Scope of Localization

Scope of Localization

Localization in Kyvos Reporting allows organizations to meet users' language and regional formatting needs across geographical locations. Through its localization features, users can access the portal and view reports in their preferred language, along with localized date, time, and currency formats.

Key Aspects of Localization

  1. Locale-based Formats: Localization ensures that information such as date, time, and currency is presented appropriately for the selected region.

  2. Language Support: Users can access the portal and reports in a language supported by the selected locale.

  3. Time Zone Configurations: Time zones can be configured for the report server, database, and users, ensuring consistent and accurate time-dependent activities.

Scope of Localization

Kyvos Reporting's localization capabilities include the following:

  • Specifying Locale: Select date and time formats for reports and portal activities.

  • Configuring Time Zones: Set time zones for the report server, database, and individual users.

  • Localizing the Portal: Customize the portal's interface and static content to appear in the selected language.

  • Localizing Report Data: Display report labels, data values, and outputs in the desired language.

Locale Selection

Locales determine the specific language and geographic region settings, impacting:

  • Portal language (if configured)

  • Sorting of data

  • Formats for date, time, numbers, and currency

How Locale is Applied:

  1. User Preferences
    Users can specify their locale under Navigate > Personalization > Preferences.

  2. Organization Preferences
    If not set in user preferences, the default locale for the organization (configured under Navigate > Administration > Manage Users > Organization) will be applied.

  3. Report Server Properties
    If no organization-level locale is set, the locale configured under Navigate > Administration > Configure > Server will be applied.

  4. Machine Locale
    If the report server locale is set to "Default," the machine's locale where the report server is hosted will be used.

Time Zone Configurations

Time zones influence time-dependent activities such as report output, scheduling, and the lifecycle of repository objects.

Types of Time Zones:

  1. Database Time Zone
    Configured under Navigate > Administration > Configure > Databases.

  2. Server Time Zone
    Configured under Navigate > Administration > Configure > Server.

  3. User Time Zone
    Can be set at multiple levels, applied in the following order:

    • User Preferences
      Set under Navigate > Personalization > Preferences.

    • Organization Preferences
      Default time zone for the organization, configured under Navigate > Administration > Manage Users > Organization.

    • Report Server Properties
      If not set at the organization level, the time zone configured under Navigate > Administration > Configure > Server will be applied.

    • Machine Locale
      If the server time zone is set to "Default," the machine's time zone will be used.

Portal Localization

The portal's static text, validation messages, and input fields can be configured to appear in the selected language. Users can also input the following details in their preferred language:

  • Report names

  • Category (folder) names

  • Query object names

  • Field captions

  • Dashboard names and widget titles

  • Job names (for quick jobs)

  • Published report names


Static and dynamic content such as report and folder names will appear in the specified language.

Report Data Localization

Localization extends to report labels and data values, allowing users to:

  • View report data and labels in the selected language.

  • Receive report outputs in the desired language for specific reports or categories.

During ad-hoc report design, localized entries can appear in the query object list, with field captions and values in the selected language.

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