

Audit Log

Audit logging records report run event with report name, username, time stamp, and a report snapshot for different users.  From the drop-down, select Enable to activate the audit log feature.  Select disable if audit logging is not required.

Default: Disable

Example: AUDIT_LOG=Disable

Audit Log Purge Time (days)

To set the days after which all audit information (log details and RPG files) will be purged (deleted).  Valid values are positive integers.

Default: 30


Audit RPG Purge Time (days)

To set the days after which reports’ RPG files will be deleted.  Valid values are zero and positive integers.  Specify 0 if you don’t want to retain RPG files for audit.

Default: 7



If the Audit Log Purge Time is less than the Audit RPG Purge Time, all audit information will be deleted according to the Audit Log Purge Time.


This property lets you view the report execution statistics, like report run duration, row/column/page count, etc., for a chosen output format. With the help of such statistics, you can decide which report to run directly, run in the background, or run using the schedule option.

When enabled, this property displays the average report execution time, report execution time and report run history.  You can view the average report execution time in Explorer (add the average report execution column by right-clicking the top of the page). This gets updated within 15 minutes of running a report. This gives you an average execution time of any report run any number of times in a specific format till the time displayed there.  You can view the average execution time details of the report while running it or while scheduling it. If you want to see the execution time of every report individually, go to Navigate > Reports > My Reports.

Default: Disable

Example: STATISTICS=Disable

Withhold Purge Till Archive

When enabled, this property postpones the purge process until the next archive process is completed. This ensures that the published reports are not purged before archiving.

Default: Disable


Archive Frequency (days)

This is the interval in days at the end of which the report server will auto-archive published reports. Set a positive integer value.

Default: 30


Published Report Approval Required

This is to enable or disable the workflow process. When the approval process is activated, each published report needs to be approved by a super administrator or user with the required rights before it can be made available for users to view. Setting the value to enable will activate the process.

Default: Enable


Published Reports Visibility

To decide who should be able to view published reports.  Set Global to make the published report visible to all users.  Set Organization to make the published report visible only to the organization to which the user (the one who publishes the report) belongs.

Default: Global


Login Mode

This property sets the login mode. At the time of login, users are expected to specify their user name, password, and organization name. Set login mode to 1 to get a dropdown box with organizations to choose from. Set 2 to get a text box to type in the organization name. If you set 3, the user will not be asked for the organization name. It will be determined based on the user ID.

Default: 1

Example: LOGIN_MODE=1

Extended Input Validation

Extended input validation prevents “SQL Injection” and expands the scope of user input validation. Enabling this property ensures that input is rejected if a user enters invalid character sequences and an error message is prompted.

Default: Disable


Folder Listing Access Check Level

Configure the level to which partial access rights should be checked. This property enables the user to access the folders/sub-folders for which the user has rights (in case this is set to 1). Otherwise, the user can access all folders/sub-folders (in case this is set to 0).

Default: 0


Sign Document

This is to turn on/off the use of digital signatures with Kyvos Reporting documents (report outputs). Under Manage Certificates, the super administrator can browse and upload signature files and enter the Public/Private Key passwords that were provided along with the digital signatures. This can be done at the global, organization, or user level. When the ‘Sign Document’ property is enabled, these signatures will be applied to the documents.

Default: Disable

Example: SIGN_DOCUMENT=Disable

Sign Document Formats

Kyvos Reporting’ Digital Signatures can be applied to the specified document formats separated by a comma.

Default: PDF


Sign Document Operations

Kyvos Reporting Digital Signatures can be applied to documents while ‘View,’ ‘Email,’ ‘Publish,’ ‘Upload’ or ‘Print’ operations are performed. Operations can be specified as a comma-separated list.

Default: ALL


Sign the Document On Page

This specifies whether the signature would appear on the first or last page of the signed document.

Default: LAST


Sign Document Location Corner

This specifies the location where the signature would appear on the signed document. The area can be “Right Top,” “Right Bottom,” “Left Top,” or “Left Bottom.”

Default: left Bottom


Data Encryption

This property helps you safeguard your data by encrypting the files created in temporary folders of Kyvos Reporting. You need to enable this and provide a 16-digit key from ’Manage Keys’ (you may need this key if you restore a backup from this system on another instance of Kyvos Reporting to see older reports).

Default: Disable

Example: DATA_ENCRYPTION=Disable

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