Folders and Paths

Folders and Paths

XML Data Source Folder

This property sets the directory for XML data source reports. If the specified directory is not found, the report server will not be able to run the report that uses data from the XML file.

Default: ../XMLdata


Temporary Folder

This property sets a folder where temporary files will be stored. If the specified folder is not found, the server will create it. If the server cannot make the folder, all the features needed to create temporary files will not work.

Default: ../temp

Example: TEMP=../temp

Log Folder

This property sets the folder where report server log files will be stored. The log file name is ReportEngine.log. If the specified folder is not found, the server will create a folder with that name.  If the server is not able to create the folder, the command prompt will be used as the logger.

Default: ../logs

Example: LOG=../logs

Font Folder

Specify the folder where font files are stored. Kyvos Reporting supports TTF format of fonts.  If the value is invalid (the font is not found in the folder), the Arial fonts included in the report server will be used.

Default: C: WINDOWSFonts


Report Cache path

This property sets the report cache directory. The rendered reports are cached temporarily for export, etc., and permanently when a report is published. A specific cache file will be deleted when a published report expires or is deleted.

Default: ../RPG

Example: CACHE_PATH=../RPG

Secondary RPG Locations

Locations (relative path/absolute path/network path) where the administrator can move RPG files when the size of the folder specified in the Report cache path increases so that memory and disk and space management become a problem. Use semi-colon as a separator to identify multiple locations.  When a published report is not found at Report Cache Path, Kyvos Reporting will search for it in the paths specified here.

Default: blank


File Data Source Path

This property sets the path for the data source files (CSV, XLS) that can be used for reporting. This path should be accessible from the report server process.

Default:../file source

Example: FILE_DATA_SOURCE_PATH=../filesource

Archive Directory

This is the folder where the report server will automatically archive report snapshot files. Automatic archiving occurs when ARCHIVE FREQUENCY is set.

Default: ../archives

Example:ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY= ../archives

Data Science Model Directory

This is to configure the path to the model directory, which can be used to store trained models of all data science activities.

Default: ../DataScienceModels

Example: DATA_SCIENCE_MODEL_DIRECTORY=../DataScienceModels

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