Selecting Database Objects

Selecting Database Objects

You can select the radio buttons to choose the database (schema) objects such as procedure, synonym, table, and view in the SQL Designer. On selecting the required (schema) objects, the procedure, table, synonym, and view names appear in the list pane adjacent to it. You can select these names and drag it to the diagram pane.

Figure 3: Selecting Database Objects

You can perform multiple selections using the following methods:

  • Use <ctrl> <click> to select random values

  • Use <shift> <click> for a continuous range of values, or,

  • Simply click and drag individual values.

Important: Before you use a procedure, make sure that it does not perform any unwanted data manipulation in the connected data source.

Note: For OLAP type connections Design tab, Filters tab, Sort tab, Stored Proc. tab in SQL Parser pane will not be available. You can use Edit tab to write the query.

Removing Tables from SQL Designer

To remove a table from the SQL Designer, right-click the table and select Delete Table. If you have defined a join on the tables, you need to first delete the join.

Figure 4: Delete Table

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