Building the Cab File

Building the Cab File

When you issue a command to build the cab file, all the information stored in the open configuration file is picked up from the respective locations.

If any of the information saved in the configuration file is not available at the right source while building the cab file, an error message appears and the cab building process will be stopped.

On the iPackager home screen, Click Build Cab. The Build Properties screen appears.

Figure 14: Building the Cab file

To build the cab,

  1. Specify build properties like Name of the cab, along with its Author, Company, Version and any additional information under Comment.
    The configuration file gets saved with the same name as the Cab file if not saved earlier. If the configuration file already exists on the Web Server with the same name, the user is prompted with a message to overwrite or not

  2. Click Build and Download.

  3. The cab building process starts. The Build Status screen appears.Figure 15: Build status

  4. Once the cab file is built, it is saved under the browser’s default download folder location.

  5. At any point of time, click Cancel Build to cancel the cab building process.

  6. You can use the deployer available at Navigate > Repository > Deploy Repository Bundle to deploy your cab file.

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