Viewing Schedules

Viewing Schedules

A report may have one or more schedules setup. Schedule list is displayed when you have one or more schedules already setup.

Figure 24: Quick schedules list

This screen displays jobs set for this report. For each job, the following details can be listed:

  • Name: The name given to a job.

  • Status: Running if the time span of the job is not over. Completed if the time span of the job is completed. Error if the job started but could not be completed successfully. Suspended if the job is marked as suspended.

  • Frequency: Frequency of occurrence of the schedule.

  • Last Run Time: The time when the report was run last time.

  • Last Run Result: TThe outcome of last run of the job. Success, if report was generated successfully. Error, if report could not be generated.

  • Next Run Time: The time when the job will be run next.

  • Action: Click  icon to stop the running instances of the job

Note: If a job that is set to delete after execution will automatically removed from the list after its execution.

Add or remove columns in the list

By adding or removing columns you may list only the columns that you need.

Right-click on title-bar to open a context-menu. Context-menu has checkboxes of columns that can be displayed. Check name of the column to display and clear the column that you don’t want to display. The columns will be instantly added / removed from the view.

To close the context-menu, click anywhere on the title-bar.

Sorting the list

It is quicker to find the desired item if the reference is sorted. To sort the list by a column, click its column-title. The list will be sorted in ascending order of the column. Look for an arrow icon on the right edge of the column. It indicates current sort order. Click the column once more to sort the list in opposite order. Clicking another column’s title will sort the list in ascending order of that column.

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