Postgres High Availability

Postgres High Availability

Bundled Postgres is supported as Kyvos Manager and Kyvos repository in both (i.e., Cloud and On-Prem) environments. Although using an external repository is the primary recommendation for cloud environments due to a standard cloud practice and to benefit from advanced capabilities offered by cloud environments, a bundled repository can still be used as a repository for both Kyvos Manager and Kyvos in cloud environments.

Postgres High Availability is a feature supported by the product for supporting the high availability of Postgres service when bundled Postgres is used as the repository. This capability ensures that database service is always available uninterrupted for the system to work correctly. This feature is created on top of the streaming replication feature supported by Postgres. When Kyvos Manager detects Postgres service down (unintentionally, i.e., not stopped intentionally) or the posture node goes down, then after the predefined user configured wait interval, Kyvos Manager promotes one of the available Standby Postgres that is on best replication states as master Postgres.

By default, this bundled Postgres service is deployed on the Kyvos Manager node, which also has the Kyvos Web Portal role. It’s recommended not to Migrate this Postgres role to any other nodes with roles in BI Server or Query Engine, as those nodes may go down during cluster scheduling. The same is applicable for Standby Postgres as well.

Enabling Postgres High Availability

To enable High Availability of bundled Postgres, you must add a standby Postgres server role on a cluster node. For adding this role, existing nodes can also be used, or dedicated nodes can also be created and added to the cluster by specifying this Standby Postgres role on the new nodes that are being added to the cluster.

For configuring the Standby Postgres role on existing cluster nodes, you need to use the Migrate Service feature of Kyvos Manger by adding a Standby Postgres role on the required nodes.

In contrast, to add a Standby Postgres role on a new node, you need to use the Add Node functionality of Kyvos Manager.


A combination of both as applicable for your environment

Disabling Postgres High Availability

To disable Postgres High Availability, either remove all the Standby Postgres service from nodes or delete nodes having standby services.

For disabling Postgres High Availability, you need to use the Migrate Service feature of Kyvos Manger and remove all standby Postgres service from nodes.

In contrast, to deleting Standby Postgres nodes, you need to use the Delete Node functionality of Kyvos Manager.


A combination of both as applicable for your environment.


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