Styling Layout of Counter Charts

Styling Layout of Counter Charts

Designers can set layout and style properties of counter chart at chart level.
On the Chart tab, select Chart Type as “Counter” and click Layout Settings. You can customize position, size and color of measure name, measure value and micro chart. You can also specify the font size of different placeholders. The font size of the element gets automatically adjusted based on parent container size when no font size is set.

‘Show Dimension’ property governs the visibility of dimension member value on chart. You can specify dimension value height in percent and dimension color on the chart. Style properties like font, border, background color can also be specified for the counter chart on ad hoc reports. Font family governs chart title, point labels and tooltips. The Graph Background colors would be applied on counter charts created with multiple Y-axis in the sequence specified.

You can also customize the color palette by specifying hexadecimal color codes in the textbox of color picker.

Immediate preview can be seen for the set Layout Settings under ‘Preview’ section.

Checking “Use Template Settings” option would enable default settings in the ICT file.

Figure 13: Layout Settings of Counter ChartBelow is an example to view average sales amount (counter charts) across products:Figure 14: Styled Counter Chart Report

This feature would also be seen in the chart of exported report.

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