title of the data cards. When you hover over the title of the worksheet, you will view the details such as Name, Title, and Group Name (if it is grouped).

    2. Click the checkbox to fix widget position, make the background transparent, or hide the scrollbar.
      Click the i icon to learn more.

    3. Set the Margin for the dashboard card. You can also specify different margin values for all four sides using the dotted square option.

    4. Select the position of the Legend to display in the dashboard. 

    5. Select the Legend Arrangement as free flow or tabular. 
      NOTE: The tabular view arrangement is applicable for the top and bottom positions only. 

    6. Under CSS selectors, you can use the default value or enter a custom ID and class. 

    7. Click Add.

  4. If you choose the URL-based card, do the following:

    1. Enter the URL and title for the card.

    2. Select whether to show the title or maximize option.

    3. Click the checkbox to fix the widget position, make the background transparent, or hide the scrollbar.
      Click the i icon to learn more.

    4. Set the Inner Margin for the dashboard card. Using the dotted square option, you can also specify different margin values for all four sides.

    5. Specify CSS selectors ID and class. 

    6. Click Add.

  5. If you choose the HTML card, do the following:

    1. Enter the title for the card.

    2. Add any HTML or text.
      You can add graphics, scripts, or links to other content using HTML code. Click <> to view the HTML source.

    3. Click Background to add or remove a color.

      1. You can select a color by using the color picker, clicking on the gradient, using the color slider, entering the hex value, or entering the RGB value. 

      2. Use the transparency slider to adjust the transparency if needed. By default, it is not transparent.

      3. Click Select.

      4. To remove a color, click Background and select Remove Color.

    4. You can also use the rich text editing options in the dialog box to set the font, font style, size, and paragraph details.

    5. Click ... to access additional rich text editing options.

    6. Click Settings, then select whether to show the title or maximize option. 

    7. Click the checkbox to fix the widget position, make the background transparent, or hide the scrollbar.
      Click the i icon to learn more.

    8. Set the Inner Margin for the dashboard card. Using the dotted square option, you can also specify different margin values for all four sides.

    9. Specify CSS selectors ID and class. 

    10. Click Add.


Press ? to view handy keyboard shortcuts. If you click the ? icon at the top right of the page, the help page related to that feature will open.

Renaming cards

To rename the title of the card, click the (  ) Actions menu in the upper right corner of the card and choose Rename

Editing a card

To edit a card in a dashboard, perform the following steps.

  1. Click the Actions menu ( ⋮ ) in the upper right corner of the card, and select the Edit option from the list.

  2. You can add or modify the Worksheets used in the card.

  3. Edit the Title if needed. 

  4. You can also provide a Subtitle for the card. For KPIs, the sub-titles are updated automatically on updating the filter or measure value used in the conditions.

  5. Enter description of the card or you can also select the Same as Worksheet checkbox if you want to keep the data card description the same as the worksheet.

  6. Additionally, you can update the View Options and View Styling for the card.

  7. Once done, click the Save button.


Duplicating a card

Duplicating a card saves the time and effort required for creating cards with similar dimensions and contents. The duplicate cards inherit all the dimensions, contents, and properties of the original cards.


As an exception, the Duplicate option is not available for the Group card as it is a collection of multiple cards.

To duplicate a card in a dashboard, perform the following steps.

  1. Click the Actions menu ( ⋮ ) in the upper right corner of the card, and select the Edit option from the list.

  2. A copy of the card is created. You can edit the card as needed.

Deleting a card

To delete a card in a dashboard, perform the following steps.

  1. From the Toolbox, select Workbooks, then select a workbook and dashboard.

  2. Click the Actions menu (  ) in the upper right corner of a card and choose Delete.

  3. Click Delete to confirm.

CSS selectors ID and class

The difference between an ID and a class is that an ID can identify one element, while a class identifies more than one.

For cards that should always be shown, set the ID to “standard”. This is the most common setting.

Use Class to identify multiple elements.

View data card details

To view details of the data card, right-click on the data card and select the Show Info option. Alternatively, click the i icon at the top right of the data card.
You can view the following details:

  • The last process time of the semantic model, which is used for creating the worksheets.

  • Filters applied on the worksheet of the data card.

  • The number of members present on worksheet of the data card.

From Kyvos 2024.2 onwards, you can also view the parameter filters (if applied) in the 'Show Info' dialog box.

image (41).png

Viewing descriptions of dimensions and measures

If you added descriptions to dimensions and measures while designing a semantic model, you can view those descriptions by hovering the cursor over the dimension or measure that you are using in a dashboard or a filter used in a dashboard.

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