Rollback of Kyvos Manager
Important points to know
From Kyvos 2024.2 onwards, If Kyvos Reporting Service is deployed and you want to roll back the Kyvos Manager release earlier to 2024.2, then before performing Kyvos Manager rollback, you must remove Kyvos Reporting Service.
Logs of Kyvos Manager Tomcat Server will be generated in the kyvosmanagerdata/server/tomcatLogs path. If you rollback Kyvos Manager to an older version, logs will be generated inside the kyvosmanager_war/kyvosmanager/logs/ folder of the Kyvos Manager on which the rollback was performed.
In case of a Rollback, the previous state of Kyvos Manager is restored. In case you made any changes that you need in the previous state, you need to perform them again.
To roll back to a previous version, perform the following steps.
Create a backup for the Kyvos Manager data, perform the following steps.
Log in to the Kyvos Manager machine through the terminal.
Navigate to the Kyvos Manager installation path.
Stop the Kyvos Manager process using the command:
./kyvosmanager_war/kyvosmanager/bin/stop-km.shIdentify the location for the used kyvosmanagerdata folder. For this, check the value of KM_DATA_DIR in the set file in the bin folder.
This folder contains the Kyvos Manager data, including the repository.Go to the parent folder of the kyvosmanagerdata folder and run the command.
tar -zcvf file_name.tar.gz kyvosmanagerdata
Here file_name is the user backup file name for the Kyvos Manager.Copy the backup file to the local machine.
Rename your current repo folder at the kyvosmanagerdata/server location, such as repo_<current version number>. For example, you can rename it repo_2022.1
Locate the version to which you want to roll back (for example, 2021.1), and rename its repo folder (such as repo_2021.1) to repo.
Locate the build folder of the Kyvos Manager version to which you want to roll back (for example, 2021.1), and verify the correct value of KM_DATA_DIR in the set file in the bin folder.
Start the required version of Kyvos Manager using the command:
If your cluster node password was updated or the encryption algorithm changed using Kyvos Manager 2021.2 onwards, then on rollback of Kyvos Manager to any build previous to version 2021.2, you need to reconfigure the c luster node password.
Kyvos Manager Rollback to previous releases not supporting Flexible Server
Kyvos Manager rollback to earlier releases (prior to the Kyvos 2023.5 releases that are not supporting Flexible server) when Kyvos Manager using external repository.
It could be:
Kyvos Manager rollback to a release supporting Bundled Postgres: To migrate from external repository to bundled Postgres, see the Configuring for Kyvos Manager | External Repository to Bundles Postgres section.
Kyvos Manager rollback to a release supporting Azure Single Server: To migrate from Flexible Server to Single Server, see the Configuring for Kyvos Manager | Flexible Server to Single Server section.
Post-rollback steps
If you have rolled back from 2022.1 or above, and you updated the password or encryption algorithm (feature introduced in version 2022.1), then you need to reconfigure the c luster node password on to the previous Kyvos Manager release.
If rollback is done to a version before Kyvos 2021.3, then the AWS functions will not be rolled back. You need to manually perform the rollback for these.
Manual steps required to roll back to the previous version:
Go to Lambda.
Click on the Function in which you want to update the lambda JAR.
Go to Code source.
Upload kyvoslambda.jar, available at your S3 location for the installation folder. Alternatively, provide the path of the JAR file, such as s3://us-east-1.kyvos/2021.2/latest/
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