Studio Report Controls - Properties List

Studio Report Controls - Properties List


This property is available in the Property pane if you select a field control from the layout window. This property determines the alignment of the value (left, right or center) within the control.

Figure 2: Alignment




To left-align the value within control.  This is default alignment for character type fields.


To right-align the value within control.  This is default alignment for number type fields.


To center-align the text.  In this type of alignment, text will be exactly in the middle within the control.

Alignment in Barcode

This property sets the alignment of the caption of the barcode.




To left-align the caption.  This is default alignment for character type fields.


To right-align the caption in the barcode.


To center-align the caption in the barcode.

Figure 3: Alignment


This property is used to set background color of a control or a section.

Figure 4: Back Color

Note: BackColor property will be effective only when BackStyle property is set to ‘Normal (1-ddBKNormal)’.

BackColor in Barcode

This property sets the background color of the Barcode.

Figure 5: BackColor in Barcode

Figure 6: Showing BackColor in report using BackColor

BarWidth in Barcode

This property determines the width of the bars of the barcode.

Figure 7: BarWidth is one


This property will be available in property pane if you select a field control or a section from the layout pane.  Its value determines if background color  will be applicable or not.

Figure 8: Back Styles




To show the background content.  This will not hide the background content by applying the BackColor.


To apply BackColor.  This will hide background color.

You can also perform the same through the Script Editor as shown in the example below:

Object: Detail             Event: OnFormat


function OnFormat()


if (parseInt(rpt.section(“Details”).controls(“txtSales”).dataValue)  > 1000 );


rpt.section(“Details”).controls(“txtSales”).backStyle = 1; // Back Style Normal




rpt.section(“Details”).controls(“txtSales”).backStyle = 0;  // BackStyle Transparent




This property defines the border surrounding the labels and fields.   It can be changed through the shortcut menu or using the script editor.

Figure 9: Different kind of borders applied on controls


This property is applicable for label controls.  Its value is displayed for the selected label at report execution time.

Caption Position

This property will be there on the property pane when the page header is selected.  Value of this property determines position of page header on report.




Page header will appear on all the pages of the report.

Below RH and On all PHs following RH

On the report page where report header is setup, the page header will appear below the report header.

Caption in Barcode

Figure 10: Caption on Barcode

Caption is text that is displayed along with barcode.  The caption needs to be used if Barcode is not bound with any DataField.

If the caption is too long for barcode width to adjust, then in the barcode itself the report designer can see a message.  Here the length needs to be increased so that the bars can be adjusted in the barcode area.

Figure 11: Bars in Barcode not fitting

Caption Position in Barcode

It determines the positioning of the numeric value within the barcode.  It can either be placed above (‘Above’) the barcode or at the Bottom (‘Below’) of the barcode.  There is a value which is ‘Blank’ which means even though caption is there the bars would show but caption will not be visible.

Figure 12: CaptionPosition in Barcode

Figure 13: Caption as Blank

Column Direction

This property will be available if you click on a section in the layout pane.  This property determines how Intellicus Studio should print the detail section in a multi-column report.

Figure 14: Column Direction




This will print first column from top to down and repeat the same for next column to its right. (Column-wise printing)


This will print the first row spanning across all columns followed by next row. (Row-wise printing)

When ‘DownAcross’ is selected, the printing will go to the next column after the column on the left is completely printed.

Figure 15: Report Print Directions

You can also define the same through Script Editor as shown in the example below:

Object: Detail             Event: OnFormat


function OnFormat()


rpt.Sections(“Detail”).columnCount = 3;

rpt.Sections(“Detail”).columnDirection = 1;}

Data Field

This property is available for a field or a group header section.  It defines the binding field and a group.  This value is set to the name of any field in the data source, or the name of a custom field added into the field’s collection.

Figure 16: Data Fields

When the DataField property is set for the group, records in the detail section will be grouped by this field.

When the DataField property is set for a field, Intellicus Studio binds the field’s data from each record in the database to the selected control. The record set data is first saved into the data value, and then passed through any (defined) output format, to be set as the control’s text.

When using XML the DataField must be set to a valid ‘Xpath’ string.

Important: The base path set by the ‘RecordSetPattern’ is used as the starting node; if a control needs to use a higher level node, use “../” to move back a node.

The DataField property can also be used to perform calculations using scripting expression by stating the property, proceeded by an ‘=’ symbol. This allows the fields to be set up to display the calculated results. Example;rpt.sections(“ghClient”).dataField= “CustomerID”;

Warning: Intellicus Studio will NOT sort the data automatically. The SQL must have proper ‘Order By’ statement in the same sequence in which the report has been grouped.

Data Field in Barcode

It determines the value for which barcode is to be generated.  If the value in Datafield is blank or is no mapped then caption used in ‘Caption’ shall be shown.

Figure 17: DataField in Barcode

Image Source Type

Value of this property decides the source for selected image.

Path: Select this if image is located on local, or a network path that can be accessed from the machine where Intellicus Report Server is running.

URL: Select this if image is to be fetched from a web location.

Binary Data: Select this to pick up the image at run time from a field in database, or embed the image in report (IRL) by picking it up from a path.

Image Path

Value of this property decides the path from where the image should be picked up.

Important: This is the path to the image file on computer where Intellicus report server is running.


This option will be available in the Properties list if you select a label or a field control from the layout pane. The ‘Font’ property allows you to set font name, size, styles, and effects. When you select this option from the Properties list, Font dialog box will appear to select various options for the font.

You can also change the font settings for a control at runtime, depending on conditions applied on the same. The following examples sets the sales figure above a certain value to a bold, underline format.

For above, you can use Conditional Formatting feature too.

Object: Detail            Event: OnFormat


function OnFormat()


if (parseInt(rpt.sections(“Details”).controls(“txtSales”).dataValue) > 10000 )


rpt.sections(“Details”).controls(“txtSales”).bold = true;

rpt.sections(“Details”).controls(“txtSales”).font.underLine = true;




rpt.sections(“Details”).controls(“txtSales”).bold = false;

rpt.sections(“Details”).controls(“txtSales”).font.underLine = false;



Font in Barcode

This property sets the font of the caption on the barcode.  The ‘Font’ property allows you to set font name, size, styles, and effects. When you select this option from the Properties list, Font dialog box will be displayed for you to select from various options.

You can also change the font settings for a control at runtime, depending on conditions applied on the same.

Figure 18: Font on Barcode


This will set the foreground (text color) of the selected control. When you choose this option from the properties window, a color palette will open up to choose colors from.

Figure 19: ForeColor (text color) applied on a control

You can also change the forecolor (text color) of a control by writing a script.  The following example will display a red colored ‘confidential’ text at the top-left corner of each page.

Object: Detail            Event: OnFormat


function OnFormat()


rpt.Sections(“Detail”).Controls(“txtSales”).foreColor = 25545255;


Forecolor in Barcode

This will set the fore color of the bars in the barcode.  You can choose this option from color palette which is available in ForeColor property.

Figure 20: ForeColor in Barcode

Keep Together

This property will be available on property pane if you select the group section (header or footer). This option applies to group header sections and determines whether group header and group footer sections will print on the same page or not.

Figure 21: Keep Together




To let the group split across pages.


To print the complete block on the same page without any page-breaks. When a complete block does not fit on a single page, it will be split across two or more pages.


To let the group header, detail, and group footer get printed on the same page.

You can achieve the same through the Script Editor. For example, rpt.sections(“GHCategory”).grpKeepTogether = true;

Height in Barcode

Using the Height property you can set the height of the barcode.  The height is the complete height of the barcode control. It defines the section’s height in twips.

Figure 22: Height of the Barcode control

Figure 23: Height of Barcode control and caption

This property will be available in property pane when a field control is selected.  It sets the distance of left boundary of the control from the left edge of the report page.  The unit of measure is pixels.


This property will be available in property pane when a field control is selected.  It sets the distance of left boundary of the control from the left edge of the report page.  The unit of measure is pixels.

Left in Barcode

This property will be available in property pane when a field control is selected.  It sets the distance of left boundary of the control from the left edge of the report page.  The unit of measure is pixels.

Figure 24: ‘Left’from report Page

Figure 25: ‘Left’from report Page

Line Color

This property will be available in property pane when a Line control or Shape control is selected.  It defines the color of the Line used to draw the line or shape.  You can select a color from the available options or can create color as per the need.

Line Style

This property is available in property pane when a Line control or Shape control is selected.  Its value determines the style of line that will be applied to the selected control.

Figure 26: Line Style






This will display a transparent line.
















Line Weight

This property will be available in the property pane when Line control or Shape control is selected.  It defines the thickness of line.  A value of zero will not draw line. The line will become thicker with higher values.  Unit of measure of thickness of line is pixels.  You can select a color from the available options or can create color as per the need.

Figure 27: Line of various thickness

New Page

This property will appear in property pane when you click on an empty part of detail section.  The value set for this property will determine if the section should be printed before having a page break or after having a page break.  It does not apply to a page header or a page footer section.

Figure 28: New Page




This will not give any page break before the selection.


This will print a new section on a new page.


This will start the printing on a new page after printing the section.

3-Before & After

This will start printing the section on a new page and start a new page after printing it.

To utilize this facility through the Script Editor, follow the given example.


This property will appear on property pane when the Page Header or the Page Footer is selected.   Set this property to control appearance of the Page header or Page footer section.

This property will be effective on the Page Header or Page Footer whichever is selected while setting value of this property.



All Pages

Selected section will appear on all the pages.

All Pages, not with RH

Selected section will appear on all the pages, but not on page having the Report Header.

All Pages, not with RF

Selected section will appear on all the pages, but not on page having the Report Footer.

All Pages, not with RH, not with RF

Selected section will appear on all the pages, but not on page having the Report Header and not on the page having Report Footer.


This property will be available when a picture control is placed on the report (and is selected).  This property sets the picture that will be placed on the report at run time.  The image types that you can use are:

  • bmp

  • ico

  • jpg

  • cur

  • gif

  • wmf

If the image you have selected is larger than the placeholder the image will be auto-cropped equally from all the sides.  If it is smaller than the placeholder, Intellicus will add equal amount of empty space on all the sides around the image.


This option will be available if you select a picture from the layout pane.

0-Top Left             1–Top Right         2-Center               3-Bottom Left       4-Bottom Right

Figure 29: Picture Alignment



0-Top Left

To align the picture to the top left corner of the image control area.

1-Top Right

To align the picture to the top right corner of the image control area.


To align the picture in the center of the image control area.

3-Bottom Left

To align the picture to the bottom left corner of the image control area.

4-Bottom Right

To align the picture to the bottom right corner of the image control area.


This option will be available if you select a shape control.  The value set for the property will decide shape of the control.




This will give a rectangular shape to the selected object.


This will give an elliptical or circular shape to the selected object.

2-Round Rectangle

This will make the selected rectangle’s edges rounded.

Figure 30: Shapes

Style in Barcode

It determines the style of the barcode.

Figure 31: Style in Barcode

The styles that Intellicus supports are:

  • CODE128 (Default)

  • CODE128_RAW

  • CODE128_UCC

  • EAN13

  • EAN8

  • UPCA

  • UPCE

  • Interleaved2Of5

  • Planet

  • PostnetZIP

  • PostnetZIP4

  • PostnetZIP4DP

  • 3Of9

  • 3Of9X

  • Codabar

  • PDF417

  • Datamatrix

  • SUPP5

NOTE: There are certain requirements with some of the styles.  It is suggested that report designers should know the styles that they are using in the report.


The EAN13 style requires a minimum of 13 characters in data field.

The EAN8 style requires a minimum of 8 characters in data field.

The EAN13 style requires numeric value in data field.  It won’t work if barcode is set on String value.

Summary Function

This option will be available if you select a field control from the layout pane.  It sets the type of the summary function used to process the selected field’s values. You can use this function to create sub totals, grand totals, and other summary values.

Figure 32: Summary Function




This will calculate the total of all values within the specified summary region (group, page report).


This will calculate the average of all values within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the count of all values within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the minimum of all values within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the maximum of all values within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the variance of all values within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the population variance of all values within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the standard deviation of all values within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the population standard deviation of all values within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the total based on the distinct values of another field within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the average based on the distinct values of another field within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the distinct count based on the distinct values of another field within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the variance based on the distinct values of another field within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the population distinct variance based on the distinct values of another field within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the standard deviation based on the distinct values of another field within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the population standard deviation based on the distinct values of another field within the specified summary region (group, page or report).

Summary Group

You can apply page numbers at group level.  Select the group on which the page numbers are to be applied.

Select SummaryRunning as RunGroup at ‘n’ Page numbering.  Select SummaryRunning as None ‘m’ Page numbering to get the page count for each group.

Figure 33: Summary Group

Summary Running

This option will be available if you select a field control from the layout pane.  It determines whether the summarization will be accumulated or reset for each level (detail-, group- or page).

Figure 34: Summary Running

Setting this property as ‘1-RunGroup’ or ‘2-All’ will make Intellicus Studio print a running summary of the field at the group or report level.



0 – None

To calculate a running summary.

1 – RunGroup

This will calculate a running summary. Each value is the sum of the current value and all preceding values (within a same group).


This will calculate a running summary for all values.

Note: When using the summary functions with a field, the ‘CanGrow’ and ‘CanShrink’ properties are disabled for the field.

Summary Type

This property will appear in the property pane if a field control is selected from the layout pane.  It specifies the level at which the summarization can be used on the fields.

Figure 35: Summary Types

If the summarized field is placed ahead of its summary level (Placing a page total in the page header or a report grand total in the report header), the containing section and the following sections will not be printed until the summary value is resolved / calculated. While using the summary functions on a field, the ‘CanGrow’ and ‘CanShrink’ properties are disabled for the selected field.


This property is available for a field control.  This sets the distance of the control from the top edge of the report page.  The unit of measure is pixels.

Top in Barcode

This property is available for a field control.  This sets the distance of the control from the top edge of the report page.  The unit of measure is pixels.

Figure 36: ‘Top’ Property


This property defines if the control would appear at run time or not.




The control would appear at run time.


The control would not appear at run time.

Visible in Barcode

This property defines if the Barcode would appear at run time or not.




The control would appear at run time.


The control would not appear at run time.

Figure 37: Barcode needs to be Visible or not


This property is available for a field control.  This sets the width (left to right) of the control.  The unit of measure is pixels.

Width in Barcode

This property is available for a field control.  This sets the width (left to right) of the control.  The unit of measure is pixels.

Figure 38: Width of Barcode


This option will be available in the properties pane when you select the ‘Main Report’ option from the Report Explorer window. It defines the products version and build number.


This property will appear in the property pane when you select the ‘Main Report’ option from the Report Explorer window.  It adds a specified image to the report’s background. The ‘watermark’ image can be positioned, sized, aligned and placed on specified pages by using the other watermark properties.

When you select this property in the property pane, Open dialog box will appear for you to choose and select the file to be used as watermark.

Note: .jpg and .gif image type can be used with Watermark.  After setting an image, if you do not want the image to appear, change the value of property WaterMarkPrintOnPages to zero.

WaterMark Alignment

This property will appear in the properties list when you select the ‘Main Report’ option from the Report Explorer window. It defines the watermark’s general vertical and horizontal positions when it is added to the ‘Canvas’.

Figure 39: Watermark Alignment




To align the watermark to the top left margin of the page.


To align the watermark to the top right margin of the page.


To align the watermark in the center of the page.


To align the watermark to the bottom left margin of the page.


To align the watermark to the bottom right margin of the page.


This property will appear in the properties pane when you select the ‘Main Report’ option from the Report Explorer window.  Specify the number of pages on which watermark should be printed.


This property will appear in the properties pane when you select a section header of footer.  Value selected for this property will determine if background color will be available or not when report is exported in Excel.




To display background color when report is exported in Excel.


To hide background color when report is exported in Excel.


Set value for this property if this report will be exported to MS Excel format.  Value set in this property decides the column in which selected control will be rendered.

Figure 40: XL Column

The exact column will be calculated based on location of the control in the section and values set in XLCellHeight and XLCellWidth properties.


Set value for this property if this report will be exported to MS Excel format.  Value set in this property decides the number of cells to be kept blank before rendering the next control on its right.

Figure 41:XLColumnSpan

Figure 42:ColumnSpan set to 3

For example, value in column A is long and may extend 5 columns, set this property to 5.  This will ensure that value of the next field is placed in column F.  If the data is smaller in width and does not expand all the columns, format is copied in all the columns.


Set value for this property if this report will be exported to MS Excel format.  The value set in this property will decide relative row number in which the control should be placed.  It actually works like previous row count plus the value set here.

Figure 43: XLRow

The exact row number will be calculated based on location of the control in the section and values set in  XLCellHeight and XLCellWidth properties.

Note: To decide the actual row in which this control will be placed, Intellicus adds the value of XLRow in the row number in which control of the previous record was placed.   For example, for a control placed in detail section, if last record was placed in row 5, XLRow = 1 will make sure next record is placed in row 6, that is, (5 + 1).


Set value for this property if this report will be exported to MS Excel format.  It is used to define number of rows to be kept blank below the cell.  Format is copied in all the columns.

The exact count of row will be calculated based on location of the control in the section and value of XLCellHeight and XLCellWidth properties.

Figure 44: XMLRowSpan

Figure 45: RowSpan set to 2

For example, after cell A1, to keep cells A2 and A3 empty, set XLRowSpan to 3.  This will ensure that value of the next record is placed in row A4.


Set value for this property if this report will be exported to XML format.  Use this property to specify the tag-name for selected control.  This tag name will be used when this report is exported in XML.

Figure 46: XMLTagName

If by default the property is kept blank.  In this case, field name is used as tag name.


Set value for this property if this report will be exported to XML format.  Value set in this property decides if the control should be included in XML output or not.

  • EXCLUDE: To exclude this control from XML Output.

  • ELEMENT: To include this control as an element of XML.

  • ATTRIBUTE: To include this control as an attribute of XML.

Figure 47: XML Type

By default the property does not have any value.  In this case, the value is considered as element.


Set value for this property if this report will be exported to XML format. Value set in this property decides if the control should be included in XML output or not.  Leave this as TRUE if data for this field may contain character(s) that violets XML Specifications.  When it is set to TRUE, data is placed in CDATA.

Note: This property can be used only if XMLType is ELEMENT.


This property will appear in the properties list if you a section (except page header/ footer) from the layout pane.

It determines whether the section height will expand, if any of its contained controls grow beyond its area.




The section contents will not be clipped to the height of the section.


The section contents will be clipped to the height of the section.

Note: This property does not apply to PageHeader and PageFooter sections.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:

rpt.sections(“Detail”).controls(“txtName”).canGrow = true;


This property will be available in the Properties list if you select any section (except page header/footer) from the layout pane. It determines whether the section height will be adjusted to fit its contents.




The section will shrink beyond the minimum value defined by its Height property.


The section will not shrink beyond the minimum value defined by its Height property.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:

rpt.sections(“Detail”).controls(“txtName”).canShrink = false;

Note: This property does not apply to PageHeader and PageFooter sections.


This option will be available in the properties list only when the details section is selected. It defines the number of columns in the report. This property can be used to print labels, or phonebook style listings. The width of each column equals the ‘PrintWidth’ of the report divided by the number of columns.

You can use the ‘ColumnLayout’ property to force associated group headers and footers to follow the same column format as their detail section.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:

rpt.sections(“Detail”).columnCount = 3 ;

rpt.sections(“Detail”).columnDirection = 1;

Column Layout

This property will appear in the properties list if the group header/ footer section is selected.  It determines whether a group header section should use the same column layout as of its detail section.




The number of columns in a detail section will be reflected in the associated group headers and footers.


The number of columns in a detail section will not be reflected in the associated group headers and footers.

Note: This property applies to group header and group footer sections only.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:

rpt.sections(“GHLocation”).columnLayout= false

Column Spacing

This option will be available in the Properties list if you select the detail section only. It defines the space between columns (in twips) in a multicolumn report.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:


This option will be available in the Properties list if you select any section from the layout pane. It defines the section’s height in twips.

Important: A section’s height can only be changed using the ‘Format’ event, the ‘ReportStart’ event, or before the report is run.

Changing the height will not automatically reposition the controls inside the section.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:

rpt.sections(“Detail”).height = 2*1440

Keep Together

This option will be available in the properties pane if you select any section (except page header/ footer) from the layout pane. It determines whether a whole section should print on the same page.




The section will print on the same page without any page breaks.


The section will split across two or more pages.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:

rpt.sections (“Detail”).keepTogether = false;


You can utilize this option only through the Script Editor. It sets or returns the unique identifying name of the section.

New Column

This property will appear in properties list if detail section is selected from layout pane.

This property determines whether Intellicus Studio should insert a column-break before and/ or after printing the section.

Note: This property does not apply to report header, report footer, page header, and page footer sections.




No page-break before the section.


Start printing the section on a new page.


Start a new page after printing the section.

3-Before and After

Page-break before and after a section.  Start printing the section on a new page and start a new page after printing it.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:

Object: Detail            Event: OnFormat


Section :  Report Level

event : OnDataInitialize

function OnDataInitialize()



rpt.fields(“rNumber”).value = 0 ;



Section : Detail

event ” OnFormat();

function onFormat()


rpt.fields(“rNumber”).value = parseInt(rpt.fields(“rNumber”).value) + 1 ;

if ( rpt.fields(“rNumber”).value == 6)


rpt.section(“Detail”).newColumn = 2

rpt.fields(“rNumber”).value = 0 ;




rpt.section(“Detail”).newColumn = 0 ;



New Page

This property will appear on properties list if you the details section from the layout pane. It determines whether Intellicus Studio should insert a page-break before and/ or after printing the section.

Note: This property does not apply to page header or page footer sections.




No page-break before the section.


Start printing the section on a new page.


Start a new page after printing the section.

3-Before and After

Start printing the section on a new page and start a new page after printing it.

Object : Repot           event : OnDataInitialize

function OnDataInitialize()







Object : Detail           event : OnFormat



function OnFormat()


rpt.Fields(“Pre_Val”).value =   parseInt(rpt.Fields(“Pre_Val”).value) + 1 ;

if ( parseInt(rpt.Fields(“Pre_Val”).value) == 6 )


rpt.Sections(“Detail”).newPage = 2;

rpt.Fields(“Pre_Val”).value = 0 ;




rpt.Sections(“Detail”).newPage = 0 ;




You can utilize this option from the Script Editor only. It determines if the group footer or report footer be printed at the bottom of the page. If ‘PrintAtBottom’ is set to ‘True’ and the report will have page footer, and the group footer or report footer will be printed above it.

Warning: Setting more than one section to print at the bottom will cause the subsequent footer sections to be printed on separate pages.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:

Object: GroupFooter1           Event: OnFormat


rpt.sections(“groupFooter1”).printAtBottom = true;


Visible property determines whether the section is to be printed or not.




The section will be printed.


The section will not be printed.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:

if (rpt.sections(“Detail”).controls(“txtAccount”).dataValue == null )


rpt.sections(“Detail”).visible = false



This property is applicable when a report is going to be exported in MS Excel.  When value for XLColumn and XLRow is not set, value set in this property decides height of cell.


This property is applicable when a report is going to be exported in MS Excel.  When value for XLColumn and XLRow is not set, value set in this property decides width of cell.


This property is applicable when a report is going to be exported in MS Excel.




Background will be applied in MS Excel output.


Background will not be applied in MS Excel output.


Sets or Returns the name of the field. It should be unique within the collection, and is used as a key of the field in the collection.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:

function OndataInitialize()





Sets or returns a user defined value associated with the field object.


Sets or returns the current value of the field object.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:

function OnFetchData(eof)


rpt.Fields.(“Amount”).value = parseInt(rpt.Fields(“Qty”).value * rpt.Fields(“Price”).value);



Page Header is rendered before the Report Header.  Using the RenderInSection property you can now mention the placement of Fields, labels, Line, image or shape.

RenderInSection (Caption Header)

The Fields, labels, Line, image or shape shall be rendered along with Caption Header.

RenderInSection  (Page Header)

The Fields, labels, Line, image or shape shall be rendered along with Page Header.

Ranking Field

This property is available on Group Header.

Set Ranking Field when for a grouped report, if you want to set order of appearance of groups based on total of a group.  For example, groups are required to be in descending order of “Total Sales” for the group.  If “Total Sales” of “East Region” is 1000 units and “Total Sales” of “West Region” is 1900 units, then, “West Region” group detail will appear before “East Region” group details.

Ranking Field is the one based on which ranking will be decided.  In above example, “Sales” would be the ranking field.

Ranking Function

This property is available on Group Header.

This is the function applied to calculate value in the field set in Ranking Field. available in the Property pane if you select a field control from the layout window. This property determines the alignment of the value (left, right or center) within the control.

Figure 2: Alignment




To left-align the value within control.  This is default alignment for character type fields.


To right-align the value within control.  This is default alignment for number type fields.


To center-align the text.  In this type of alignment, text will be exactly in the middle within the control.

Alignment in Barcode

This property sets the alignment of the caption of the barcode.




To left-align the caption.  This is default alignment for character type fields.


To right-align the caption in the barcode.


To center-align the caption in the barcode.

Figure 3: Alignment


This property is used to set background color of a control or a section.

Figure 4: Back Color

Note: BackColor property will be effective only when BackStyle property is set to ‘Normal (1-ddBKNormal)’.

BackColor in Barcode

This property sets the background color of the Barcode.

Figure 5: BackColor in Barcode

Figure 6: Showing BackColor in report using BackColor

BarWidth in Barcode

This property determines the width of the bars of the barcode.

Figure 7: BarWidth is one


This property will be available in property pane if you select a field control or a section from the layout pane.  Its value determines if background color  will be applicable or not.

Figure 8: Back Styles




To show the background content.  This will not hide the background content by applying the BackColor.


To apply BackColor.  This will hide background color.

You can also perform the same through the Script Editor as shown in the example below:

Object: Detail             Event: OnFormat


function OnFormat()


if (parseInt(rpt.section(“Details”).controls(“txtSales”).dataValue)  > 1000 );


rpt.section(“Details”).controls(“txtSales”).backStyle = 1; // Back Style Normal




rpt.section(“Details”).controls(“txtSales”).backStyle = 0;  // BackStyle Transparent




This property defines the border surrounding the labels and fields.   It can be changed through the shortcut menu or using the script editor.

Figure 9: Different kind of borders applied on controls


This property is applicable for label controls.  Its value is displayed for the selected label at report execution time.

Caption Position

This property will be there on the property pane when the page header is selected.  Value of this property determines position of page header on report.




Page header will appear on all the pages of the report.

Below RH and On all PHs following RH

On the report page where report header is setup, the page header will appear below the report header.

Caption in Barcode

Figure 10: Caption on Barcode

Caption is text that is displayed along with barcode.  The caption needs to be used if Barcode is not bound with any DataField.

If the caption is too long for barcode width to adjust, then in the barcode itself the report designer can see a message.  Here the length needs to be increased so that the bars can be adjusted in the barcode area.

Figure 11: Bars in Barcode not fitting

Caption Position in Barcode

It determines the positioning of the numeric value within the barcode.  It can either be placed above (‘Above’) the barcode or at the Bottom (‘Below’) of the barcode.  There is a value which is ‘Blank’ which means even though caption is there the bars would show but caption will not be visible.

Figure 12: CaptionPosition in Barcode

Figure 13: Caption as Blank

Column Direction

This property will be available if you click on a section in the layout pane.  This property determines how Intellicus Studio should print the detail section in a multi-column report.

Figure 14: Column Direction




This will print first column from top to down and repeat the same for next column to its right. (Column-wise printing)


This will print the first row spanning across all columns followed by next row. (Row-wise printing)

When ‘DownAcross’ is selected, the printing will go to the next column after the column on the left is completely printed.

Figure 15: Report Print Directions

You can also define the same through Script Editor as shown in the example below:

Object: Detail             Event: OnFormat


function OnFormat()


rpt.Sections(“Detail”).columnCount = 3;

rpt.Sections(“Detail”).columnDirection = 1;}

Data Field

This property is available for a field or a group header section.  It defines the binding field and a group.  This value is set to the name of any field in the data source, or the name of a custom field added into the field’s collection.

Figure 16: Data Fields

When the DataField property is set for the group, records in the detail section will be grouped by this field.

When the DataField property is set for a field, Intellicus Studio binds the field’s data from each record in the database to the selected control. The record set data is first saved into the data value, and then passed through any (defined) output format, to be set as the control’s text.

When using XML the DataField must be set to a valid ‘Xpath’ string.

Important: The base path set by the ‘RecordSetPattern’ is used as the starting node; if a control needs to use a higher level node, use “../” to move back a node.

The DataField property can also be used to perform calculations using scripting expression by stating the property, proceeded by an ‘=’ symbol. This allows the fields to be set up to display the calculated results. Example;rpt.sections(“ghClient”).dataField= “CustomerID”;

Warning: Intellicus Studio will NOT sort the data automatically. The SQL must have proper ‘Order By’ statement in the same sequence in which the report has been grouped.

Data Field in Barcode

It determines the value for which barcode is to be generated.  If the value in Datafield is blank or is no mapped then caption used in ‘Caption’ shall be shown.

Figure 17: DataField in Barcode

Image Source Type

Value of this property decides the source for selected image.

Path: Select this if image is located on local, or a network path that can be accessed from the machine where Intellicus Report Server is running.

URL: Select this if image is to be fetched from a web location.

Binary Data: Select this to pick up the image at run time from a field in database, or embed the image in report (IRL) by picking it up from a path.

Image Path

Value of this property decides the path from where the image should be picked up.

Important: This is the path to the image file on computer where Intellicus report server is running.


This option will be available in the Properties list if you select a label or a field control from the layout pane. The ‘Font’ property allows you to set font name, size, styles, and effects. When you select this option from the Properties list, Font dialog box will appear to select various options for the font.

You can also change the font settings for a control at runtime, depending on conditions applied on the same. The following examples sets the sales figure above a certain value to a bold, underline format.

For above, you can use Conditional Formatting feature too.

Object: Detail            Event: OnFormat


function OnFormat()


if (parseInt(rpt.sections(“Details”).controls(“txtSales”).dataValue) > 10000 )


rpt.sections(“Details”).controls(“txtSales”).bold = true;

rpt.sections(“Details”).controls(“txtSales”).font.underLine = true;




rpt.sections(“Details”).controls(“txtSales”).bold = false;

rpt.sections(“Details”).controls(“txtSales”).font.underLine = false;



Font in Barcode

This property sets the font of the caption on the barcode.  The ‘Font’ property allows you to set font name, size, styles, and effects. When you select this option from the Properties list, Font dialog box will be displayed for you to select from various options.

You can also change the font settings for a control at runtime, depending on conditions applied on the same.

Figure 18: Font on Barcode


This will set the foreground (text color) of the selected control. When you choose this option from the properties window, a color palette will open up to choose colors from.

Figure 19: ForeColor (text color) applied on a control

You can also change the forecolor (text color) of a control by writing a script.  The following example will display a red colored ‘confidential’ text at the top-left corner of each page.

Object: Detail            Event: OnFormat


function OnFormat()


rpt.Sections(“Detail”).Controls(“txtSales”).foreColor = 25545255;


Forecolor in Barcode

This will set the fore color of the bars in the barcode.  You can choose this option from color palette which is available in ForeColor property.

Figure 20: ForeColor in Barcode

Keep Together

This property will be available on property pane if you select the group section (header or footer). This option applies to group header sections and determines whether group header and group footer sections will print on the same page or not.

Figure 21: Keep Together




To let the group split across pages.


To print the complete block on the same page without any page-breaks. When a complete block does not fit on a single page, it will be split across two or more pages.


To let the group header, detail, and group footer get printed on the same page.

You can achieve the same through the Script Editor. For example, rpt.sections(“GHCategory”).grpKeepTogether = true;

Height in Barcode

Using the Height property you can set the height of the barcode.  The height is the complete height of the barcode control. It defines the section’s height in twips.

Figure 22: Height of the Barcode control

Figure 23: Height of Barcode control and caption

This property will be available in property pane when a field control is selected.  It sets the distance of left boundary of the control from the left edge of the report page.  The unit of measure is pixels.


This property will be available in property pane when a field control is selected.  It sets the distance of left boundary of the control from the left edge of the report page.  The unit of measure is pixels.

Left in Barcode

This property will be available in property pane when a field control is selected.  It sets the distance of left boundary of the control from the left edge of the report page.  The unit of measure is pixels.

Figure 24: ‘Left’from report Page

Figure 25: ‘Left’from report Page

Line Color

This property will be available in property pane when a Line control or Shape control is selected.  It defines the color of the Line used to draw the line or shape.  You can select a color from the available options or can create color as per the need.

Line Style

This property is available in property pane when a Line control or Shape control is selected.  Its value determines the style of line that will be applied to the selected control.

Figure 26: Line Style






This will display a transparent line.
















Line Weight

This property will be available in the property pane when Line control or Shape control is selected.  It defines the thickness of line.  A value of zero will not draw line. The line will become thicker with higher values.  Unit of measure of thickness of line is pixels.  You can select a color from the available options or can create color as per the need.

Figure 27: Line of various thickness

New Page

This property will appear in property pane when you click on an empty part of detail section.  The value set for this property will determine if the section should be printed before having a page break or after having a page break.  It does not apply to a page header or a page footer section.

Figure 28: New Page




This will not give any page break before the selection.


This will print a new section on a new page.


This will start the printing on a new page after printing the section.

3-Before & After

This will start printing the section on a new page and start a new page after printing it.

To utilize this facility through the Script Editor, follow the given example.


This property will appear on property pane when the Page Header or the Page Footer is selected.   Set this property to control appearance of the Page header or Page footer section.

This property will be effective on the Page Header or Page Footer whichever is selected while setting value of this property.



All Pages

Selected section will appear on all the pages.

All Pages, not with RH

Selected section will appear on all the pages, but not on page having the Report Header.

All Pages, not with RF

Selected section will appear on all the pages, but not on page having the Report Footer.

All Pages, not with RH, not with RF

Selected section will appear on all the pages, but not on page having the Report Header and not on the page having Report Footer.


This property will be available when a picture control is placed on the report (and is selected).  This property sets the picture that will be placed on the report at run time.  The image types that you can use are:

  • bmp

  • ico

  • jpg

  • cur

  • gif

  • wmf

If the image you have selected is larger than the placeholder the image will be auto-cropped equally from all the sides.  If it is smaller than the placeholder, Intellicus will add equal amount of empty space on all the sides around the image.


This option will be available if you select a picture from the layout pane.

0-Top Left             1–Top Right         2-Center               3-Bottom Left       4-Bottom Right

Figure 29: Picture Alignment



0-Top Left

To align the picture to the top left corner of the image control area.

1-Top Right

To align the picture to the top right corner of the image control area.


To align the picture in the center of the image control area.

3-Bottom Left

To align the picture to the bottom left corner of the image control area.

4-Bottom Right

To align the picture to the bottom right corner of the image control area.


This option will be available if you select a shape control.  The value set for the property will decide shape of the control.




This will give a rectangular shape to the selected object.


This will give an elliptical or circular shape to the selected object.

2-Round Rectangle

This will make the selected rectangle’s edges rounded.

Figure 30: Shapes

Style in Barcode

It determines the style of the barcode.

Figure 31: Style in Barcode

The styles that Intellicus supports are:

  • CODE128 (Default)

  • CODE128_RAW

  • CODE128_UCC

  • EAN13

  • EAN8

  • UPCA

  • UPCE

  • Interleaved2Of5

  • Planet

  • PostnetZIP

  • PostnetZIP4

  • PostnetZIP4DP

  • 3Of9

  • 3Of9X

  • Codabar

  • PDF417

  • Datamatrix

  • SUPP5

NOTE: There are certain requirements with some of the styles.  It is suggested that report designers should know the styles that they are using in the report.


The EAN13 style requires a minimum of 13 characters in data field.

The EAN8 style requires a minimum of 8 characters in data field.

The EAN13 style requires numeric value in data field.  It won’t work if barcode is set on String value.

Summary Function

This option will be available if you select a field control from the layout pane.  It sets the type of the summary function used to process the selected field’s values. You can use this function to create sub totals, grand totals, and other summary values.

Figure 32: Summary Function




This will calculate the total of all values within the specified summary region (group, page report).


This will calculate the average of all values within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the count of all values within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the minimum of all values within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the maximum of all values within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the variance of all values within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the population variance of all values within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the standard deviation of all values within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the population standard deviation of all values within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the total based on the distinct values of another field within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the average based on the distinct values of another field within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the distinct count based on the distinct values of another field within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the variance based on the distinct values of another field within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the population distinct variance based on the distinct values of another field within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the standard deviation based on the distinct values of another field within the specified summary region (group, page or report).


This will calculate the population standard deviation based on the distinct values of another field within the specified summary region (group, page or report).

Summary Group

You can apply page numbers at group level.  Select the group on which the page numbers are to be applied.

Select SummaryRunning as RunGroup at ‘n’ Page numbering.  Select SummaryRunning as None ‘m’ Page numbering to get the page count for each group.

Figure 33: Summary Group

Summary Running

This option will be available if you select a field control from the layout pane.  It determines whether the summarization will be accumulated or reset for each level (detail-, group- or page).

Figure 34: Summary Running

Setting this property as ‘1-RunGroup’ or ‘2-All’ will make Intellicus Studio print a running summary of the field at the group or report level.



0 – None

To calculate a running summary.

1 – RunGroup

This will calculate a running summary. Each value is the sum of the current value and all preceding values (within a same group).


This will calculate a running summary for all values.

Note: When using the summary functions with a field, the ‘CanGrow’ and ‘CanShrink’ properties are disabled for the field.

Summary Type

This property will appear in the property pane if a field control is selected from the layout pane.  It specifies the level at which the summarization can be used on the fields.

Figure 35: Summary Types

If the summarized field is placed ahead of its summary level (Placing a page total in the page header or a report grand total in the report header), the containing section and the following sections will not be printed until the summary value is resolved / calculated. While using the summary functions on a field, the ‘CanGrow’ and ‘CanShrink’ properties are disabled for the selected field.


This property is available for a field control.  This sets the distance of the control from the top edge of the report page.  The unit of measure is pixels.

Top in Barcode

This property is available for a field control.  This sets the distance of the control from the top edge of the report page.  The unit of measure is pixels.

Figure 36: ‘Top’ Property


This property defines if the control would appear at run time or not.




The control would appear at run time.


The control would not appear at run time.

Visible in Barcode

This property defines if the Barcode would appear at run time or not.




The control would appear at run time.


The control would not appear at run time.

Figure 37: Barcode needs to be Visible or not


This property is available for a field control.  This sets the width (left to right) of the control.  The unit of measure is pixels.

Width in Barcode

This property is available for a field control.  This sets the width (left to right) of the control.  The unit of measure is pixels.

Figure 38: Width of Barcode


This option will be available in the properties pane when you select the ‘Main Report’ option from the Report Explorer window. It defines the products version and build number.


This property will appear in the property pane when you select the ‘Main Report’ option from the Report Explorer window.  It adds a specified image to the report’s background. The ‘watermark’ image can be positioned, sized, aligned and placed on specified pages by using the other watermark properties.

When you select this property in the property pane, Open dialog box will appear for you to choose and select the file to be used as watermark.

Note: .jpg and .gif image type can be used with Watermark.  After setting an image, if you do not want the image to appear, change the value of property WaterMarkPrintOnPages to zero.

WaterMark Alignment

This property will appear in the properties list when you select the ‘Main Report’ option from the Report Explorer window. It defines the watermark’s general vertical and horizontal positions when it is added to the ‘Canvas’.

Figure 39: Watermark Alignment




To align the watermark to the top left margin of the page.


To align the watermark to the top right margin of the page.


To align the watermark in the center of the page.


To align the watermark to the bottom left margin of the page.


To align the watermark to the bottom right margin of the page.


This property will appear in the properties pane when you select the ‘Main Report’ option from the Report Explorer window.  Specify the number of pages on which watermark should be printed.


This property will appear in the properties pane when you select a section header of footer.  Value selected for this property will determine if background color will be available or not when report is exported in Excel.




To display background color when report is exported in Excel.


To hide background color when report is exported in Excel.


Set value for this property if this report will be exported to MS Excel format.  Value set in this property decides the column in which selected control will be rendered.

Figure 40: XL Column

The exact column will be calculated based on location of the control in the section and values set in XLCellHeight and XLCellWidth properties.


Set value for this property if this report will be exported to MS Excel format.  Value set in this property decides the number of cells to be kept blank before rendering the next control on its right.

Figure 41:XLColumnSpan

Figure 42:ColumnSpan set to 3

For example, value in column A is long and may extend 5 columns, set this property to 5.  This will ensure that value of the next field is placed in column F.  If the data is smaller in width and does not expand all the columns, format is copied in all the columns.


Set value for this property if this report will be exported to MS Excel format.  The value set in this property will decide relative row number in which the control should be placed.  It actually works like previous row count plus the value set here.

Figure 43: XLRow

The exact row number will be calculated based on location of the control in the section and values set in  XLCellHeight and XLCellWidth properties.

Note: To decide the actual row in which this control will be placed, Intellicus adds the value of XLRow in the row number in which control of the previous record was placed.   For example, for a control placed in detail section, if last record was placed in row 5, XLRow = 1 will make sure next record is placed in row 6, that is, (5 + 1).


Set value for this property if this report will be exported to MS Excel format.  It is used to define number of rows to be kept blank below the cell.  Format is copied in all the columns.

The exact count of row will be calculated based on location of the control in the section and value of XLCellHeight and XLCellWidth properties.

Figure 44: XMLRowSpan

Figure 45: RowSpan set to 2

For example, after cell A1, to keep cells A2 and A3 empty, set XLRowSpan to 3.  This will ensure that value of the next record is placed in row A4.


Set value for this property if this report will be exported to XML format.  Use this property to specify the tag-name for selected control.  This tag name will be used when this report is exported in XML.

Figure 46: XMLTagName

If by default the property is kept blank.  In this case, field name is used as tag name.


Set value for this property if this report will be exported to XML format.  Value set in this property decides if the control should be included in XML output or not.

  • EXCLUDE: To exclude this control from XML Output.

  • ELEMENT: To include this control as an element of XML.

  • ATTRIBUTE: To include this control as an attribute of XML.

Figure 47: XML Type

By default the property does not have any value.  In this case, the value is considered as element.


Set value for this property if this report will be exported to XML format. Value set in this property decides if the control should be included in XML output or not.  Leave this as TRUE if data for this field may contain character(s) that violets XML Specifications.  When it is set to TRUE, data is placed in CDATA.

Note: This property can be used only if XMLType is ELEMENT.


This property will appear in the properties list if you a section (except page header/ footer) from the layout pane.

It determines whether the section height will expand, if any of its contained controls grow beyond its area.




The section contents will not be clipped to the height of the section.


The section contents will be clipped to the height of the section.

Note: This property does not apply to PageHeader and PageFooter sections.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:

rpt.sections(“Detail”).controls(“txtName”).canGrow = true;


This property will be available in the Properties list if you select any section (except page header/footer) from the layout pane. It determines whether the section height will be adjusted to fit its contents.




The section will shrink beyond the minimum value defined by its Height property.


The section will not shrink beyond the minimum value defined by its Height property.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:

rpt.sections(“Detail”).controls(“txtName”).canShrink = false;

Note: This property does not apply to PageHeader and PageFooter sections.


This option will be available in the properties list only when the details section is selected. It defines the number of columns in the report. This property can be used to print labels, or phonebook style listings. The width of each column equals the ‘PrintWidth’ of the report divided by the number of columns.

You can use the ‘ColumnLayout’ property to force associated group headers and footers to follow the same column format as their detail section.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:

rpt.sections(“Detail”).columnCount = 3 ;

rpt.sections(“Detail”).columnDirection = 1;

Column Layout

This property will appear in the properties list if the group header/ footer section is selected.  It determines whether a group header section should use the same column layout as of its detail section.




The number of columns in a detail section will be reflected in the associated group headers and footers.


The number of columns in a detail section will not be reflected in the associated group headers and footers.

Note: This property applies to group header and group footer sections only.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:

rpt.sections(“GHLocation”).columnLayout= false

Column Spacing

This option will be available in the Properties list if you select the detail section only. It defines the space between columns (in twips) in a multicolumn report.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:


This option will be available in the Properties list if you select any section from the layout pane. It defines the section’s height in twips.

Important: A section’s height can only be changed using the ‘Format’ event, the ‘ReportStart’ event, or before the report is run.

Changing the height will not automatically reposition the controls inside the section.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:

rpt.sections(“Detail”).height = 2*1440

Keep Together

This option will be available in the properties pane if you select any section (except page header/ footer) from the layout pane. It determines whether a whole section should print on the same page.




The section will print on the same page without any page breaks.


The section will split across two or more pages.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:

rpt.sections (“Detail”).keepTogether = false;


You can utilize this option only through the Script Editor. It sets or returns the unique identifying name of the section.

New Column

This property will appear in properties list if detail section is selected from layout pane.

This property determines whether Intellicus Studio should insert a column-break before and/ or after printing the section.

Note: This property does not apply to report header, report footer, page header, and page footer sections.




No page-break before the section.


Start printing the section on a new page.


Start a new page after printing the section.

3-Before and After

Page-break before and after a section.  Start printing the section on a new page and start a new page after printing it.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:

Object: Detail            Event: OnFormat


Section :  Report Level

event : OnDataInitialize

function OnDataInitialize()



rpt.fields(“rNumber”).value = 0 ;



Section : Detail

event ” OnFormat();

function onFormat()


rpt.fields(“rNumber”).value = parseInt(rpt.fields(“rNumber”).value) + 1 ;

if ( rpt.fields(“rNumber”).value == 6)


rpt.section(“Detail”).newColumn = 2

rpt.fields(“rNumber”).value = 0 ;




rpt.section(“Detail”).newColumn = 0 ;



New Page

This property will appear on properties list if you the details section from the layout pane. It determines whether Intellicus Studio should insert a page-break before and/ or after printing the section.

Note: This property does not apply to page header or page footer sections.




No page-break before the section.


Start printing the section on a new page.


Start a new page after printing the section.

3-Before and After

Start printing the section on a new page and start a new page after printing it.

Object : Repot           event : OnDataInitialize

function OnDataInitialize()







Object : Detail           event : OnFormat



function OnFormat()


rpt.Fields(“Pre_Val”).value =   parseInt(rpt.Fields(“Pre_Val”).value) + 1 ;

if ( parseInt(rpt.Fields(“Pre_Val”).value) == 6 )


rpt.Sections(“Detail”).newPage = 2;

rpt.Fields(“Pre_Val”).value = 0 ;




rpt.Sections(“Detail”).newPage = 0 ;




You can utilize this option from the Script Editor only. It determines if the group footer or report footer be printed at the bottom of the page. If ‘PrintAtBottom’ is set to ‘True’ and the report will have page footer, and the group footer or report footer will be printed above it.

Warning: Setting more than one section to print at the bottom will cause the subsequent footer sections to be printed on separate pages.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:

Object: GroupFooter1           Event: OnFormat


rpt.sections(“groupFooter1”).printAtBottom = true;


Visible property determines whether the section is to be printed or not.




The section will be printed.


The section will not be printed.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:

if (rpt.sections(“Detail”).controls(“txtAccount”).dataValue == null )


rpt.sections(“Detail”).visible = false



This property is applicable when a report is going to be exported in MS Excel.  When value for XLColumn and XLRow is not set, value set in this property decides height of cell.


This property is applicable when a report is going to be exported in MS Excel.  When value for XLColumn and XLRow is not set, value set in this property decides width of cell.


This property is applicable when a report is going to be exported in MS Excel.




Background will be applied in MS Excel output.


Background will not be applied in MS Excel output.


Sets or Returns the name of the field. It should be unique within the collection, and is used as a key of the field in the collection.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:

function OndataInitialize()





Sets or returns a user defined value associated with the field object.


Sets or returns the current value of the field object.

To perform the same using the Script Editor, type the following code:

function OnFetchData(eof)


rpt.Fields.(“Amount”).value = parseInt(rpt.Fields(“Qty”).value * rpt.Fields(“Price”).value);



Page Header is rendered before the Report Header.  Using the RenderInSection property you can now mention the placement of Fields, labels, Line, image or shape.

RenderInSection (Caption Header)

The Fields, labels, Line, image or shape shall be rendered along with Caption Header.

RenderInSection  (Page Header)

The Fields, labels, Line, image or shape shall be rendered along with Page Header.

Ranking Field

This property is available on Group Header.

Set Ranking Field when for a grouped report, if you want to set order of appearance of groups based on total of a group.  For example, groups are required to be in descending order of “Total Sales” for the group.  If “Total Sales” of “East Region” is 1000 units and “Total Sales” of “West Region” is 1900 units, then, “West Region” group detail will appear before “East Region” group details.

Ranking Field is the one based on which ranking will be decided.  In above example, “Sales” would be the ranking field.

Ranking Function

This property is available on Group Header.

This is the function applied to calculate value in the field set in Ranking Field.

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