Kyvos Reporting Tasks

Kyvos Reporting Tasks

A task is made up of name of the report to be executed and details of its delivery options.

A task is created and stored in Intellicus repository and selected during setting up a job.

Task is created to Add Task page. Created tasks are listed on Tasks page.

To open Tasks page, select Task List from Jobs page.

Figure 5: Tasks list page

This page displays list of tasks.  Also use this page to create, modify or delete a task as well as navigate to the page that lists Schedules and Jobs.

The page is designed to list up to 4000 tasks.  By default, it displays first 500 tasks.  In Show, you can select a value among 100, 500, 1000 and 4000.

You can filter the tasks to hide unwanted tasks from the list.

The Filters area

When the page opens, Filter tab remains collapsed. Click filter button or any of the option on the filter pane to expand it. The pane also displays current filter settings.  Tasks can be filtered by Report Name and Owner.  You can specify one or both the criteria to filter the list.

Figure 6: Filter area of Tasks page

In Task Name Contains, specify a few characters that the tasks you are searching contain.  For example, if you specify “2019”, all the tasks whose name contains “2019” will be listed.

In Report Name, specify the report to list the tasks that will execute the specified report.  Reports are deployed in a folder.  Click  to open object selector to select the report.

In Select Owner, specify Organization and User’s name who owns the task.

By default, a super administrator can list all self-owned tasks and public tasks created by others.

In Private Owned By, select None to not view any private tasks, select Selected User to view selected user’s private tasks, select Selected Org to view private tasks of users belonging to the selected organization (in Select Owner) and All to view private tasks owned by all the users.

In Public Owned By, select None to not view any public tasks, select Selected User to view selected user’s public tasks, select Selected Org to view public tasks of users belonging to the selected organization (in Select Owner) and All to view public tasks owned by all the users.

Filtering the list

Select / specify filter criteria and click Apply button. Tasks that meet specified filter criteria will be listed.

The Result area

Tasks meeting the filter criteria are listed in Result area. Use buttons on the pagination toolbar to navigate to list tasks that are on other pages.

For each task, Task Name and its Owner are listed.

Figure 7: Results area of task page


Operations on selected Task

Click anywhere on the task row to open and modify the task details.  When you click the horizontal ellipsis button  in the task row, menu opens.

Figure 8: Menu options

On the menu, click Add Like option to create a task having all or most of the details same as the selected task.  When you click this option, Tasks page opens having the details filled in like that of the selected task.  To add a new task, change Name and other information.  This way, you not only reduce chances of entry errors, but also save time in adding the task.

To modify the selected task, click Modify option from the menu.  Details of the selected task will be opened on Task Details where you can make changes and save the modified task.

To delete the task, click Delete option from the menu.

Note: You cannot delete a task that is associated with a job.

Click Associated Job List option to view jobs with which this task is attached.

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