Creating schedule-based scaling

Creating schedule-based scaling

Applies to: Kyvos Enterprise  Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) Kyvos AWS Marketplace

Kyvos Azure Marketplace   Kyvos GCP Marketplace Kyvos Single Node Installation (Kyvos SNI)


To configure cluster scaling for a specific duration based on expected usage, use the schedule-based scaling option. This allows you to specify the duration at which the cluster runs and at what capacity.

You can view and set schedules for the Kyvos cluster and query engine capacity. 

To efficiently utilize the cluster, you can create a schedule to:  

  • Increase or decrease query engine capacity for any time interval.

  • Configure the days for weekdays or weekends.

  • Change the time format to 12 or 24 hours.

  • Set the cluster status as online and define the query engine capacity, or you can shut down the cluster by selecting the offline mode. 

  • Change the Query Engine cluster state 


You can view on-screen notifications that provide you with timely information about the state of the cluster. 

When you specify a schedule, ensure the following:

  • If you modify the start time or the cluster capacity of the running schedule, the changes apply from the next schedule cycle.

  • If you modify the start time, end time, or capacity of the running schedule, the changes will be applicable from the next schedule. 

  • If you modify the start time or the end time or change the cluster capacity of the past schedule, the changes apply from the next schedule cycle.

Cluster Scaling page to set schedule-based scaling

To set a cluster schedule, perform the following steps.

  1. From the Toolbox, click Setup > Cluster Scaling. The Cluster Scaling page is displayed.

  2. On this page, you can also do the following:

    1. Schedule: Choose this option to create schedule-based scaling. 

    2. View the cluster event legends as follows:

    3. Click the following buttons:

    4. Actions menu: Click the Actions menu (...) to do the following:

      • Creating the default schedule settings of the cluster

      • Subscribing to receive notifications for cluster events. 

      • Viewing audit logs for cluster events. 

    5. Add Schedule: To create a cluster schedule

      1. Revert: To revert your changes

      2. Save: To save your changes

    6. The Cluster Current State information is displayed with the selected capacity. It also displays the number of Query Engines and BI Servers in use for the current schedule. 

      1. Change Cluster state: Use this option to change the cluster state. 

      2. Show/Hide details: Use this option to show or hide the BI Server and query engine state. 

    7. View the cluster schedule entries you have set for weekdays or weekends with specified times and cluster capacity.

      • A red bar in the schedule box indicates the current time of the Kyvos system.

      • View the current schedule time with the selected cluster capacity. 

    8. View the type of Query Engine cluster capacity you can set.

Creating default cluster settings

You can specify the default settings for the query engine cluster as per your requirements. The query engine cluster runs with the selected capacity for the selected duration. 


  • Once forceful scaling is complete, the cluster returns to its previous state. In other words, i f the Change Cluster State schedule ends in the middle of the user-defined schedule, the query engines will run at the capacity set by the user. 

  • If you change the default query engine cluster capacity, it is implemented from the next default schedule. 

  • The cluster running with the default settings is always in the online state.

  • The cluster will not run with the default capacity if the difference between the end time of the current schedule and the upcoming schedule is 30 minutes or less.

  • If the difference between the end time of the current schedule and the upcoming schedule is more than 30 minutes, then the cluster will run using the default settings.

On the Cluster Scaling page, you can view what times the cluster is running and at which capacity.

To set the default settings, perform the following steps. 

  1. Click the Actions menu  () in the upper right corner of a cluster scaling page, and then click Settings.

    The Settings dialog box is displayed. 

  2. From here, you can: 

    • Set the days for weekends and weekdays. For example, you may want to include Saturday in Weekday and define only Sunday as the weekend.

    • Change the time format to 12 or 24 hours.

    • Set the default capacity at which the query engines would run when no schedule is applied. 

  3. If you have made changes, click Save. The schedule entry is displayed in the schedule box. 

Adding a schedule 

You can create an explicit schedule based on your cluster requirements. 

To add a new schedule, perform the following steps. 

  1. From the Toolbox, click Setup, and then Cluster Scaling.

  2. Add a schedule by using one of the following methods:

    1. Right-click a time in the schedule and click Add Schedule.

    2. Click Add Schedule at the top right of the page.

    3. To create a schedule, point the mouse pointer to the starting time and drag the mouse pointer to the end time.
      The Add Schedule dialog box is displayed

  3. Every cluster capacity option is associated with a title. The associated title is displayed in the Title box when you select a required capacity option.
    For example, if you choose the capacity option as Full, the title associated with the Full cluster capacity option is displayed in the Title box. You can use the default title or change the title for that schedule as needed. 

  4. Select which days the event occurs and specify the time.

  5. Select whether the service should remain online or offline.
    For example, you may want the service to be offline on the weekends at certain times.

  6. Click to select a query engine capacity. 

  7. Click Add.
    The Schedule entry is displayed in the schedule.  

Editing a schedule 

To edit an existing schedule, perform the following steps. 

  1. From the Toolbox, click Setup, and then click Cluster Scaling.

  2. Right-click a schedule entry in the schedule, and then click Edit.  

  3. Make changes as needed and click Save.

A message is displayed when users try to sign in before a cluster goes down according to its schedule. If they are currently using the system, they will see a message that the server is scheduled to be down in 10 minutes, and after that, no requests will be served. Users are prompted to wait and retry the request later when the cluster is down. 

Changing cluster state 

You can create a schedule to change the Query Engine state at any point in time by setting the Query Engine capacity for a specific date and time. This change comes into effect immediately and overrides any existing schedules or rules. 

When you change the cluster state, ensure the following: 

  • If the 'Change cluster schedule' task is completed and no schedule is defined, the cluster will run using the default cluster settings. 

  • If an upcoming schedule has been defined and its start time is less than 30 minutes away, the 'Change Cluster Schedule' task will be extended until it reaches the start time of the upcoming schedule.

  • If the difference between the end time of the current schedule and the upcoming schedule is more than 30 minutes, then the cluster will run using the default settings.


  • When you change the cluster state, the system enters a transition phase from one schedule to another. During this phase, you cannot modify the Query Engine capacity.

  • Once the transition phase is complete, you can change the Query Engine cluster capacity as needed. 

To change the cluster state, perform the following steps. 

  1. Click the Change Cluster State link available in the Cluster Current State section. 
    The Change Cluster State dialog is displayed. 

  2. Every cluster capacity option is associated with a title. The associated title is displayed in the Title box when you select a required capacity option.
    For example, if you choose the capacity option as Full, the title associated with the Full cluster capacity option is displayed in the Title box. You can use the default title or change the title for that schedule as needed. 

  3. Select the date and time when you want to change the cluster state. 

  4. Select whether the service should remain online or offline.

  5. Click to select a query engine capacity. 

  6. Click Change Now.
    The Schedule entry is displayed in the schedule.  

Subscribe to notifications

Click the Actions menu (...) located in the upper right corner of a cluster scaling page, and then click Subscribe Cluster Events to subscribe to receive notifications for cluster events, such as when the cluster shuts down as per schedule, entity modifications, or license expiring soon.

You can set up notifications and subscriptions as needed.


If you subscribe to the Notify if the cluster shuts down as per schedule, you will receive an email detailing how to manually restart the cluster if needed.

View cluster audit logs

Click the Actions menu (...) located in the upper right corner of a cluster scaling page, and then click View Audit Logs  to view audit logs for cluster scaling events. This opens the Monitor page and displays all the events that have occurred on your cluster, along with the details. You can view details about default and user-created schedules and download logs of any cluster scaling event. 

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