Managing Roles

Managing Roles

The Kyvos Manager application now supports creating roles or assigning role privileges. Administrator users can create new roles and assign privileges to them.

The following are the predefined roles:

  • Administrator

  • Integration

  • Maintainer

  • Auditor

As an Admin, you can do the following:

  • Creating new roles in the system with predefined privileges for it. 

  • Assigning roles (either predefined or custom) to users. 

  • Changing privileges associated with predefined roles of Maintainer and Integration. 

  • Managing users and roles

  • Deleting custom and Integration roles.

  • Duplicating roles, changing their privileges, and assigning them to other users and groups if necessary.  

Important points

  • The privileges and names of the ‘Administrator’ and ‘Auditor’ roles cannot be changed.

  • The privileges of the ‘Integration’ role can be changed.

  • The privileges and name of the ‘Maintainer’ can be changed.

  • The predefined roles, such as Administrator, Auditor, and integration, cannot be deleted.

  • Administrators can view cluster deployment, cluster creation and deletion logs, and environment validation pages. 

  • The privileges are grouped. You can also ungroup them by changing to a flat view.

Creating a new custom role

To create a new custom role, perform the following steps.

  1. On the navigation pane, click Kyvos Manager Settings > Roles.

  2. On the Roles page, click the plus icon.

  3. Enter the role of the user.

  4. Enter a description for that role.

  5. Select the privileges that you want to assign to that role.

  6. Click Save. The role is created and displayed on the Roles page.




Select the Actions menu () on the right and choose Change to Flat view. If you switch from the grouped view to the flat view, you cannot revert to the grouped view.

Deleting a role

You can delete a created role anytime. To do so, go to the Roles page, right-click the role, and then click Delete.


Duplicating a role

An Admin can duplicate roles, change their privileges, and assign them to other users and groups if necessary. To duplicate a role, on the Roles page, right-click the role and click Duplicate.

When you duplicate a role for the first time, it is named "<name of the role> copy 1." Duplicating the role again results in "<name of the role> copy 1 copy 1." With each subsequent duplication, the name changes incrementally to "<name of the role> copy 1 copy 2, copy 3, copy 4, copy 5, and so on, up to 50 times.



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