Creating Schedules

Creating Schedules

Creating a schedule using Schedule Job screen

This screen appears when you click Schedule (and there is no schedule setup) on the report.

Figure 17: Scheduling a job using Quick Schedule feature

Provide the following information:

Job Details

Report Name: Selected report for the job appears. You may choose a different report from under the folder to further perform schedule operations.
Name: Specify a unique name for the job.  Application automatically sets unique name in format: Job type_report name_for_User.  For example: Monthly_All Country Sales_for_Admin.

Note: Once you have modified the name, system will not change it on its own.

Delete on Completion: If selected, job will be deleted after execution for Run Now and Once.  For Recurring, it will be deleted if further execution is not scheduled after last execution.

  • If you want to run this report only once as per set delivery options, select option Once and provide date and time.

  • Select the Time Zone as per which the time will be entered on this page.  For example, if you select GMT, schedule job will be executed at specified time as per GMT.  If time zone is not selected, job will be executed as per report server’s time zone.

  • Select Recurring if you want to run this report more than once.  When you select Recurring you need to specify following information.

Figure 18: Making Recurring (monthly) schedule

  • Schedule Starts at: Specify the date on which recurrence of schedule should be started.

  • Schedule ends at: Specify the last day of execution of schedule.

  • Frequency: Select Daily, Weekly or Monthly based on the way you want to set recurrence frequency.

  • Skip delivery on no data: If selected, report will be delivered to selected delivery options only if the report has any data. Otherwise schedule will be skipped.
    Skip delivery on no data: If selected, report will be delivered to selected delivery options only if the report has any data.  Otherwise schedule will be skipped.

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