Setting Portal Preferences

Setting Portal Preferences

You can set portal preferences by specifying respective values in fields given in Portal Preferences area.

Figure 4: Portal Preferences

Below are the preferences fields that can be specified under Portal Preferences:

  • Default Locale: Select the locale to be applied when you login. Formatting of information like date, time and portal language depends on selected locale.

  • Default Time Zone: Select the time zone from where you will login. Before starting the report generation, the application will convert date / time field in the time zone selected here. To continue using browser time zone (time zone as per your machine), as your default time zone, check Use My Browser Time Zone. Default time zone set here will be used when user has not specified time zone at the time of login.

  • Default Portal Theme: Select the theme that the portal should apply when you login. You can choose between Default, Dark, or Marigold.

  • Default Print Option: Select the option upon Print operation for the selected report in PDF Reader. ‘View PDF’ would open the PDF in a separate tab while ‘Download PDF’ option would download the PDF onto your local system. You can then choose to print the PDF.

  • Default Report Format: Set the format in which the report should be presented like HTML, ACROBAT PDF, COMMA SEPARATED etc.

  • Default Ad hoc Template: Set the template that should be used when you design an ad hoc report.

  • Recent Report Count: Specify the number of reports you wish to list on My Reports page.

  • Working Folder: Application objects are saved in folders. Number of pages in application require user to navigate to the folder in which an object is available. If you need to access a specific folder frequently, you can set it as your Working Folder. When Working Folder is set on this page, and you try to access folders, working folder set here will get selected. This way you save time to navigate to the folder every time you wish to access that folder.  To set the working folder, (make sure the folder already exist), click forward arrow button. It will open object selector where you can navigate to the desired folder.

  • Entity Types: Select the entity types like Query Object, Analytical Object, Report, etc. that should get selected by default under the Explorer tab.

  • Entity Type Properties: Specify the properties that should appear for the selected Entity Type under the Explorer tab.

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