Ad hoc Report Templates

Ad hoc Report Templates

You can configure templates under Navigate > Design > Ad hoc Template Configuration.

Intellicus needs multiple type of files to generate output of an ad hoc report. Below is the information contained in these files:

  • Style file (.sty): The style file contains style definitions about look and feel, alignment, orientation, etc. of components (Report Header/Footer, Grid, Chart etc.) in a report.

  • Layout file (.irl): The layout defines how the data is presented in the report with properties like paper size, static controls etc.

Figure 25: Ad hoc Template Configuration page

STY file needs to attach the following templates:

  • Report Header / Report Footer / Page Header / Page Footer / Group Header / Group Footer: Information about look and feel of various headers and footers.

  • Detail Section: Information about style and colors of the detail section.

  • Grid template: Information needed to draw a grid (when an ad hoc report is being viewed in HTML or iHTML output).

  • Chart template: Information about look and feel of charts. There are separate templates for amchart and Canvaschart.

  • Matrix template: Information about look and feel of matrix.

  • DataBar template: Information about look and feel of databar.

  • iHTML template: Information to provide look and feel to a report in iHTML report output type.

  • Map template: Information needed to draw a map.

The above type of templates needs to be attached to an STY file from Ad hoc Template Configuration page.

Working with Ad hoc Template Configuration page
To filter the list of templates

List of templates can be filtered by searching characters that appear anywhere in the template name.

Figure 26: Getting filtered list of Template files


  1. Type character(s) that need to be searched in the textbox.

The list will be filtered (not case sensitive) as per the criteria.

To create a copy of an existing template
  1. Select the template to copy from.

  2. Click the Add Like

A template will be created having same contents as in the one that was copied. This new template’s name will be the same as copied one, but with prefix “Copy of”.  You can rename the template and modify style file as well as layout file.

To create a new template

Major steps involved in creating a new template are,

  1. Click Add New

  2. Specify Style Name and click Save Respective layout file and style file will be created.

  3. Set the styles by selecting Items and selecting Item Properties. Click Save button to save the changes in style.

  4. Create a layout. To create a layout, click Edit Layout button and open Report Designer.

To modify a style file of template
  1. From template list, select the template. Its properties are listed on the right side of the page.

  2. For the item that needs changes, select the item and make required changes in Item Properties.

  3. Click Save button to save the changes.

To modify layout file of a template

To modify a layout file, open it in Report Designer.  (It opens in a new window).

  1. From template list, select the template.

  2. Click Edit Layout button to open Report Designer.

  3. Click Save button on Report Designer to save the changes.

  4. To preview template changes / effect of the template

  5. Click Preview button to open Ad hoc Wizard. Here you can open an existing report or you can design a new report to preview it.

Details of Style

Select the template file from under Templates drop-down box.

Figure 27: Setting styles for ad hoc report output

You can set styles for ad hoc report output as below:

Report Header / Report Footer / Page Header / Page Footer / Group Footer
  • Style: To set Font, font style, size, font color and back color, Underline and Strikethrough.

  • Horizontal Alignment: Select one among Right, Left or Center.

  • Vertical Alignment: Select one among Middle, Top, Baseline and Bottom.

Group Header

Figure 28: Setting styles for Group Header section

  • Style: To set Font, font style, size, font color and back color, Underline and Strikethrough.

  • Group Indent Width: Indent to be kept for each level of group. Set Fixed to have a pre-set fixed indent.  Set Auto to let application decide the indent.

  • Include Groups In CSV: Value of this property will decide if group header and group footer will appear when viewed in CSV (if a report has one or more groups). Set True to have group header and group footer.  Set False for not having group header and footer.

  • Horizontal Alignment: Select one among Right, Left or Center.

  • Vertical Alignment: Select one among Middle, Top and Bottom.

Detail Section

Figure 29: Style options for detail section

  • Style: To set Font, font style, size, font color and back color, Underline and Strikethrough.

  • Horizontal Alignment: Select one amongst Right, Left or Center.

  • Vertical Alignment: Select one amongst Middle, Top, Baseline and Bottom.

  • Alternate Backcolor (BGR format): Set the alternative color to get background of detail section in alternating colors. This may increase readability.

  • Border Color (BGR Format): Set the Border color to get border.


Figure 30: Grid Properties

  • Grid Provider: Select the provider you want to use to show grid on ad hoc report.

  • Grid Template: Look and feel of a grid is defined in its template file. Select a template file to apply for grid, when user selects this ad hoc template on Ad hoc Wizard.

  • Width: Specify width of the grid in twips (1 twips is equivalent to 1/15 pixels).

  • Height: Specify height of the grid in twips (1 twips is equivalent to 1/15 pixels).

  • Grid Local Cache: On Grid, user can select a field to show / hide through a menu. Select True to get show / hide option for all fields of the query object.  Select False to get show / hide option only for the Selected Fields.

  • Data Tree Expansion: Applicable when data is grouped. Select Fetch on Demand, Prefetched, Expanded.


Figure 31: Options for Chart component

  • Width: Total width to be used to plot chart.

  • Height: Total height to be used to plot chart.

  • Font Name: The font that should be used for text on the chart.

  • Chart Provider: Chart on Ad hoc report is provided by CanvasChart and AmChart. CanvasJS Chart library is faster and modular and decreases rendering time. AmChart provides many chart types and chart actions. Select the one you want to use to plot chart on Ad hoc report. By default, CanvasChart provider is used to render charts unless you specify a different provider.

    Note: With CanvasChart, if user selects 3D charts, they are backward compatible to 2D charts and will be displayed in 2D.

    Real-time charts are not supported by CanvasJS and hence will be rendered using AmChart Library.

  • Export Chart Provider: Select either CanvasChart or AmChart JavaScript.

  • Chart Template: Chart template defines look and feel of chart. Select the chart template that should be applied when this report template is selected.  After selecting a template, click Edit button to edit the chart template file.  Configuration Files List page will popup where you can open file and edit it.

  • Chart Local Cache: On Chart, user can select a field to show / hide through a menu. Select True to get show / hide option for all fields of the query object.  Select False to get show / hide option only for the Selected Fields.

Note: If the selected font is not available on the report server, Intellicus default font (Arial) will be used.


Figure 32: Options for Matrix component

  • Theme: Select a theme to be applied on matrix.

  • Alternate Backcolor (BGR Format): Select the alternative color to get background of matrix in alternating colors.

  • Alternate Forecolor (BGR Format): Select the fore color of text to be used.

  • Font Name: The font that should be used for text on the matrix.

  • Row Height: Specify height of the row of matrix.

  • Column Header Height: Specify height of the top-most column header of the matrix.

  • Column Header Repeat: Set this to ‘True’ in case you want to view column header across multiple pages of the matrix else set this to ‘False’.

  • Row Header Repeat: Set this to ‘True’ in case you want to view row header across multiple pages of the matrix else set this to ‘False’.


Figure 33: Options for DataBar component

  • DataBar Width: Specify width of the databar component in twips (1 twips is equivalent to 1/15 pixels).

  • DataBar Height: Specify height of the databar component in twips (1 twips is equivalent to 1/15 pixels).

  • Positive DataBar Color (BGR Format): Select the color of text to be used when data values fall above a base value defined for the databar.

  • Negative DataBar Color (BGR Format): Select the color of text to be used when data values fall below a base value defined for the databar.

  • Data Label ForeColor (BGR Format): Select the fore color of text to be used.


Figure 34: Orientation change options

  • Modify Orientation: This will take care of situations when an ad hoc report has more number of fields than it can handle in given page width. Select true to automatically change orientation from portrait to landscape.

  • Control Move Right: Comma separated values appearing in the list are the static controls found in the sty file. If page orientation is changed, these controls will also be shifted towards right.

  • Control Expand Right: Comma separated values appearing in the list are the static controls found in the sty file. If page orientation is changed, these controls will be expanded towards right side.


Figure 35: Miscellaneous settings for ad hoc template

  • iHTML Template: Select the iHTML template to be used when the report is viewed in iHTML output type. iHTML template defines look and feel as well as positioning details of report components.  To edit a template, select the template from the drop down and click the Edit button.  ‘Config Files’ page will open up where you can edit the template and save it.


Figure 36: Options for Map

  • Map Provider: Select the provider you want to use to plot map on ad hoc report.

  • Map Template: Map template defines look and feel of map. Select the map template that should be applied when this report template is selected.  After selecting a template, click Edit button to edit the map template file.

  • Width: Total width to be used to plot map.

  • Height: Total height to be used to plot map.


Figure 37: Options for Image

  • Upload Image: You can customize your ad hoc template to upload images that can appear as logo or watermark on the Smart report when exported. You can choose to overwrite the image if it already exists.

  • Select Image: You can then select the uploaded image appears at the specified position of every page of the exported report in PDF.

iHTML Template

iHTML template is a collection of web resources having one mandatory html file (main.htm).  This is the main page, which would be displayed in Intellicus HTML Viewer.

Note: If this file is not found as a part of template then report output would be generated using Ad hoc IRL template.

All web-resources, which are used on iHTML template should be placed in a folder at location:

<installation folder>Intellicus/ReportEngine/templates/ihtml/.

Name of the folder would act as name of template.  Names of all folders are listed on Ad hoc Style Configuration page.

Register onload event of body tag in main.htm.  Name of registered javascript function should be ‘INTERA_ONLOAD()’. This function would be called when report output is loaded in HTML viewer. This would trigger an event to start rendering of all client side controls like Chart, Data Grid etc. for e.g.<body onload=”INTERA_ONLOAD()”>

All placeholders kept in main.htm for rendering of client side controls like chart, data grid, system parameters, user parameters, etc. should be given proper ids in below mentioned manner.


Id of html element should be INTERA_GRID0.  For e.g.

<div id=”INTERA_GRID0” style=”…”> </div>


Id of html element should be INTERA_CHART0.  For e.g.

<div id=”INTERA_CHART0” style=”…”> </div>

To display image for “loading” or some pre-processing information before chart renders, then leave one more place holder positioned above chart placeholder.  Id of this html element should be “INTERA_CHART0<!>MESSAGEDIV.  For e.g.

<div id=”INTERA_CHART0<!>MESSAGEDIV” style=”…”> </div>

System parameters or User parameters

Id of html element should be INTERA_<name of parameter>.

Note: Name of parameter should be in uppercase.

So for e.g. if report title is to be displayed then Id of html element in which report title would be displayed should be ‘INTERA_SYS_REPORT_TITLE’. For e.g.

<div id=”INTERA_SYS_REPORT_TITLE’” style=”…”> </div>

To display “display parameter” of any parameter, HTML id should be INTERA_<PARAMETERNAME>_DISP.

When a template has a placeholder, but the report does not have corresponding data, that place would be left empty.  For example, if the template has placeholder for chart, but the report does not have chart, its place holder will be left blank.

If report is expected to have Unicode data, set charset property value as utf-8.

<META HTTP-EQUIV=”Content-Type” CONTENT=”text/html; charset=UTF-8″>

Property File for Grid control (dhtmlxgrid.properties)

It is possible to control the functionalities to be made available on iHTML’s grid control by setting property values in dhtmlxgrid.properties file.

This file is available at path:

<installpath>IntellicusReportEnginetemplatesgridsdhtmlx<template folder>dhtmlxgrid.properties

For example,

<install path>IntellicusReportEnginetemplatesgridsdhtmlxdefaultdhtmlxgrid.properties

Note: Report Engine reads this property file and caches the property values.  Changes made in this file will come into effect only after report-server restart.



Value of this property defines visibility of the status bar on grid.  Set TRUE to display the status bar.  Set FALSE to hide the status bar.   Default: TRUE.




Value of this property defines if user will be given column show / hide functionality on grid.  Set TRUE to enable column show / hide functionality.  Set FALSE to disable this functionality.  Default: TRUE.



Value of this property defines if user will able to resize columns on grid.  Set TRUE to enable column-resize functionality.  Set FALSE to disable this functionality.  Default: TRUE.



Value of this property defines if user will be able to reposition columns displayed on grid.  Set TRUE to enable this functionality.  Set FALSE if users should not be able to reposition columns.  Default: TRUE.




Value of this property defines if functionality of sorting columns will be enabled on grid.  If this functionality is enabled, users can click a column-title to sort the list by that column.  Set TRUE to enable this functionality.  Set FALSE if users should not be able to sort the list.  Default: TRUE.




Value of this property defines if user will able to search the rows by filtering the rows in the grid.  Set TRUE to enable this functionality.  Set FALSE to disable this functionality.  Default: TRUE.



When SEARCH is set to TRUE, value of this property will define how search results will be displayed on grid.  Set FILTER to list the records that meet the criteria.  Set NAVIGATE to highlight first record that meets the criteria.  Default: FILTER.



Value of this property defines the level in grid (when it is grouped) at which filter criteria can be provided.  Valid values are:

  • CURRENT_LEVEL: The level of the selected row in grid.

  • TOP_LEVEL: Row of the top-most level of the group.

  • LAST_LEVEL: Row of the lower-most level of the group.

  • ALL_LEVELS: Any row of the grid.




Value of this property defines if pagination will be available on the grid or not.  When pagination is true, data records on grid are displayed as pages.  Set TRUE to enable pagination functionality.  Set FALSE to disable this functionality.  Default: TRUE.



When pagination is TRUE, Value of this property defines number of records per page.  Default is 100.  Set any positive integer value.


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