Configuring Dashboard Properties

Configuring Dashboard Properties

Applies to: Kyvos Enterprise  Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) Kyvos AWS Marketplace

Kyvos Azure Marketplace   Kyvos GCP Marketplace Kyvos Single Node Installation (Kyvos SNI)

To configure the dashboard, you can set Dashboard properties and settings for Mobile layout. For mobile layout Dashboard properties, see the Setting Mobile Layout section.

Setting Dashboard Properties

You can set the following properties on the Dashboard:


To set dashboard properties, perform the following steps.

  1. Click Properties.

  2. Choose Canvas Settings to design dashboard. Specify the layout of the worksheets on the dashboard. See the Configuring Canvas settings for Dashboard section for more details.

  3. Select the enable checkbox to support dashboard for mobile devices.
    See the Setting Mobile layout section.

  4. Select a Theme from the list or None. If None is selected the Workspace theme is applied.

  5. Select a Background Color if you want to use a custom color other than that loaded from the theme.

  6. Select a Color Palette for the dashboard charts from the list.

  7. Select a Widget Loader style from any of the two options. The selected icon will be displayed while Kyvos fetches data from the server.

  8. Set the Margin for the dashboard card. You can also specify different margin values for all four sides using the dotted square option.

  9. Specify the Widget Gap and Widget Shadow values entering a value in pixels.

  10. Specify whether to shrink cards that have no data by clicking the Shrink widgets in case of no data checkbox. It is not recommended to make design changes like adding cards, repositioning cards, or resizing cards in the dashboard layout if some cards are shrunk due to no data condition.

  11. Click the link Custom CSS to do advanced customization of the appearance.

  12. Click X at the top of the panel to close the Dashboard Properties pane.


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