Selecting Display Fields

Selecting Display Fields

Under the Fields tab, you can select the fields to be displayed on the report.

Figure 2: Selecting Display fields

To select a field, check the checkbox displayed before each field from Available Fields and click  button to bring the fields in Selected Fields.  To select all the fields, click  button .

To select a group, check the checkbox displayed before the group and click  button.

To deselect a field, highlight it from Selected Fields and click  button.  To deselect a group, highlight the group-name from Selected Fields and click  button. Click  button to deselect all the fields.

To reposition fields on the report, you can use the up  and down  arrows.

Click the Apply button after selecting the fields.

You can quickly search a field name by entering any text in the Search textbox. The searched field appears highlighted in the shown list.

Display Field Properties






Number of characters of this field to show on the report. Field data may wrap beyond this width

Render As








Applies to Number Data type fields


Blank option (Default) = render numbers as numbers

DataBar = render numbers as a horizontal bar whose size is in ratio to its value

DataBar Base

0-N (in case Custom option is checked)








Custom = Choose your base number for Data bar. Rows with value equal to base value will show zero width data bar. All greater numbers will be green bars towards right and lower to base will be red bar towards left.


Avg = Average of the group becomes base of data bar. All values below average will be red bars and all values above average will be green bars

Min = Minimum of the group becomes base of data bar

Max = Maximum of the group becomes base of data bar

Rendering data bars

Figure 3: Rendering Databar

In case Update Fields At Runtime is enabled at Query Object level and you have added a new field in the database file, you would see the new field when Add New Fields At Runtime is checked here. In case this is unchecked, then you can add new fields from PowerViewer.
In case of a hyperlinked field (specified at the query object level), you can drill down to open another report or URL on clicking the value of field on grid.

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