Working with Studio Reports Charts

Working with Studio Reports Charts

Charts are pictorial representation of data, which make it quicker and easier to analyze large volumes of data. Charts can also be used to denote a trend, measure facts and figures over a period of time, etc. Intellicus Studio provides the facility to display a chart with the report output.

You can choose the most suitable chart type from different type of chart types offered for including in a report.

Charts have a lot of options, but these options are used based on the following factors:

  • Type of chart chosen: When you plot a bar chart, make sure that you select numeric data for at least one of the axes.

  • Number of fields chosen for the charts: To plot a bar chart you need data for at least two series. In addition, a pie chart would always show only one data series and is useful when you want to emphasize a significant element.

Important: In case of bound charts, chart is plotted depending on the section where chart component is placed.  This is because the data made available for chart depends on data source used for report.  In case of unbound charts, this is not the case.  In whichever section you place the chart, entire records received, will be considered for plotting the chart.  This is because the data made available for chart comes from its own data source.

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